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    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    Sorry I have not posted on here for a little while. I have been busy with a lot of real life events, plus have been enjoying Champions Online.
    However, I do miss teaming with you all and hope we can have a few events PVP’S this weekend. We really do have a great fleet in IDIC and I am honored to be apart of it. I want us to remember that this is a unique group of people and one that is very rare in MMO’S. We really do have a fantastic fleet woo hoo!!

    Let’s get some teaming happening this weekend what ever it may be 🙂

    I look forward to it!

    Post count: 2368

    Hey, send a team this way, I wouldn’t mind some company while im leveling! I heard you guys play in the early morning, so I have been getting up extra to join you, unfortunately no ones here >.>

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Luna,

    Thanks for your reply 🙂

    That would be good to team up, I see that you have made a KDF toon. I am not on every night (GMT+10) as I have uni study/work etc to attend too. I am usually on weekends.

    When I am on STO, I’ll be sure to send you a team invite 😎

    Post count: 2368

    Sorry Luna, I’ve been logging in really late, around 11pm (gmt+9:30) the last couple of weeks, usually you would be able to catch me. A few life things on my mind recently and it’s affecting game times.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Tactical Training

    Greetings fleet, for those who have read the fleet mail or have just browsed this forum, I thank you for taking the time to keep up with our fleet.

    I am looking for people who are not only active in our fleet, but are wanting to improve themselves ingame and become Elite! I will be starting up “HazardTeam” an idea that came from the game “Star Trek Elite Force” the best trained crew from Voyager, for difficult tactical missions. My goal here is to create a team similar to that, and train with them. We will learn each others tactics and grow to function as one powerful machine. When we have STF’s, PvP’s or other various tough missions, like the new Borg one coing soon…we will be ready!

    Requirements to join:

    Must be VA, must have XII weapons, Must be willing to communicate and teamup!!!

    Keep in mind, im not going to pick just anybody because they might like to join casualy, this team is a privlage and I will treat it as such. Our team will get many benefits and surprizes for a job welldone. I will also let you in on secrets I have as well as tactics to exploiting the game and your apponent. Take note: I hav 2 Foundry missions we will be using to train wth, “Kobayashi Maru” and “Space Hulk” both designed for a tough training senario. We will be doing them once a week.

    My team asside, Im still available for teaming with other members, im always too happy to help, but My Hazard team will always take priority, so if you feel you have what it takes, or want to become IDIC’s finest, see me.

    One more thing, those who wish to join me…anyone, I will be doing Breen missions everyday for the Dilithium to help our fleet. If you wish to join me feel free to ask, its time we all began to get to know our fleet mates and come out of our shells, you might find someone you enjoy to team with!

    Please feel free to follow this up in the tactical forum, -I.D.I.C- Tactical Training

    Post count: 2368

    I have come across a good RP mission on foundry. I would like to get a team together to play through it again. Its a good storyline. “Relics” by Kirkfat

    Take the time to read and explore his adventure, if you have a toon with a Star trek theme, you might want to bring him/her.

    Post count: 2368

    Look in your list of general missions for “Hearts and Minds” they brought this back once again. Complete it for a rare Clone DoFF, dont forget ur space suit!!

    Post count: 2368

    thanks 🙂

    I’ll check it out

    Post count: 2368

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