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    Temporal Ambassador: Part 1

    As a small Caitian runabout makes its way through space on its way to planet Risa, for the competition. This year they planned to give away the latest model onf Risian yacht,
    with all of the latest luxurys a civilian could ever want. Aboard this craft, was Admiral Thomas the Caitian. A long time Veteran for Star Fleet. He was a highly decorated and
    well seasoned officer, who took part in countless first contacts and negotiations, exploring and mapping out star systems and engaging in thousands of battles during the Klingon
    wars until present day encounters. Within this period He was given the title of Federation Ambassador for settling just as many disputes as he did engaging in them. But after
    a long and honorable career, he was ready to hang up his rifle and relax into his retirement years. Thomas, was getting old, and he could feel his age coming upon him with each
    day. Planet Risa was a comfortable place to retire to, his donations of artifacts to thier historical museum allowed for him to be given certain leverage for a reservation of one
    of the best Bungalos to stay in until he could contract a permanent residence to be built on the island.

    As his shuttle raced at warp 6 through space, cruising its way to paradise, a security alarm began to warn of danger. Thomas sat up out of his bunk, dropping his book and making
    his way to the cockpit. “Report?” he inquired to his helmsman. The young Vulcan looked up at him puzzled, ” sir, It seems to be some sort of Tetryon emanation, I am unclear as
    to the point of its origin.” “Do a full sensor weep lad, there should not be a tetryon disturbance in this sector.” “I am on it sir.” Thomas waits in a thinking posture, as he
    paciently aways the Vulcans findings. “Sir, I can’t lock onto a direct point, it seems to be all around us, I will not be able to get a precise sensor reading.” “Hmm,
    this craft isn’t designed for extensive scientific use, my sensors systems just weren’t built for research, normally I would modify a probe if I where still aboard my
    starship.” Thomas paces for a moment, then looks back at the young Vulcan, “continue on our heading to RIsa, we can have someone look over our readings when we arrive.” “Aye sir,
    continuing on our coarse to Risa.” Thomas eases himself into one of the seats, and shuts off the alert status. “I will watch the Con for now, go get something to eat lad.”
    “Thank ou sir.” The Vulcan walks from the room stopping for a moment with a strange stride, then continues. As time passes along thier journey, the alert come up once more, and
    overloads one of the lower sensor arrays near thier main power core. “Structural integrity compromised, life support failing, hull breach eminent!” The computers voice warns.
    Quickly, Thomas runs to the equipment loacker while tapping his comm badge, Tr’lye, put on an environmental suit! Quickly LAD!” Thomas rushes to pull on his suit, “computer
    depressurise the ship!” “Depressurising, life support failure…life support is no longer active.” The cold air and radiation slip into Thomas helmet as he locks it on and
    activates the suits environental controls just in time to save his life. But not his consious state, the sudden shock to his system leaves him completely unconsious. Where he drifts in the
    cockpit. His quick thinking also saved the ship from breaking apart, but soon the ships power will be drained and usless.

    Thomas awoke to the light sounds of clicking off in the distance, his awakening still seemed like a dream. He was disorientated and weak. A bright light shined into his face
    and a strange dark shape stood above him, then he realized it was some sort of chatter coming from this creature, but useless information as he could not understand the language. He tried
    to move but was under restraints. When the creature seemed to notice his struggle, he pulled a device over Thomas rendering him unconscious painfully, he begins to yell then fell
    unconscious once more. They experiment on him more, these strange hooded creatures. Without a window of time to measure, it is unclear as to how much time has passed, Thomas
    awakens once more, and as he comes to, he glances around just moving his eyes. He sees the creatures carrying off his helmsman and seem to dump his lifeless body into some
    sort of tear in the fabric of space. “Noo.” he thought to himself, grieving the loss. But he kept his cool, from a lifetime of experience through countless periless and extreme situations and waited
    for the right moment. His surroundings, he thought to himself…he visually scanned the room, he was in a restraint at the far end corner of some sort of chamber, what ever their project is wasn’t
    him for the moment. Scents, he could smell another next to him, it had fur as well and it was breathing steadily. He looked once more towards the creatures, they where huddled
    around a mechanical pillar shaped device busy with their work, so he turned his head to see what scent he had picked up. To his surprise it was a Caitian female in Risian clothing, most likely a
    vacationer…they could be close to Risa, what ever took them seems to be taking people from this area he thought to himself. he looked back at the creatures, suddenly their
    machine shut down and they began to walk over towards Thomas. He closed his eyes to fake being asleep. They began to take him from his bindings and that’s when he sprung into action.
    Cat dropped down slipping from their reptilian grip, tumbled past them then turned with a powerful lunge knocking one of them down. He noticed his rifle on a table and ran for
    it and they pursued. Just as he grabbed the stock, they took hold of him. Cat pivoted around and bashed the stock of his rifle directly into the one creatures head, knocking it down.
    He tumbled past the next two and recovered behind them, aimed and fired two shots dropping both of them. The rest fled out of the room. After taking a moment to browse his environment
    for any more creatures or possible security retaliations, he turned back to the woman and free’d her from the restraints. She fell into his arms barely conscious. “Are you alright?”
    He asked, still trying to hold the moment. Who was she, where was he, who where they…and what was he doing here? He pondered holding her in one arm and his aimed rifle in the other


    Temporal Ambassador: Part 2

    Finding himself in a hostage situation, it wouldnt be long before they came back with force, Thomas had to do something. He browsed the room for anything of use….his combadge! He gently layed the woman on the table, never loosing his alert state of mind and took hold of his comunicator. “Is anyone there, please respond! This is Admiral Thomas, is anyone reading my signal?” He paused for a moment, and sigh downwardly. After reattaching his badge to his jacket, he went over to the woman and checked her pulse. “Madam…madam can you hear me?” he softly asked, giving her a slight nudge to try and revive her. She began to come to, and looked up at him puzzled. “Are you ok?” She slowly sits up looking around, then back at Thomas, “who are you?” she purred. “I am Admiral Thomas, to whoom do I speak?” “I am Lt. M’ress, are you of Star Fleet, Admiral?” “That I am, where are we? and who..what are those creatures?” M’ress slides off the table to her feet, placing a hand on her forehead as if she was still affected by her sedatives.”I’m unsure sir, I can bairly make out thier dialect, but they seem to be searching for something.” Thomas ponders for a moment, massaging the fur on his chin, then looks back at her. “What significants could we possibly have to thier needs?” “I am unsure Admiral, they never would talk to me, they just keep sedating me and the others…” She begins to weep bitterly into her hands. “I’ve been here so long, I want to go home!” Thomas, takes hold of her in comforting embrace, wondering whats going on, “Easy, calm yourself.” He allows for her to finish then sits her down, ” listen to me, we will get out of this, but i need you to remember everything you can. Start with who else was here and when you arrived?” Suddenly the doors opened back up and a floating drone enters the room emitting some sort of fog. M’ress gasps, but Thomas takes her hand and begins to run to the far side of the room, firing at the object. As he reaches one of the tables he kicks it over and pulls M’ress down into the cover, then takes aim for another shot. “Stay down, i will try to clear us a path!” More of the creatures piled into the room, firing strange cresent shaped energy projectiles that would spark off the wall and his cover in a brilliant burst of energy disipation. Knowing they would soon over run them, Thomas leaped in the air and knocked one of them down, then followed through with a sharp strike to its face, knocking it unconsious. One grabbed him from behind, and pulled him back making him loose his footing. he looked up to see a metalic appendage about to be thrust into him, the sudden adrenaline surge of fear allowed him to kick upward at the creature knocking him away. Thomas then spun around back to his feet and aimed for another shot but was suddenly frozen in place by some sort of energy stasis field. The aliens walked over to him, and restrained him. One bearing wires and hoses, seeming to have several chemicals about his kit, it takes a needled device and went to inject Thomas when suddenly, the room shook, knocking everyone off thier feet. The sudden jolt broke Thmas free from his energy bindings, he shook it off and grabbed his rifle once more opening fire at the creatures, leaving them in disarray. He then called out to M’ress. “come child, take my hand!” M’ress sprung from her cover and ran from the room led by Thomas’s hand. The sudden treamors kept knocking them frrm thier stride, “someones attacking us, this is torpedo fire! We have to find a way out!” This way she pointed, Thomas quickly flashed a gaze twords that direction and seen a few doors with strage alien shapes and monograms. “Can you read those?” he asked in desperation. ” I am able to understand some of it, this symbol would light up in the room when ever they would take someone from a ship.” M’ress inspected the console for a moment, both trying to keep thier balance as they violently where shaken from thier feet with each impact. suddenly the door to thier left opened and armored tholians emerged, running down the hall. Thomas swung his arm about pressing M’ress to the wall as they both remained still and let them go by. They could hear energy weapon discharges further down in the corridor. After they where all out for sight, Thomas grabbed her hand and led her into the opened doorway to see a half destroyed shuttlebay. The entrance was blocked and it appeared none of the shuttles worked, the views from the breech showed them plummitiing twords a planets surface. M’ress screamed. “What are we going to do?!!” She cried. With a quick overview of the area, he noticed the Tholians infiltraition pod, only one Tholian was guarding it. “Theres our escape, come with me…HURRY!” They rushed to the pod, the Tholian noticed them and opened fire. One handed, Thomas fired his rifle at the alien and cut him down with several shots wounding the creature. he pulled his companion into the pod, and swung around aiming his rifle again to check for anymore hostiles. He then sealed the pods hatch. “Admiral, im unfamiliar with these controls.” he walked over and handed her the rifle, I know this, i’ve encountered this species before. Thomas uses the console to scan the shuttle bay and check the systems, “blast! it seems the shuttlebay is too damaged to launch from, we are trapped in here!” “Oh no!” She pointed to the view, any second they would impact. With quick thinking, Thomas activated a side by side transport to the surface beaming them both to the planet below just as the ship impacted and exploded.

    They both materialised 15 feet in the air, the fireball from the crash was dieing down just as they began to desend. The ship hadent fully crumbled yet, he grabbed M’ress around the waist and then grabbed one of the severed flailing coduits from the crumbling ship and swung them both to a pile of pushed up soil. Just then a large paneling fell over the top of them, caught by a cluster of severed bulkheads. Thomas exhailed in relief laying back for a moment to gather himself and catch his breath. He then looked over at M’ress who was gasping for breath from being in shock. ” Are you ok?” He asked. She cringed for a moment then grabbed hold of him in comfort. “We made it, it will be alright now.” Thomas noticed a strange device in M’ress’s hand. “What is this?” he asked. She looked up at him, then the object, “I found this on one of the tables in the lab. I kept it, as i figured it would be a clue for us to dicover who those creatures where.” Thomas smiled, “good work Lt.” After a few minutes, then began to try to unburry themselves from the wreckage, the smoke and fire where nausiating. They where also both roughed up badly, covered in scrapes and bruises. They noticed a figure coming from the smoke to confront them, “you there, i would have a word with you!” He called out. Thomas and M’ress looked at one another in confusion. Thomas stepped forward for a greeting trying to leave his companion safely behind him, but she wouldn’t let go of his hand. “Greetings, I am Tho…” “I know who you are Thomas, what i want to know is what gives you the right to be here?!” the man interupts with a distaste in his voice. “Im afraid i don’t understand, have we intruded on your world? Our presence here is not of our doing..” “Isn’t it?!” he again snaps. ” You think you can just play with time as if there no consiquences to your actions!” “Excuse me sir, what are you talking about?” ” Dont play innocent, we where watching when you entered the Gateway, we watched as your precious humanoid races have infiltraited and changed time and perverse of the continum….and now once again you are here, in our realm, a mere bactieria trying to infect our dimention! What do you have to say for yourself?!!” “Im afraid I am at a loss, did you not just see we where almost killed in this ship wreck?” The man turns from them as if pondering the situation, “yes, you didnt die easily, I hadnt foreseen your escape this is unusual that you once again cheated reality, I wouldnt have pulled the Elachi from thier mission agaist the Enterprise!” Both Caitians look at one another, then back at the man saying simotaniously, “my ship?” he looks back with a concerned expression,” Yes, you both served on different Enterprises, no Picard was serving aboard the Enterprise at that time…look, enough with the questions, I have been charged with bringing you back to face sentence from the high council of Elders.” ” Im afraid im not going anywhere until I recieve some answers!” “You are in no position to make demands..” he suddenly notices the device M’ress is carrying. “You there, woman, how do you have possession of that?” She opens her hand to look upon the device she took, “It was..” The man cuts in, “hand that over, that is not for your kind!” Thomas takes the item, “you seem awful concerned about this device, what does it do?” He holds it up and it begins to activate. “NO YOU FOOLS! Dont…!” But they both vanish and are suddenly standing before Paradise, an old town that has become a local slum and eye sore to the Tau sector. “It seems we have been pulled into a very serious situation, im not entierly sure as to what is going on, but I have a feeling we havent seen the last of him.”


    Temporal Ambassador: Part 3

    It was the break of a new morning on Nimbus 3, the dry morning air bit at the tongues of its enhabitants. Two figures huddled close together outside of thier time and home emerge from the windswept dustball, and enter the front gates of this mysterious and desperate town. They could feel the eyes studying them from the shadows. The fear of whats around that next corner makes thier heart begin to pound faster. Then a faint voice from a scafolding calls out to them “can you spare some Chips?” Thomas looks over and sees an old beggar crumpled up next to a boarded up door. “..please, just enough for some food?” “My apologies good sir, we have come upon misfortune and are without to give at the moment.” Then suddenly a man seems to come from out of no where before them, “come now, do you take us for fools. You are both dressed in finerys..” he reaches out to carress M’ress’s cheek, but she slaps his hand away. “How dare you defy me woman!” He draws back to backhand her but Thomas locks his wrist droping him into a subdued position. “Im sure you had no intention to upset the lady, kindy assure her that you will not!” The man stuggles in pain and frusteration, unable to retaliate or move from his vulnerable position. “yeah..yeah sure, no harm meant miss….I..I” Thomas twists his wrist tighter, “AHH, Im sorry!…can I go now?” Thomas releases him pushing him away, “we need to get off the streets.” “Where can we go?” She asks. Thomas browses his surroundings, and then walks over to the boarded up door near the old beggar. he hands his rifle to M’ress and reaches down to help the man up, ” come with us good sir, lets see if we can find you a meal.” Suprised by the sudden kindness from one in this town, the man becomes suspitious and begins to struggle in a panic, “please dont hurt me, I mean you no harm! I have nothing to take!” “Relax friend, im not going to hurt you, but we need your help and I promise that you will have more then your fill before the nights over with.” “Who…who are you?” Thomas moves him aside and kicks the door open, then invites him in the condemed building. “I am Thomas, after you.” They make thier way into the building and M’ress closes back the door and grabs a fallen beam, proping it against the door to secure it. “What is your name stranger?” He asks again, ” My name is Admiral Thomas, of The United Federation of Planets.” “What? Is that a new faction?” Thomas studies the mans reaction, he seemed genuinly confused at the name. M’ress looks back surprised, “how could you not have heard of…” Thomas holds up his hand to silence her, “oh dear, I thought as much when I realised who you where, how long have you been here Mr. Quinn.” “How do you know my name? Have me met before?” The man says with an uneasy surprise to his tone. ” yes, but under different circumstances…and apparently a different time.” Thomas stops to ponder the situation, then looks back at M’ress. Something has happened, this shouldnt be!” “Whats going on, who is this man? What has troubled you?” “This is Admiral Quinn, he oversee’s all of Star Fleet in my time.” “Madness! I’ve never been apart of anything called Star Fleet, Im just an old miner, too old for work now, the Tholians dumped me here a few years ago when I outlived my usefulness to them.” “I see..” Thomas added. “Madam, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but first we will need to aquire some currency…” “Its no use, ” Quinn adds, “theres no work here, we live off of the scraps the pirates drop for us…im so hungry…please, you promised food..” Thomas helps him to his feet, ” and so you shall have food, but I will need you to come with us, I need a guide through this town, its unfamiliar to me.” Quinn smiles from a renewed hope of a meal, and soon they are off.

    After talking about the technical and structural probelms of thier local environment, Thomas finds a quick way to earn some money. “…and there is no one here who is able to fix any of these machines you say?” “Yes, the last technitian we had here was killed when the scafold he was working on gave way.” “Then perhapse I may be of some assistance, I am an engineer.” Quinns eyes lit up, “everyone!…hear me, this creature is an engineer, he offers his skills to us!!” Shocked by the sudden outburst, Thomas readys himself, unsure of how the community will act. Several dirty and starved people emerge from the shadows and advance twords the two Caitians. “Is it true stanger, are you an engineer?” One of them asks. “That I am good sir, I have noticed that may of your structures and equipment are none functional and weathered…show me what needs attention first and lets get started.” The crowed begins chattering, some of them cheer other break down into tears. M’ress leans over to him with a sharp elbow to the side, “what are you doing!? We need to get out of here! This place could take years to retore if it can be at all!” Thomas smiles and lays a hand on her shoulder, “patience my dear, every journey begins with a single step, do you trust me?” “Yes sir.” she says reluctantly. “then lets get to work and live up to our training!” With the cooperation of the community and the inspiration of new hope in the town inhabitants, they begin to restore power and even have the replicator working later that night. The gathered feast was a celebration, as the old town tavern was organised to seat most everyone. Thomas stood outside wiping the dirt from his hands on a towel, as he put away his tools. M’ress came struting up next to him happy, “you did it sir.” Thomas smiles and looks down at his work, then tosses his rag on a bench, “we did it, any project, like the work of a great ship requires the use of many hands, these people just needed the motivation and direction.” M’ress advances closer to embrace Thomas, “and a fine leader.” she purrs. “Lieutenant!” he snaps. She backs away suddenly, as she realises the disipline in his voice. “We are still on duty here, I need you to stay focused.” “yes sir.” She answers almost standing at attention. Thomas pats her on the shoulder as he walks off, ” it will be ok Lt.” She looks at him stunned, the officers wherent usualy as strict while on board the Enterprise, she thought to herself. Thomas searches out and finds Quinn, the man raises his hands up twords Thomas, “you have saved us here, thank you good sir..thank you!” Thomas seats himself next to Quinn, wearing a serious expression. “Mr. Quinn, you mentioned you where a minor is this correct?” “Why yes, I spent fifty years of my life serving the hive.” “When did they take control of this region?” Quinn looked over at him suspiciously, “what do yo mean, they have always been in power?” “Excuse me, I must just be tired, its been a long day.” Thomas says to direct away his intents. Now realising further that the timeline was changed, but to what extent in this universe…he’s obviously in the right time, Admiral Quinn sits before him. Those hooded creatures that used tetryons to manipulate hyperspace, could they have changed something….no, this was completely different, it had to be. Thomas takes out and looks at the device M’ress took from their lab. He notices someone takes interest in the device, and waves him over. Thomas gets to his feet, “excuse me, ” he utters to Quinn, Quinn waves him on still eatting. Almost gitty in anticipation about Thomas’s approach, the wildly dressed man points at him pressing in on one of his coats buttons. “You..are not from our time, are you?” Thomas looks around to see if anyone else heard his statement, everyone was still enjoying thier food and talking. So he turns back to the man, “do you know what this is?” “Yes in deed i do!, I havent seen one for ages, I was beginning to thing they no longer excisted anymore.” “Enlighten me good sir, tell me all you can about it.” Well, my information isnt free, if you help me out on a situation I will also help you in return.” Thomas sighs under this breath, “what interests you?” “the mountain just up the trail have a cavern where i used to trade my goods until those cursed desert beasts overran it and I was forced to flee, if you could use that rifle of your to clear them out, I will tell you everything I know about that device.” “Why have you not just done this already?” “What? Civilians arent allowed to have weapons, its not permitted! The THolians would..” Thomas raises his hand to calm him, “yes I understand…can you show me where your old shop is?” The man smiles almost like a schoolboy, and grabs Thomas around the arm invitng him to the towns gate as he explains the directions.

    The next morning, M’ress awakens to a knock on the door, “up and about Lt. we have work to do!” She gets to her feet with a stretch, “can’t we atleast freshen up a bit, my dress is tatered. She walks out of the door dropping part of her sleeve on the ground. “I suppose a new set of clothes can be arranged.” An hour later they are both dressed in old miners jumpsuits. She flashes a leer at Cat, “I was thinking of something a little less spartain sir!” “It will do, come now, a hunt awaits us!”


    Temporal Ambassador: Part 4

    A new day broke, and the sight of both suns rising would have been more inviting where it not so hot for these two trekking the harsh climate. Now equipped with an old PaDD and and new attire, they set off for a cave a merchant once used for his business. The PaDD he gave them showed not only the location of his buisness, but a list of items he insisted they not break. As they leave the town gates, M’ress leans twords Thomas, “why again sir are we doing this?” He hands her the PaDD, ” this man seem s to know what this device is, he recognized it from across the room once he spotted it, im curious as to how the sight of it alerted his interest so quickly.” M’ress browses the computer, overlooking its content. ” Sir this could be a trap, many of the items listed here are illegal!” “Perhaps, but we are outside of out time, and as it stands this is our only lead.” She shakes her head slightly, and hands it back to him. “Hold onto it, you are a communications officer, correct?” “Yes sir.” Then use this device to record a log of everything here, when we return to our own time we will need as detailed a report as possible to inform Star Fleet.” “If we make it back.” She says looking down. ” You have trained for impossible odds, Lieutenant, remember your training and you will make it home again. Trust me!” She looks up at him, with a slight smile and embraces his arm as they continue their hike. Normaly Thomas wouldnt allow for this lack of protocol, but knowing the gravity situation they are in, he needed his subordinate steady to keep her mind off the chance that they wouldnt make it home. After a 30 minute walk, they come to the caves entrance, Thomas unslings his rifle pointing it at the cave. With a gesture to stand behind him, to alert his companion, he picks up a rock and tosses it into the cave. Multiple aggravated low pitch screeches echo from within, within seconds several giant scorpions emerge from the cave charging them. M’ress gasps in dismay. “Stay behind me!” Thomas announces. He takes aim for their cranial spot, or at least where a normal scorpions brain would be and opens fire at each of them with precision aimed shots. The phaser fire stuns them momentarily, allowing him to charge for a power shot. The overcharged blast sends the creature flying back, 5 more continue to advance on him. One of them steps over the other, and turns to attack it. “Thats it!” Seeing this tactical advantage, Cats next shot diverts an smaller scorpions path to interrupt the charge of another, causing them to turn on each other as well. He fires two more shots at the other leaving it crippled, the scorpions forget one another once more and turn twords Cat again, who has another power shot ready. The blast tosses back another defeated monster. Two of them over take his ground, he jumps on the larger scorpions back, trying to keep his footing while dodging its lethal strikes. With one clear shot he aggravates the other scorpion, to keep after him. Suddenly the larger ones tail comes down tearing his sleeve, nearly spiking him, cat drops his rifle and grabs onto the tail. It begins to wildly fling him around, the other scorpion manages to strike the larger one. its roar hisses with a blood curdling sound. Cat is thrown from his grip of the tail, he somersaults backwards and lands in a crouching position, ready to lunge back into the fight. M’ress see’s Cats rifle laying in the sand and runs over and snatches it up, aiming at the wound on the larger scorpion, rapidly opening fire. the scorpion jerks one way then the other from the pain of each hit, roars once more then collapses. The one it was fighting turns twords her and charges, but Thomas leaps onto it with a rock in his hands and bashes it in the head then tumbles off to avoid the strike. The monster rears back for one more strike, just as Thomas stumbles back wards loosing his footing. “Oh dear!” he mutters to himself. But just as the tail almost hits him, an overcharged blast sends the creature flying back against the cave wall. Cat looks back at the direction of the shot and see’s M’ress breathing heavy, her eyes wide from panic. Thomas smiles, “nice work Lieutenant.” he says with confidence as he grabs the tail of the smaller, crippled scorpion and tosses him away. “I thought… I mean I thought, he was going to kill you…its..” Thomas gets to his feet and brushes himself off, “truly he almost did get me..” Thomas puts his hand on the rifle, and looks into her eyes, ” But you kept your head, and for that, I am still here. Good work Lieutenant.” He then takes up the rifle once more and aims it twords the cave, he extends his hand out and she immediately takes it, leading the way into the unknown. As they entered, they seen a string of festive lights outlining wall. The multicolored illumination made for more of an eerie setting then fun, the noises in the distance where chattering of unrecognizable creatures and what also sounded like spoken words. “Someones in here.” he whispers to her. They both creep through the cave, being as quiet as possible. The voices become recognizable, Cat stops to listen to what is being said. “…and what did your readings pick up?” “Power, there is a large power source coming from the town.” “Your crazy, we sabotaged all their machinery months ago!” “Im telling you, my scanner has picked up ..” The is a large (klink) sound followed by a plastic (shatter) sound. “You idiot, that was the only scanning device i had!” “So what it didnt work anyways!” The rest of them laugh. Cat slightly peeks around the corner for a quick glance, then eases back and whispers to M’ress, “looks like raiders, they are armed.” “What are we going to do?” She whispers back. “Talk to them, maybe they will see reason.” He winks at her. Cat removes his combadge and takes out a small set of tools from the stock of his rifle, he begins to modify its programming to pick up their frequency. Once the tester registered as green, he knew he found their channel. Quickly he secures his kit and taps his badge, “This is cargo vessel Faragut, requesting permission for docking.” The pirates quickly get to their feet, “how did that ship make it to our space without anyone spotting it?” “Assemble 2 raiders to assault that vessel!” Thomas backs M’ress up, “go…take cover behind those crates.” he whispers. “What are you..?” he puts a finger to his lips, and slips off into the cave. Two pirates walk past him, leaping down from the shadows he grabs the collar of one causing him to fall unconscious. The other pirate quickly turns and takes a rifle stalk to the chin, dropping him to the ground as well. Cat waves for his companion to come, she runs to his side, “where did you learn to use that? I thought only a Vulcan could do that trick?” ” I have a very good friend who taught me a few things during my time in Star Fleet.” They turn the corner and come face to face with 3 more pirates, They go for their guns, but Cat already had his gun drawn and takes all 3 of them, one of them managed to get a shot off, but the panic fire was unaimed and missed by a wide margin. “Quickly, take their guns! I need to collect that scanner they had.” More voices begin to eccoh in the far hall, Cat kicks over a table and points for M’ress to do the same on her side of the room. Both are positioned behind their cover when another group of pirates walk into the room, exclaiming a shocked curse, then draw their weapons. Both Thomas and M’ress open fire taking them down quickly. “A fine job madam.” He says saluting her with the barrel of his rifle. “I do hope they are the ones with the ships.” She remarks. “Lets have a look, but be ready for more of them.” “yes sir!” They make their way back through the tunnel, not encountering anymore pirates. Cat peeks from the entrance of the cave, and sees a couple more pirates standing next to 2 small craft. “you take the two on your side, ill take the other 3.” M’ress tips her head in acknowledgment, then they open fire, again the sudden surprise doesnt leave them any chance to retaliate. They rush out and clear both shuttles, one is Klingon the other Orion. “You take this one and i shall fly the other, lets head back to Paradise!” “This is amazing!” She exclaims excitedly. They lift off and return to town, in a panic the residence run for their lives fearing a pirate raid. the door opens and out steps Thomas, “greetings my friends, your friendly neighborhood CatStar has arrived bearing gifts.” They gasp in dismay, “you fool what have you done?” Thieu base is not far from here, when they find out what you have done we will all be wiped out!” Cat walks back into the shuttle and comes back out with a crate filled with weapons and gear, places it before them, “and what makes you think they will have that opportunity?” Thomas walks over to the merchant he had dealt with the previous day, “Lieutenant, the PaDD if you please.” M’ress comes running up and hands him the PaDD. “You will find sir, that aside from some wear and tear from pirate occupation, your merchandise seems to still be intact.” “Wonderful…simply wonderful!” Now if you dont mind, I would really like to know everything I could about this device.” Cat holds up the device, not letting go of it for him to inspect, “This is a time key, also called a code. I have never owned such a thing, but I have heard of them from lore and legends. People could leave their time and travel to another one…but that is all that I know of it.” “Have you no idea on how it works, or where it comes from?” “That is the extent of what I know about it, but I do know of another who has dealt with such devices before.” “Why did you not tell me of this before?” “It didnt seem necessary since there was no way off this planet.” Cat invites him to look back at the shuttles, ” I think we have accommodated that issue.” he merchant smiles, but looks down. He takes out his PaDD and adds in some data then hands it to Thomas. “Here is the last known coordinates of where they where located..” “Who?” Cat asks. The merchant swallows, “..the Borg!” Everyone turns in a gasp. “stranger, surely you wouldnt seek them out?” A voice calls out from the crowd. Cat hands the PaDD to M’ress. “prep the shuttle, “friends, I will help you to overcome the rest of these pirates, collect what gear and weapons you require to defend yourselves.” “But what if the Tholians detect the battle?” Another calls out. “Then they will detect pirates, wont they?!” Everyone laughs. gather around everyone and I will show you what to do!”


    Temporal Ambassador: Part 5

    On the outskirts of Nimbus 3, the sun sets and night falls. The dry heat slowly fades away and the cool night air settles across the landscape. Lights flicker on as the pirates camp sets itself up for night watch. With in one of their structures, a tempered debate rages on. ” …I tell you they only mentioned a cargo ship!” “They would have reported back by now if it where a routine raid!” “Could the settlement people have set up a trap for them?” “Hah, those poor broken down old fools couldnt fend off a handful of Gob Flies!” “We are still missing our two best raiders and our Chief…what are we going to do?” One of them stab’s a knife into the table rushing to his feet, ” I say we go out to the settlement and knock them around some, I know they heard something! That annoying merchant always has his ear to the wall!” Some in the room begin to cheer for the idea, each agreeing for it in their own rants. Suddenly a few objects fly in through their opened windows…they gasp, “grenade!!” The explosion starts the chaos as explosions rip across their compound. The pirates not caught in the detonations scatter in a panic trying to mount a defense against their unknown enemy. As they make it into the open, they each begin to be picked off by 2 sets of elevated firing lines, reining down destruction onto their camp. Inside one of the structures, two more pirates remain alive, in terror they sweat looking at the door with their weapons drawn, shaking in fear that leaves them even too afraid to breath. As one of them stutters in a muffled breath, the floor explodes under the feet of his companion and he is pulled under to the lower level, the dark hole from which he vanished only reveals the sharp sound of a wet break sound, and then silence. The remaining pirate begins to scream in shear terror firing into the hole while tears flow down his cheek like an overflowing drip pan. He catches his breath and wipes his face, his panting grow heavier as he backs from the hole. There is a sudden pause and he takes a larger breath and wipes his eyes, when he hears a soft whisper in his ear, ” your mine..” He turns throwing himself against the wall in a panic of wanting to flee, he looks to the left and the right…no escape, he looks back up at the creature who spoke realizing his peril, the creatures eyes glow a bright yellow from the moonlight dimly shining in. ” NOOO Stay away! HELP! Someone help me!!” He raises his gun to fire, and a flash of a blade flickers thought the darkness disarming him, and with lightning speed the creature then spins with a back hand striking the pirate with the pommel of hid sword across his head. The pirate crashes to the floor unconscious. The creature steps into the light, looking down at him revealing himself. Thomas sheaths his newly acquired cutlass and walks out of the room. The towns people of Paradise meet him as he exits the building, “Sir Thomas, we have secured the pirates compound.” “Sir Thomas?” He asks. M’ress runs up to him cuddling his arm, “yes, it was my idea..” “At attention Lieutenant!” She snaps into position, Thomas looks at M’ress then the people, one of them slide up to him, “uh sir, she…uh, we thought since what you did for us was a great deed, we consider you our champion..” Another speaks up, “you helped us when no one else would, your like nobility to us…so she thought, or we..” Thomas waves his hand in acknowledgement, “yes, I get it” he then rests his face in his hand, for a moment concluding with a sigh. “Well in any case, you are liberated from this threat.” “What about the Tholians?” One of them asks, “they will come to investigate!” “Relax everyone, I have already planned for this.” He waves for the merchant to come forward, I want you to take the Orion shuttle and hide it within your cave, they wont be able to detect it in side of an ore filled mountain. I will then take this Klingon one and leave a trail for them to follow…” Everyone begins muttering amongst themselves, “Sir Thomas, they will find you…your no match for a Tholian patrol ship in that old shuttle!” Thomas smiles, ” I dont plan to fight them son, rather to lead them to where im headed.” ” No! You cant just run into danger like that, its suicide! If one doesnt kill you the other will!” Thomas walks up to him, being only 5ft. tall he looks up at the man and pats his shoulders, “trust me, I have a plan and I will solve the problem of both of these enemies for you.” “Sir?” M’ress steps in, to ask, “wont they eventually find out the truth and the hidden shuttle once they begin to investigate?” “Yes, that is true, but we wont give them the opportunity to, I will modify your long range scanners aboard the shuttle to pickup a beacon on a specific frequency. This will be my signal to you to leave the planet…” “Thats why your not taking the raider?” “Correct, an Orion raider is designed to hold a larger group of people for raiding party’s. I admit it will be cramped but it is your ticket off this planet, and once I create a diversion you should have a clean break to escape undetected.” The merchant bellows a hearty laugh, provoking others to.Soon they are back at Paradise, the inhabitance go to meet Thomas as hes about to disembark. “Sir Thomas?” “Please, its just Thomas. “Yes sir…we have something for you.” Thomas stops his work and wipes his hands on a rag, he sees them bring out a brand new uniform, resembling his old. White pants, black boots lined with a gold band. A royal blue jacket trimmed also in gold. “We thought it fitting to replicate you a new uniform like your old one.” Thomas smiles and accepts it, “your too kind..” A tear comes to his eye, “it means a lot lad, thank you.” M’ress bounces before him showing off her uniform as well, proud to once again be wearing her normal dress from when she served aboard the Enterprise. ” I helped them with the design specifications Captain Darling.” Thomas flashes her a cold stare, “Lieutenant, I have been lenient so far due to gravity of our situation, but me and you are going to have a chat about your conduct!” A scolded surprise comes to her face, biting back her lip but hesitently answers, “yes sir..” As he steps into the shuttle, he pauses and looks back at everyone, extending his hand waving to them with his final farewell. Systems power up, and the shuttle launches, they pass by the cave where the merchant waves at them to show hes secured the shuttle. Thomas then fly’s over the smoldering compound, and uses a side console to activate a defense system, before they leave the planet. Once they leave orbit they send an encrypted message on an open channel, leaving it loose enough to track to the the planet below. Thomas then purposely begins to leave a trail of the direction of the coarse he set. M’ress, quietly sits in the cargo hold inputting data into her PaDD. The door slides open and Thomas walks in and sits on a bench opposite of her. She quickly stands to her feet, assuming the position of an officer on deck.” Thomas extents his palm offering her back her seat, “as you where Lieutenant.” “Sir, im sorry, I thought…I mean…I..” “There is no need for explanations Lieutenant, I offered you some liberties seeing we where in difficult and emotionally disturbing situation, but now that we are back on our feet i will need you to resume with the same conduct as you where trained for.” “Aye sir” She responds, kind of re-leaved as she was expecting to be disciplined. “Sir, if you dont mind me asking, what are we going to do?” Cat ponders her question for the moment, ” not knowing what has happened to our timeline, or at what exact point it was interrupts we are left with only investigating what currently is the the reality of this universe and hope some clues come our way.” “But what if we never find anything?” “hmm…there will always be that possibility of never finding what we sought when we began to look, yet once we we took it upon our selves to explore, the answers always found us.” M’ress smiles, with some renewed hope. “Yes sir, I think I understand…its why Star Fleet was founded in the first place….and why I joined up.” She lays down her pad, kind of cringing with uncertainty as she asks, “sir…why is your outfit ….I mean, that uniform you wear, why does it mean so much to you?” Thomas looks down at his jacket and picks off a minor bit of lint to a rather perfectly pressed a tidy jacket. “That is personal lieutenant, now if you will excuse me, I will try to fix this tricorder, I have a feeling we will need it sooner rather then later. Some time later, as M’ress is manning the cockpit, some transmissions begins to buzz the comm. Tholian chatter, quickly she isolates the signals coming in and notifys Cat to come. When Thomas walks into the cockpit she quickly gets to her feet, “sir the Tholians found the pirates camp, the automated defenses opened fire on them and damaged their patrol ship. You really stirred them up!” “Good, im assuming they have picked up our trail?” “Im unsure, they…wait…” She listens to the chatter some more, ” They are taking the towns people into custody..” She pauses to look at Cats reaction unsure of what to say. “Have they said why? “I haven’t heard any talk of a shuttle, or that they found anything yet, they are only buzzing about the compound.” Cat turns to think, his posture as it always was upon times of worry and deep thought; he would stare off into the stars silently with his hands postured behind him. After a moment he spoke up, “continue on our current coarse, I will be back for them after this mission.” “Sir…are you ok?” “Get some rest lieutenant, Ill take the watch from here.” “Aye..aye, sir.” What happened, he thought to himself. Why would they take them, its not normal behavior for them. Could someone have given in to the pressure and sold them out? A million thoughts raced through his head, but time for that issue will have to wait. The Borg colony was only an hour away, and he had to stay focused on his plan if it was going to work properly. During this time he had been working diligently on the tricorder the pirates had left behind in the cave. It was once again assembled, but needed to be calibrated once more. A task that would have to wait as his hour had come. “Lieutenant, prepare yourself…we have arrived.” Despite the calm and soft tone of his voice, the words themselves sent a cold chill down her spine. The Construct, was a massive entanglement of technology and levels, floating in space. What exists upon this station is anyone guess, again the unknown haunts them as their shuttle docks in the hangar bay. No messages, no greetings nothing but cold silence. Thomas scans the base, there is life support to accommodate us here, but we should wear environmental suits just in case.” “I’m unsure about this.” She mutters, ” None of this feels right…” “We have our work cut out for us…suit up!”


    Post count: 2368

    Temporal Ambassador: Part 6

    In a dark and metallic hallway, Thomas and M’ress slowly walk with their rifles ready. “Lieutenant, I want you to be on your guard, and remember NOT to fire until I say so. Borg won’t attack until they consider you a threat.” The tension of the unexpected fill them with a heightened senses and a tendency to jump at every noise.”Sir, what am I up against?” “A cybernetic and biological beings, that conquires worlds and seize technologies to advance their hive mind. They can and will assimilate you through a retractable syringe on their wrist. They you will slowly become one of the hive through a nano-cellular reconstruction process at the cellular level.” M’ress turns white and stops, no longer hearing her footsteps, Thomas turns. “Lieutenant, are you alright?” “No sir, I think….I mean I think I would rather not…” Thomas walks over to her, turning once more to look behind him again for a second, then looks into her eyes, she looks down unable to face him, her fear of the situation adds shame to her stretched emotions. “Lieutenant, look at me..” Reluctantly she makes eye contact with him once again, with a tear in her eye. “Trust me, I will let no harm come to you…but I need you to have my back for this!” “I…i’m sorry sir, I just don’t…” He places a hand on her shoulder, “there is no need for apologies, we have been through a lot, but stay with me and focus on the task at hand. We will succeed, but we still have a long way to go yet.” M’ress takes a deep breath and hesitantly continues right behind Thomas. As they get within 10 meter to the doors, lights activate and a holographic sign lights up reading “Rebecca’s Latinum Luxury’s” They both look at each other in disbelief, then lower their weapons. “That was…unexpected to say the least.” Thomas says. He slightly opens one of the doors and peers in, a small gingle plays. He see’s a man dressed in finery’s behind a table, the clerks face lights up as he welcomes them, “come in come in, do not tary at the door, all of our wonders still await you inside!” Thomas looks at M’ress unsure of what to say. She lets out a small laugh, as if he where joking with her and shoves him a bit, as she slings her rifle around and walks in the other door to greet the clerk. Thomas does the same, but looks all around the room in amazement. The room was fully decorated with jewels, decor and rare luxurious items from around the quadrant, even some items he has never seen before. Thomas walks up to the counter and the clerk begins to subdue them with a sales pitch on several of their more pricier items, Thomas smiles and holds up his hand, “please, we only came for information of an item.” The man looks at them suspiciously and remarks, “is there a problem, we guarantee all of our products to be top of the line…” “well, we didn’t actually purchase this from your company, but we where told you would know about it.” Thomas tells him. The man gives Thomas a cold stare, “look we can’t guarantee items not sold from Rebecca’s! But let me have a look.” Thomas shows him the device he had picked up before, that brought him to this dimension. “Hmm, yes, it does look like something we would have sold…” The man takes out some sort of device and scans the object, “it does have signature traces of our processing, but we never discuss our clients or their purchases. I’m sorry I’m afraid I can’t help you!” “Perhaps I can talk to Rebecca herself?” Thomas asks. The man becomes a bit nervous, and gives a smirk, adding, “she’s not currently here.” “I’m sure someone in charge is, I would like speak to management!” Thomas says, raising an eyebrow to the man as if to call his out. “I’m afraid I can’t allow that, and if you have no further business with us, i’m going to have to ask you to leave!” Thomas crosses his arms and continues his interrogation, “How do the Tholians feel about your business here, surely they wouldn’t allow for such technologies and relics to be owned by commoners?” “Are you threatening us with blackmail? Because I won’t tolerate…” Thomas then interrupts, “Not at all, if you have a console available, you might want to check your long ranged sensors!” The clerk gives him a strange stare, a sudden concern comes to his face as Cats confident expression makes him believe its not a deception. As he scans long ranged sensors, he turns pale and looks back up at Thomas in horror. “That’s right, I would take this opportunity to run!” Thomas says. The man yells and runs to the back room, the exhaust of some sort of craft releasing sounds, with a quick decompression echo in the distance. M’ress glances over the items tempted to take something, but looks back at Thomas. “What is the plan sir?” “We find who is behind this operation, and see if we can find who owned this device and how to find them.” Thomas unslings his rifle, and goes through the back doors. M’ress does the same and follows right behind him. as they travel down a long corridor, the festive glow of the shop fades away and the rusted hulk of the station fill their view again. They reach a lift and take it down to the lower level. Before them they see what resembles a cavern of Borg technological wonder. The sound of clanks and machining parts moving gives an eerie atmosphere to the dimly lighted structure. Suddenly the sound of an activated Borg drone, flashes right next to them, Thomas quickly holds out his arm pushing M’ress away from its path. She yelps at the sight of it, “you weren’t kidding about those things where you?” She asks in a yelp. “Afraid not madam.” As they make their way further down to the cavern they notice a large amount of activity, more Borg. Thomas notices that they are coming from the center of the cavern, a large rocky surface with what looks like dilithium being mined by them. “this station was built over a Dilithium rich asteroid, to hide it from the Tholians! When they find this place, its going to get hostile in here, we should hurry!” Thomas says, then jumps down to a lower level and looks around, M’ress lands next to him. He see’s another opening, “come quickly!” He adds, waving her forward. They run for the entrance to the open corridor and see movement at the end of it. As they get closer, they see 6 Borg lined up as if waiting on them. A disembodied Borg voice speaks, “Thomas….male…species Caitian…unknown female…species Caitian…state your purpose!” “You know my name?” Thomas asks in disbelief. The voice continues, “Thomas…unassimilated drone…Herald of Matrix…” “Herald?” Cat asks. “Thomas…carrier of nano-spores…” The Borg voice explains. “What does he mean Admiral?” M’ress asks. “I think they can still detect the extracted nano-probes from when I was injected during a siege we once did aboard a Borg cube, they where neutralized before they could turn me into a Borg, but they still remain in me.” M’ress backs away a bit, “you can turn into one of those things?” “Not at all Thomas assures her, I…” The Borg interrupts him, “Thomas…Herald of Matrix…state your business!” Thomas turns his attention back to the Borg, pausing M’ress to hold on, “I have sought you out for some answers, I have a device I need information on.” He explains. “Protocol breech…Thomas…herald of…” Thomas quickly interrupts back with a demand, “Look, I have a device that came from your shop, who did it come from and where are they?” Thomas shows them the device, there is a long pause. “Thomas…Herald of Matrix…possession of forbidden device…surrender designation 098990-2345-11…object will be reprocessed.” ” That isn’t going to happen! Will you comply with my request, or will I have to activate it?” There is a pause, “Where is Rebecca?” Cat asks. “Can I speak to her?” A moment passes, “Thomas…Herald of Matrix…request approved.” Suddenly the Borg technologies light up, outlining what appeared to be a mini Borg transwarp gate within the room, it activates and through it fly’s into the room, the Borg queen. M’ress draws her weapon to fire, but Thomas quickly stops her, “NO, stay that weapon!!” The queen smiles at the sight of him, her cold lifeless stare piercing the soul. “You have returned, my herald. What have you brought me?” the creature asks him. “What do you mean my Herald? and why this odd display?” Thomas asks. “She floats over to Thomas, my chosen Herald, I sent you to retrieve Gorn subjects for me, why have you returned to the collective without them?” She asks, placing an embrace to his helmet, with her hands. “Unhand me madam! I have never been a herald, I have sought you out for information.” The queen added herself to her robotic body and turns to face them once more. “You came to me ten years ago, and have used your skills to gain a foothold into this quadrant. But now I can sense a temporal energy about you, you are not from this timeline, this makes sense as to why you are unfamiliar to me.” “Please explain.” Thomas asks. “My Herald possessed tracking and exploration abilities to himself, that made him more valuable unassimilated.” Thomas crosses his arms and gives a smirk adding, “That does not sound like the Borg Queen I am familiar with!” “Our collective has been altered to adapt to the…changing.” She says with some discomfort. “What changing?” Thomas asks with some suspicion. “We where intercepted by a technologically advanced being named Trelane, who changed some of our programming aspects, this interfered with our natural order and caused a number of malfunctioning drones. We have been forced to conceal our locations in order to rebuild our population.” “What about the shop?” M’ress asks. “Its designed to distribute already acquired technologies to others around the quadrant in order to keep record of them and their activities.” Thomas looks at his device then back at the queen and says, “These items are tracked through the residual energies, you have placed nano-spores in them then?” The queen smiles, saying, “That is correct, I can sense you have the Master Key Thomas.” “That’s right, what can you tell me about it?” He asks, “It is another device created by Trelane, but he designed it to not be able to function for Borg, or we would have already used it to find and assimilate him.” “So you sold it?” Cat asks her. “No, it was to be delivered to our herald to use, by the early form of what you know as the Elichani, so that he may infiltrate Trelanes citadel for us.” “You mean those creatures that initially abducted us?” Cat asks in disgust. “That is correct.” She answers. M’ress cringes and steps a bit closer to Thomas, from the mention of those creatures of whom she was captive of for years. The lab sends a chilling reminder to her soul. Cat pondered for as second and looks at the device. “This will take me to Trelane?” He asks. “Possible, its a time key that allows for travel through the Aegier nebula. To a desired location. If you know how to use it!” She answers. The cold smile of the Borg queen intensifies as she gazes into Thomas’s eyes, then with a sharp command she says, “You have stalled long enough, place the device on the floor and offer yourself to us. You will make a fine drone.” Like a flash of lightning, Thomas unsheathes his sword and slashes through the limbs of the Borg queens body, she crumbles to the floor. In anger she yells for her drones to attack. M’ress quickly draws her rifle and opens fire at one, its circuits sizzle and pop destroying it. She fires again but they have already adapted. She backs away, and Thomas leaps up in to the air and pounces down on top of one, shoving his sword into its chest and with a quick dance he spins to the next cutting it down, and then a 3rd. One grabs M’ress from behind in a choke and ready’s for another drone to assimilate her, but she kicks him away and uses leverage to flip her captive over her shoulder. it quickly grabs her leg and goes to inject her with its syringe. Thomas dives twords her and hacks its hand off just as she screamed from being caught. Thomas tries to jump back up to his feet but his leg gives out in a cramp, “Lieutenant!” He cry’s, as he tosses her the sword, and in a powerful swing hacks into the drone, finishing it off. She turns to face Thomas, “Thomas, are you alright?!” “I’m, ok madam, i’m just getting a bit too old for this.” He answers in pain. The queen releases herself from the destroyed body, and floats up into the air, saying in almost a snarl, “This does complicate things, giving that device to my herald would have be preferable, but as you have ruined my operation here, I will leave it and you to your demise!” The Borg Queen boasts, as she activates her transwarp gate and escapes back through it. They suddenly realize alarms where going off, “quickly Madam! bring up that console!” M’ress helps Thomas to his feet and runs to the Borg pillar, activating a monitor. They see Tholians ships had arrived, and they had already begun boarding the station. Their shuttle being tractor beamed into one of their ships. A look of peril comes to M’ress’s face, “Sir!?…” she cry’s out in terror!

    To be continued….

    Temporal Ambassador: Part 7

    Temporal Ambassador: Part 7

    Alarms activated, the station turned and rumbled. We could hear a fire fight and the shreaks of Tholian invaders, as they stormed the mining station. Still injured from overdoing myself in our last fight against the Borg. I hobbled over to the console and searched for a quick way to make a side to side transport to the Tholians ship. Then after a quick scan of both the Tholian Recluse and the station I beamed the Tholian Invaders into space and waited for their own ship to begin beaming them back to their own ship. Then I quickly began to beam the Borg drones onto their bridge. “The fighting has stopped Admiral, have those Borg won?” M’ress asks. Cat raises an eye brow, “Well my dear, lets find out!” “What?” M’ress asks with a stunned expression. Thomas activates the transporter once more beaming both himself and M’ress over to the Tholians ship. The coordinates he set up where for the least populated area he could find. As they materialised, a young Tholian Ensign screams in both terror and rage at the sight of these alien invaders to his ship. M’ress raises up her hand to strike the creature down, but Cat quickly stops her. “Stand fast Lieutenant!” “Relax young one, i’m here to help.” ” The creature screeches and roars backing away from Thomas, ” I know, but I am here to help you, the Borg are a common enemy and are planning an invasion force through a hidden warp gate hidden inside the station. If you have your Commander investigate, you will also find a Dilithium rich asteroid from which this station was built upon.” M’ress’s chin drops in disbelief and The creatures screams lessen in intensity, then Thomas continues, “we would like to assist your people in overcoming this invasion, and will cooperate with your superiors to stop this invasion into your space.” M’ress elbows Thomas, “are you crazy?!” She intensly whispers, even showing her teeth. The young Tholian waves them to follow him to processing, Cat takes his sword back from M’ress and sheaths it. Then unslings his rifle and fires a powerful stun blast at the creature, it topples forward a bit then runs into the wall of the corridor, Cat fires again and it falls to the floor unconscious. Thomas looks back at M’ress, so sorry that I have not the time to explain, but we need to find a Tholian scanning device, I have a hunch it may be what we need to learning how to activate this device.” “You…you, had this planned all along?” She asks. “that is correct, and the fact that the Borg has a transwarp gate at that location has also bought us more time, this Tholian now has information to help keep the Borg queen at bay for a while, so she can’t receive help from my Mirror self.” “Sir, I don’t understand..” Thomas grabs her hand and pulls her behind him, his stride in pain and he limps across the ship looking for a science officer. “I will explain a bit later, lets find a Thollian tricorder, we are on borrowed time here!” As they turn the corner, two large Tholian officers are firing at the Borg, they are backing away as their weapons no longer have an effect. Thomas looks around for a moment, trying to find a way to use this situation. Suddenly he notices a panel on the wall, and takes a tool from his rifle and uses it to hack into the console and raise a force field. Blocking the Thoians in, as they back into the energized field they both scream, and turn to see they are trapped in there with the advancing Borg. Their wails are terrible, rage and fear grip them, the thought of a possible assimilated Tholian would have fascinated some scientific minds, but being once assimilated himself Thomas had no stomach for witnessing it happen to any species. They come upon a small station, where a few Tholians are working on modifying their weapons, “greetings.” Thomas says, he then looks at M’ress and nods, then they both open fire taking them down. “Search them quickly!” “What are we looking for?” She asks. ” A Tholian tricorder, It will be encased in a crystalline cover with a scrolling , plasma enhanced output meter.” M’ress looks up at him, as he where speaking another language. “Darn, nothing!” Thomas says as he gets to his feet. “Sir, is this it?” M’ress produces a tricorder from underneath the creature. Thomas smiles and takes the device, “brilliant Lieutenant, you do have a knack for finding useful items!” Thomas seals the door, and begins to scan the Master key device. “It has a data core, and a regenerative power source, the computer core within it, has a sophisticated network and seems to be using the Borg Nanites to adapt to my scans, almost an artificial Intelligence..” Thomas explains as he investigates the device. “Are you saying its intelligent?” ” It could possibly have been made for a more formal interface, I had not activated it before initially, it transported us on its own.” M’ress touches the device, “so we need to find a way to communicate with it?” “Precisely…though I must admit, under our current situation, we are limited in time.” “What would you suggest sir?” She asks. As if talking to someone in the room other then to M’ress, Thomas begins to play out a drama…”if the Tholians seize us, they will most definitely take this device and dissect it and try to make more, it would be a shame to allow such a fine bit of technology fall into..” Suddenly a field surrounds them of purple and gold haze, the transition lasts for a moment, then the view of the Thoian ship turns into the interior of another strange vessel, the decor of their surroundings appear to be that of federation, but of an unfamiliar time period or design to both of them, Thomas quickly scans the ship, adding in “fascinating!”. They slide once more through time and space and their environment is aboard a Klingon vessel, a ranking officer turns from feasting, surprised to see them, “You!” He shouts. “B’vat!” Thomas shouts back, unslinging his rifle. But they slide through time space once more and find themselves aboard an early Federation ship. “Where have you taken us friend?” Thomas asks, but the device powers down as if slipping off to sleep. “Sir, that was really strange! What just happened to us?” M’ress asks, over whelmed by so many explainable events. “I think it was time hopping, I would guess to save itself and us apparently.” “So this device is intelligent?” She asks. Thomas smiles as if holding the holy grail itself. “Very much so, Lieutenant. I think we have something that would be an engineers wonder, like I’ve never seen before!” “If its intelligent, why does it not communicate with us?” ” It has, and until now we have not tried to communicate with it. But having an advanced inner computer core and positronic matrix like it does, leaves it open to possibilities for growth, much like the works of Dr. Nunien Soong.” “What??…Who??” M’ress asks completely lost. ” We will save this bit of history for another time, right now we need to find where we are and take it from there.” “Wait sir!” “What is it Lieutenant?” “I have been dragged across time and space, fighting aliens I’ve never heard of, captive to sick and sinister beings, nearly turned into a robotic monster, chased by Tholians, almost blown up a few times and I don’t know if I will ever see my friends and family again…” Thomas begins to laugh, “Yes, I know, I have been with you every step of the way. Every adventure has its risk, every choice has its own consequence, but its how we play the game that decides the outcome, this stage is set and our time to make a difference is upon us. What ever has happened, it is up to us to fix it and make things right!” M’ress leans into him resting her head on his shoulder softly asking, “Why us?” “Because no one else can do it…no one else is here..” Thomas hugs her for support, helping her to gather herself once more. He browses his location, the monitors are several years old, the smell of old fires still line the corridors but the place was dusty and poorly lit as if its been uninhabited for a long time. The discolorations on the floor suggest heavy foot prints, that of armored Tholian suits. M’ress looks up at him, “i’m, ok sir.” She says and salutes him, “ready for orders.” Thomas points towards the lower passage, ” ok, here’s the plan, we need to find what deck we are on and then find a way to engineering. Power and life support are obviously working so we can remove our helmets.” There is a hiss as they break their suit pressure containment. The air is stale and cold, dry and very uncomfortable. But their suits will only keep them for so long, conserving them may prove valuable as they don’t know whats ahead of them. Thomas walks up to a wall console and uses it find where they are at, “deck 10 on deflector control.” We need to go down 2 levels, the nearest turbo lift is down this hall and to the left.” They quickly make their way there and step in, “where are the activation handles?” M’ress asks. “Those are no longer used any longer, its all automated. deck twelve Engineering.” The lift hums and stutters a bit then the doors open. M’ress steps off and looks around. Thomas nurses his leg a bit more then steps off the lift, ” does that strain still bother you?” Thomas nods, ” its unusually getting worse, even a simple strain heals itself after a time.” M’ress helps him out of the suit and they inspect his leg, there is a small bulge coming from the side of his leg, moving strangely. “What is that sir?” “I’m not sure lieutenant, but I did first feel this pain while on board the Borg station, Miss Simmons seems to have done something to me.” “We should get you to sickbay!” “I will be fine for the time being, we need to access the ships computer and find out where we are.” Thomas accesses the computer systems, ” this is the Enterprise, NCC-1701-C” “C?” M’ress asks surprised. “yes, there have been several ships that carried that name, the one you served aboard has been decommissioned many years before my time. I myself even commanded the Enterprise E before its decommission and my promotion to admiral.” She smiles and looks at him in admiration. Thomas reactivates all its systems and powers up the warp core, getting it stabilized. “Are we going to fly this ship home?” She asks. Thomas turns to a wall console and scans thier current location, “oh dear!” “What is it Admiral?” “It appears we are back in the Dilithium mine once more, but docked behind a Tholian force field, plus the docking clamps are holding it place…and there are tractor beams also holding it!” “M’ress countenance falls, ” so we are stuck here?” “It looks like we will have to find another way, those scans I took of that strange Federation vessel when we where sliding, I wonder if I could use the reading i took to try and find them, this is a long shot but here it goes…” “Sir? What are you doing?” Thomas removes the tools from his rifle stock and begins to work on merging the Tholian tricorder, and the Master Key device. ” I’m hoping the port on the side of this device will allow for me to improve the interactivity of myself and the Master key.” Thomas then inserts his badge onto the tricorders relay port, and fuses it, for an audio input/output feed. Then lays the device on the table, “Can you hear me? Hello?” Thomas asks the device. M’ress leans in fancinated in anticipation of it speaking back. Nothing happens, Thomas activates the tricorder and trys to use it to send a signal, but the device shuts itself off. Suddenly a yellow light flashes back on the wall console, Thomas activates the controls and finds the docking clamps have been disengaged, the tractor beams where removed and the Thollian force field was down. ” it looks like someone was ready to launch.” M’ress says with a smile. “Thomas looks at the device, surely not?” He thinks to himself, wondering if the master key was responsible. He then directs M’ress to further assist him in preparing the ship for launch, turning once more to the console to scan for who or what ever would be coming aboard to fly this ship. He finds a hand full of assorted beings making their way to the bridge, the Tholian alarms sound. “They must be escaping prisoners from the mine, the Tholians will board the ship and take them down if we don’t do something!” “I’m on it sir!” M’ress says and quickly brings up a dampening field while Thomas brings shields back online. They are suddenly met by a surprised prisoner, to see two Caitians in engineering. Thomas pinches him in the collar unconscious. ” The less you know the better.” He adds then continues to bring up the ships systems. Within minutes, they are under attack by Tholian vessels. The hull rocks as each attack hits, Thomas confidently directs M’ress and they help to hold things together during the battle, both acting instinctively as they both have so many times before while while in combat, until the last enemy disappears off their radar. Suddenly they are both transported aboard a federation star Ship. The one from before, met by armed guards in strange armor with federation markings on them. “Hello Admiral, we got your signal. But you have a lot of explaining to do!” Thomas looks around, “what year is this?” They pause and look at one another for a moment then back at their guests, ” I think the Captain would be better suited to answer your questions! But leave your weapons here.” “Are we prisoners?” Thomas asks. “That is to be determined, follow me but hand over your weapons first!” Thomas hands him his rifle and unbelts his sword, handing them to the officer. M’ress looks over at Thomas, and he assures her its ok. They are led into a conference room. “Have a seat and the Captain will be in shortly, feel free to use the replicators if you are hungry.” The officer tells them, then leaves revealing nothing more. Thomas sits back in a chair exhaling, and he gathers himself once more. M’ress sits right next to him. Wanting to ask or say something, but no words come to her. She takes his hand and he grips it, M’ress smiles and leans back exhaling too, finally feeling safe and relaxed for the first time since this whole thing started. In what seemed to be 20 minutes time, the door slides open and the Captain walked in, placing their weapons on the table. “Admiral Thomas, your a dead man as is your friend here!” M’ress grips his hand tighter. “Would you care to clarify that statement Captain?” Thomas asks. The ships Captain holds up a data PaDD and lays it on the table, you where MIA during your time period, considered killed due to a systems failure aboard your shuttle. Admiral Alanna T’Par lead an investigation for up to 3 years prior to it, hoping to still find you ok. Star Fleet even named their next explorer class star ship after you.” Thomas looks out the window to the stars, whispering to himself, “Alanna…” and a tear comes to his eye. “The Captain then continues, “M’ress you where reported to be KIA when a transporter accident happened during your last mission aboard the Enterprise.” “well, I am obviously here and alive!” “yes…and that’s where we have a problem, neither of you exists in your own times any longer, your history’s record your deaths and the timelines can’t be allowed to be interrupted!” Thomas stands up, favoring his leg still, “what are you getting at captain?” Thomas demands.

    To be continued….

    Temporal Ambassador Part 8

    I guess you could say, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Here they sat, Thomas and his subordinate, finding out they where both killed in accidents, as recorded in their own timelines history. Before them stood a Captain aboard some sort of time ship they where unfamiliar with, he would decide their fates. As Thomas stood after listening to him, the pain in his leg still bothered him. “what are you getting at Captain?” Thomas demanded. I’m afraid I will have to take you both into protective custody, to protect the timeline until our director can determine what to do with you.” The Captain explains. “Who are you, and where are we?” M’ress asks. “I can’t disclose…” Thomas then interrupts,” what could it hurt, are we going anywhere?” The Captain pauses weighing his suggestion, then answers, “I am Captain Walker, the ship you are aboard is a Wells class Temporal Class ship called the U.S.S. Pastak. My mission is to monitor and prevent disruptions to the normal timeline.” “And we are both anomalies that you have to correct?” “That is correct Admiral.” The Captain reply’s. “I will arrange for quarters for the both of you while your situation is reviewed, in the mean time, you both look a bit roughed up, our sickbay is at your disposal I suggest you take some time to recover.” Thomas picks up his gear from the table, and walks from the room with M’ress. Both escorted by a security officer suited in an advanced set of MACO armor like they had both never seen before. M’ress looks back at them, then towards Cat. “Did things just get worse or better?” “I’m sure this can all be sorted out, in time.” he adds. She looks back at the security officers, then leans towards Thomas whispering, “do you smell that on them, somethings wrong here?” “Its ozone, they are Photonic guards, holographic projections.” He explains. “They didn’t have this advancement during your time, it was in fact just being introduced during my time.” M’ress looked back at them a bit fearful, “we had a holoprojection chamber on the Enterprise, but it was localized to just the one room. I never dreamed that the projections could follow you around the ship, or even be used as security.” “..and that’s why we are dangerous, we know too much about things outside our own times.” Cat pauses for a moment, as if to realise something. Then grabs his leg as if in a lot of pain, he goes down to one knee saying, “oh my, the pain is dreadful.” “Thomas?” M’ress asks, seeing no wince from actual pain. “Should I retrieve you a doctor from sickbay sir?” One of the hologuards asks. ” No, I shall be fine I just need a moment to collect myself.” Thomas takes out his tricorder and begins to scan with his tricorder, saying to the guards, “It appears I have really gave myself quite a injury here from these scans.” “but sir that’s not a med…” Thomas winks at her, and she bites her lip, wondering what he’s up to. “Thomas then extends his hand then asks one of the guards, “can you help an old man up son?” “Yes sir.” It responds. “Well then, shall we continue to sickbay.” Thomas says as he begins limping down the corridor once more, with M’ress shaking her head from not knowing what that was all about. They shortly arrive at the sickbay and they are both greeted by a doctor, “welcome Admiral…Lieutenant, just have a seat up on the table and let see if we can get you both patched up. The doctor grabs a medical tricorder from his table and begins to scan M’ress. Thomas, who had left his tricorder on, continues to subtly scan more of the ship. M’ress and the doctor chat back and forth, but Thomas suddenly notices something during his scan, a transponder, that is Borg in origin coming from the lump in his leg. “Doctor! Come here quickly!” He yells. Startled by the sudden outburst, both the doctor and M’ress come running over to him. “Whats wrong Admiral?” The doctor asks. “This device in my leg, remove it quickly and destroy it!” The doctor scans his leg for a moment then looks back up at Cat, “no!” he exclaims. Tapping his badge, “Commander Barclay to Captain, lock down the medical bay quickly! We have a Borg transponder tracking us!” Suddenly a forcefield is placed around Thomas and the doctor, and off duty medical personal and security rush into the sickbay. “Hurry doctor!” Cat orders. With haste he incises the lump on Cats leg and a small cybernetic creature screams as its tendrils whip about and leap onto the doctor and inject him. “Noooo! Someone help me!” Barclay screams. “Security, quickly lock onto the Borg nanites in his system and transport him through the filtering systems!” Thomas demands. The security chief orders an emergency transport, but he begins to break up upon re-materialization. “We are loosing him, the nanites are working faster then normal sir!” A voice says over the security chiefs comm badge. “Quickly recycle the initial pattern and transfer memory to the holodeck….you do have one don’t you?” “Sorry sir, this isn’t a luxury vessel.” The force field is dropped around Thomas and a couple of doctors patch up his wound. “How are you feeling Admiral?” The nurse asks. Without saying a word Thomas runs to activate a console to try to take control of the transporters, but is quickly subdued by security. “Wait, let me help him, I can save him!” Thomas crys. “I’m sorry sir, I can’t permit you to have access to our ships functions.” The security chief tells him. “Sorry sir, we lost him.” A voice over the comm badge says. “No, you didn’t, they intercepted him…” But before Thomas could speak, a transwarp opens before them and several Borg ships emerge through the portal and lock a tractor beam onto their hull. The ship goes to red alert. “All hands to battle stations! We are under attack!” The Captain announces over the intercom. ” Nurse, see to the Lieutenant…chief, I need to get to the bridge!” Thomas rushes out to the corridor but is stopped a ways down by the Security team. “Sorry sir, you don’t have clearance to access the bridge.” The projection tells him. “Don’t I?” Cat says with a smile as he modifies his tricorder to reprogram the security projections directives, in its remote personal holoemitter. “Sir, allow me to escort you to the bridge.” The other security projections turn to intercept them, but Thomas deactivates them on their personal holoemitters and collects them, placing the devices into his pocket. “Not to worry I’ll take good care of your friends here. Please continue Chief.” Thomas and the security officer quickly run to the turbo lift and head for the bridge, allowing a moment for Thomas to secure his gear back onto himself. The ship rocks back and forth, as the doors open to deck one they see Borg battling the bridge staff. “Chief secure the bridge!” Both of them draw their rifles and open fire. The Borg adapt after their first shots, both Thomas and the Chief quickly re-modulate their weapons instantly, but Thomas slings his rifle around his back and leaps into the thick of it with his cutlass. With a quickly spiraling dance of bladed destruction he cuts down Borg regaining ground back on the bridge. “Admiral…HELP!” Thomas looks back to see the Captain laying on the floor next to his chair, with the assimilation process already underway. More Borg block his path, 10 more also beam to the bridge. Some of them are blasted by the security Chief, ” Chief cover me, I need to get to the Captain!” “Aye sir.” Both begin to subdue the bridge in a brutal fight, with a hearty laugh and relentless posture, Thomas and his companion finish securing the bridge. “Chief get him to sick bay NOW!” Thomas orders. He then takes the Captains seat, “…um…computer activate photonic…bridge officers?” Thomas asks, thinking they have a security version, maybe they have bridge officers too. The Computer then replays, “please specify officer type you require.” “Computer, our officers are all down, fill all key locations on the bridge and…prepare for Borg assault?” he asks, hoping on a long shot. Suddenly 5 officers manifest on the bridge manning the key stations. All at once they say, awaiting orders sir!” A smile comes to his face, you gotta love the future!….ok, reverse polarity of the hull and lets get this tractor beam off of us! Helm evasive maneuvers and lock a tractor beam on the sphere!” “Aye sir.” ” Full impulse, drag that sphere over the top of the other, engage!” “Engaging thrusters sir!” The Pastak fly’s past two other Spheres that begin to open fire on it, one of them is suddenly disrupted by the hull of the other disabling both of them. The other sphere pursues them still firing, the ship rocks with each hit.” Helm align us with the towed vessel and let it give us some cover.” “Aye sir.” The persuing sphere stops firing and quickly fly’s at full speed ahead of their path and begins to fire once more. “Borg are nothing if not predictable! heh!” “Cut loose the tractor beam, Thomas runs to the helm and takes the controls, causing the ship to break hard and to the left, the disabled sphere they where towing slams into the the perusing one and disables the one and the destroys the other. “Success! A fine job…uh, officers.” Thank you sir they randomly replay. “Remain at your stations, until revealed.” “Aye sir” they reply. Thomas presses a button on the console next to the Captains chair, sickbay, what is the status of the Captain?” ” We have reversed the assimilation, but he will remain out of commission for the next week.” Thomas looks around the bridge, and sees the Commander lying on the floor dead, “computer, open ships open intercom frequencies.” There is a beep. “Attention, this is Admiral Thomas, I am taking command of the Pastak until the Captain is recovered, I would like all available staff to report to their watch commanders and report for duty at once. All senior staff, please report to the conference immediately.” Thomas then sits back in the Captains chair, “sickbay, once the Lieutenant is released, have her report to the bridge, we also need a medical staff to the bridge to see to our fallen and wounded..” “Aye sir” “Helm, what is our present location?” Thomas asks. ” We are in Romulan space, the exact coordinates are on your display.” “Romulan….why are we in Romulan space?” The holo-officer pauses for a moment, ” I don’t have access to classified material sir.” M’ress walks onto the bridge, looking around in amazement. “Comm, teach the lieutenant how to operate the communications console. I expect you to be a pro once I return.” Thomas says with a wink in his eye. M’ress smiles, with a bit more confidence to her expression. A moment later Thomas walks into the conference room, three officers await him. “Sir? Who are you?” One of them asks. ” I am Admiral Thomas, for the time being I will be taking command of this vessel and oversee its missions until the Captains fit to once more command.” They all look at each other, “Sir, you..” Thomas then interrupts them, “…and I expect you to follow my orders!” All of them, cautiously agree, not knowing Cat or if he did have the authority to take command. The long shot worked, as Temporal Assignments often include unknown and mysterious agents from time to time. “What is our statues, and present coarse?” Thomas asks. “We are headed to Romulan space to investigate temporal activity in this area.” “It appears we have found and contributed to its existence.” Thomas tells them. “I don’t understand sir.” Thomas presses a button on the table, “bridge, take us out of Romulan space immediately.” “What about our mission?” one of the officers asks. “The Borg where acting on a transponder signal, and knew to act just at the exact moment it activated. They intercepted us and now there is Borg technology in Romulan space for them to reverse engineer. Someone is wanting the Romulans to have such technology.” Thomas brings up their current timeline, at this current time in history we haven’t yet made peace or friendly relations with the Romulans yet. They are in fact still at odds with the Federation.” “What are your orders sir?” ” We trace the location of that signal, I want you to gather a staff and investigate the ships sensor and communication logs and track down where that signal was sent to.” Thomas explains. We seem to have someone outside of time, that is trying to give the Romulans the upper hand, by providing them with Borg technology. I also want those spheres to be unapproachable that we left behind.” “Should we scuttle them sir?” Thomas thinks on his question, “no, if we do that it will arise suspicion, i would rather you made it look like an accident, having them overload with radiation to keep outsiders at bay so their scans don’t detect the Federation was inside Romulan space.” “Very good sir, we can do that.” “Alright then, dismissed.” The officers begin to walk out of the room, but Thomas stops the chief Engineer. “I could use a new comm badge son.” He smiles and walks over to the replicator, “computer, standard comm badge.” Instantly one appears in the compartment, and the Chief engineer hands it to Cat. “There you go sir.” Thomas smiles and places it on his chest. “Thank you, carry on.” Thomas then looks at the replicator, “computer, Star cluster comm badge.” Instantly it appears and Thomas replaces the one on his chest with it. Then tidy’s his uniform before heading back to the bridge, slipping the extra comm badge in his palm. As he walks onto the bridge he tosses M’ress the extra comm badge, “keep in touch.” “Thank you sir.” Thomas takes the Captains chair and sits back, “helm, take us back to Romulan space maximum warp, we have a few loose ends to tie up.” M’ress looks back with a gasp. “Coarse laid in sir.” “Engage.” With in a few moments, they reach their destination. “Engineering, is your team ready?” Thomas asks. “Aye sir, package is ready.” “Transporter room, transport the package to the designated location, activate upon arrival.” Thomas orders. A moment later they see on the main viewer the Borg Sphere begin to filling with burning radiation. “Helm, bring us about to the next one.” “Aye sir” Once more they radiate another sphere, making it unapproachable and eliminating the traces of phaser fire from the previous battle. “Sir! Long range sensor show too Romulan Warbirds heading our way.” “Blast, we have ran out of time…helm, take us out of here.” Thomas orders, with a certain displeasing tone to his voice. “What time sir?” “TIme?…take us to your head quarters, we need to report in our findings.”

    To be continued…

    Post count: 2368

    Temporal Ambassador Part 9

    Time is right and the coarse is set, Thomas, now commanding the Pastak, a Wells Class time ship, heads back to the future to report to their superiors. In the mean time, he has set himself to work, tireless in his efforts to reverse engineer all the collected data and technology he had acquired. Overwhelmed at the advancements at his disposal, he allows his imagination to manifest for yet further use. The ability to create a photonic and self contained A.I. for the bridge officers and security can become a more advanced personal combat system for real officers too. Imagine being able to replicate tools, weapons, food and shields on demand on ones person! After what seemed like 10 strait hours of work, he took a manufactured wrist band and attached power pack and Tholan tricorder, a reduced in size version, and attached it to the wristband then placed it on hiding it under his cuff. Then takes another wristband and attaches a modified version of the holoprojectors to the other, and attaches it to his other wrist, then covers it also with his jackets cuff. His head sore and his eyes heavy, he gathers himself for a moment. “This needs to be tested…computer, energy shield!” Thomas orders as he raises his wrist with the holoemitter on it. Suddenly a force shield activates, “excellent. Computer disengage shield.” The shield disappears. “Computer initiate Emergency Medical nanites!” Suddenly a slight fog of green hovers around Thomas, revitalizing him, allowing him to clear his head from the exhaustion. He then begins to test several other assorted field tools and devices. “Excellent, I believe we are set, what are your thoughts on this?” he asks the time key. A stern voice quickly thunders out to Thomas’s surprise, “I am merely a passport, a gateway through time!” “What or who are you?” Thomas asks. “I have been around since the beginning of time, I am my own beginning, I am my own end. The timeline is being altered from both dimensions, to stop this disruption, you must seek out your other!” “So I’ve noticed, how bad is this disruption?” Thomas asks. The Guardian goes silent. Suddenly M’ress calls him from the bridge, “Sir Thomas, we have arrived…” “It Admi…never mind, i’m on my way.” As Thomas arrives on the bridge to his horror, he see’s the Temporal headquarters have been surrounded by Tholians. “Report?” He asks. One of the ship ranking officers approaches him and salutes, “sir, we have scanned the area, Tholians have not just surrounded the Star Base, they have penetrated it.” “They have complete control of the facility?” He asks. “We don’t know, our scans of the interior are being blocked by some sort of Temporal Shift.” Another bridge officer adds. “Can we beam down there without being detected?” Thomas asks. Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy, even the Photon officers. “Sir?” A few of them ask. “Look we have to find out whats happened, and this base will be our best lead right?” Thomas adds. “yes, sir, but its suicide to waltz down into a Tholian infested area.” Thomas smiles, with a confidence of hope they weren’t expecting from their situation. “It’s all about the risk, a great man once said, and if i’m to get you kids home safe I need to know what happened and how to fix it, yes?” They all looked at him stunned, then stutter out, “..ay…uh, aye sir.” Thomas walks over to M’ress’s console, and uses it to scan surrounding ships. Then uses it to pan the screen to a small shuttle entering the area. “Two Tholian lifeforms aboard, perfect! …beam me to their ship, then clear the area and wait for orders…” He punches in coordinates on the console, “, if i’m not back in 4 hours.” M’ress jumps up, and holds his arms, “sir please don’t..” “Observe your station Lieutenant!” M’ress sits back down blushing. Thomas raises his arm, computer MACO Tech 1, activate!” Suddenly a fully armored environmental suit encases him resembling the one, the photonic security officer wore. Everyone gasps in amazement. “Transport!” M’ress looks down hiding her fascination and further blushing of him as he vanishes. His sudden appearance onto the Tholian shuttle sent the two occupants into a screaming alert of panic, “Computer, Force Field dome!” Suddenly the Tholians are pressed against the hull of the cockpit, too tight to move or scream further. “I can see we are all pressed for answers to our situation.” Thomas says with a triumphant laugh, he then quickly takes the controls and continues to pilot into the base. Keeping them alive and assured that any scans of the vessel would still show it was occupied by two living Tholians. His new armor, made of a photonic ablative mesh, would block any detection of his biological presence. The shuttle enters the facility without causing any suspicion. Thomas had waited until they moved in close enough to give their clearance code, or so he had hoped. His gamble paid off. As he docks, he removes the Force shield and then quickly bashes the one with the pommel of his sword, as he kicks the other against the wall again, following through with a quick spinning slash to finish it off, The other Tholian shakes off the stun from the first attack just as Thomas pounces on him with a slamming blow that knocks him down, he then twirls his sword in a figure eight and brings it down in a thrust to finish the creature off. Now that he’s inside the complex he can also use his rifle without the other Tholians detecting his energy weapon discharges, alerting reinforcements. Thomas sets the energy source from the shuttle to overload, by causing an inner-mix implosion set to go off in 60 seconds. He then sheaths his sword and un-slings his rifle as he opens the hatch to exit, taking full caution as he scans the area for more enemies. Immediately he notices several Tholians coming to greet his companions from a moment ago, and slips off with his personal cloak active. From a distance he begins to hear their screams as they find them dead, then a sudden thud and a terrible sound of tearing metal and crumbling, then nothing. He moves on further into the complex, Tholians seemed to be working to penitrate it further, as if to still be studying the place, they must not have had control of it for long. A silent warning comes up on his visors screen, “detection imminent” The Tholians scans have picked him up, they scream and turn weapons drawn looking for the intruder. Thomas leaps up onto a platform above them and aims for his first as he disengages his cloak and pounces down on the creature, while firing at the others. The screams intensify and they open fire at Thomas. He ducks and dodges, firing back. “Computer, energy shield,” a force shield appears absorbing the energy attacks and he aims for a power-shot taking down one then rapidly fires at the others wearing them down until they all fall. He moves in to inspect what they where doing, “computer, scan their traces and give me a readout of all trans-dimensional activity.” The Computer speaks, “scans where taken of a compressed energy signatures within the structure, each device is cloaked and impossible to directly locate, it appears to be a defense system.” “Computer activate micro probe and scan the facility further.” A probe replicates before him the size of a baseball and hovers down the corridor further. After about 10 meters a high intensity phaser beam fires and destroys it, Thomas quickly takes aim and fires at the spot it originated, the explosion de-cloaks the device and alerts the whole bases automated security systems, the fluctuation momentarily drops the cloak for a fraction of a second due to the sudden energy output on a unkempt base. Allowing for his continued scans to pick up the rest of the anomalies and target them. “Computer, activate auto playback of anomalies and add them to my visors display.” The computer then responds, “there will be a 98% accuracy rating for playback of recorded anomalies.” “It will have to do.” Thomas cautiously takes to the corridor firing at the targets on his visor, destroying each security turret as he makes his way down, he comes upon an anomaly on the floor, and takes a step back, then fires, a huge explosion rocks the corridor knocking him off his feet. The computer then adds, “Personal shield down 10%.” Thomas groans for a moment, as he looks at the small crater on the floor, “mines…” he gets to his feet clearing the traps but then suddenly is hit by a powerful phaser blast from behind, slamming him against the wall. he quickly rolls to aim at the source but it had already re-cloaked again, “personal shields down 45%” the computer adds. “Ill fix your little wagon!” Thomas exclaims. “Computer, activate transphasic bomb, set timer for 10 seconds!” Thomas then leaps as far as he can further down the hall, and tumbling-sault, dodging the next high powered phaser blast, then the bomb goes off disabling the turret, “there you are!” Thomas laughs as he takes aim and blasts it. Suddenly a warning comes up on his visor, as he moves further into the complex. Temporal Disruptions, imminent. “Computer, locate the source of these disruptions.” The signal skips for a moment and the computer delays. “Working.” It says. “The distortion must be close if its messing up my circuitry this bad.” Thomas Thinks to himself, trying to decipher how to proceed. He looks over the situation, not daring to use any more from his equipment then is necessary, his battery reserves are already below half, and he still needs life support for the rest of the trip. His movements seemed to be getting slower too. He soon comes across sealed doors, “I would bet there are more traps around that door, and I still need to get into it. knowing hes taking a chance, he fabricates an energy shield and approaches the door. Ready to open fire at what ever appears, suddenly several mines begin to go off around him knocking him around, he begins to gasp for air, the read out on his visor is scrambling, his vision fading from lack of oxygen, he can barely make out that there are 3 breaches in his suit and he has less then 20 seconds before he passes out and dies. The mines where subverted by the Temporal Distortion, he didn’t take the full brunt of the hits but its still hit with enough force to give him a slow death. He shakes his head trying to clear it, but not even realizing he was already on the ground and had begun to expire from the effects of decompresson, his vision begins to go white and then…it all begins to flash before his eyes, his entire life within an instant. As a young child he was small, labeled a useless runt. Rejected by his family, a tribe of warriors and hunters. His brother and sister where larger then he, even though they where all around the same age. But no weakness was to be allowed to continue to breed or make use of the supplies that their tribe needed to keep themselves fed and strong, this weak gene needed to be purged from the bloodline, he was cast out of the village by way of death. Tossed from refuge cliff, only to be beamed aboard a slavers ship and live under cruel bondage of these aliens strange to him, with technologies that made them appear to be gods. How he suffered, the days of beatings and torment, the tears that rolled down his face, mocked at every whimper, lashed at every cry. Until several years later, he was sold to Ferengi who planned to use him labor, though he was small, his time under bondage had made him strong and he was a hard worker. Sometimes anti-gravity devices didn’t work and someone had to do the heavy lifting. A quick wit and a fast learner, he observed how to negotiate by watching his owners in action. But even this changed the day Vega colony was attacked, his owners killed and assimilated. In terror he hid and ran for his life, to afraid to look at the creatures that invaded, not knowing what to do. He watched as others arrived to assist, but fell as well. Then something clicked in his mind, as he watched the young and old, cry the same tears he had for so many years…”NO, no more! The suffering must stop NOW!!!” He cried as he took up a dropped phaser rifle and began to fight tooth and claw, with a built up rage that had been building up in him for most of his life, for 2 days he fended these never ending machines. Exhausted and badly injured he finally was the only one left standing. He crawled, his rifle still strapped to his back…hours went by then he finally gave out. He awoke to the sight of humans tending to him, after a sudden startle of these strange creatures he suddenly felt relaxed and they treated him for his wounds, fed him and showed compassion, a gift he had never been given before. One of them took off their jacket and covered him in it to keep him warm. He felt comforted and allowed himself to lower his guard around his new friends. His rest was short lived as the firefight that broke out, had awoke him in a panic, as the Borg suddenly beamed into their checkpoint and overran their position. He clinged to the rifle that had saved him before, fear gripped him, but when he peered around the cover he took, he seen those nice people who had care for him and helped him, begin to die. He fell back into that rage once more and began to fight them. When the battle was his once more, he looked around only to see all of his new friends where gone. He fell to his knees and began to cry bitterly that he couldn’t save them. The strange metal object chirped on his jacket, he grabbed it in curiosity. A voice came from it, “Bravo team report, whats your status?” It said. “Whats a status?” he asked. They beamed him up thinking he was the lone survivor of that team, the ship they came from already destroyed, they assigned him to theirs for the time being. He didn’t know what was going on or who they where, thinking he was in shock they dismissed him from active duty to recover. After the incident, the rank on his jacket was still Commander, so due to a error in the data base from the chaos of the Vega colony incident, he was reinstated or so they thought as a Commander ranked officer in Star Fleet, never once going to the academy or even seeing it. Soon he met a half Vulcan Counselor named Alanna T’Par, who became his best friend. She discovered Thomas’s situation and helped him to learn technology and quickly got him up to speed in a few short years.. During this time, Thomas also taught her a few things about fighting skills and they both grew off one another, being as close as family. Then a commission came up, as Jean-Luc Picard was to be promoted and given the assignment of Ambassador to Vulcan. Alanna’s recommendation assured that Thomas was able to be promoted to Captain and command the USS Enterprise E, he in turn choose Alanna T’Par as his ships Counselor. Thomas spent several years, exploring, sorting out Diplomatic and first contact missions, and even countless engagements in combat. The whole time, still using that same rifle…constantly upgrading and fine tuning it to suit the new challenges, until his design of the Battle rifle was accepted by the MACO division as the official design. But while a mission to meet up with representatives in Fluidic space, Alanna T’Par was taken and assimilated, CatStar resigned from Star Fleet and used the T’Par’s Science vessel, refit for Borg combat, he also dawned the classic navy outfit he’s became famous for wearing as he hunted Borg relentlessly for years until he finally found Alanna and rescued her. the wounds where deep and he cared for aboard his vessel until she could return to her work again, Star Fleet was only too happy to have him back and he was once again assigned to the Enterprise, where they both served until the day of his promotion to Admiral, the very rank he holds today…and so the story continues up until this point where he gasps with his final attempt’s to gain a breath, but none of them successful, and then everything goes black.

    To Be Continued…

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