Home Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) General Discussion & FAQ SW:TOR Game update 1.7 – major changes in game

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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    Rumors are that tomorrow a new patch will be launched (1.7) which will bring some major changes in the game.
    Official info can be find here: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130205 and here http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates
    Un-official and more detailed (datamined) info may be found here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/feature/23065-game-update-1-7-datamined-information-updated-with
    To summarize, few of the major changes are:
    1. the new reputation system (WoW like, it seems)
    2. new legacy treats (such as legacy titles, but hopefully more then that)
    3. new story content (the Gree story line)
    4. new abilities/some changes in abilities trees
    Looking forward to see you in-game,

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Kara.

    Sounds interesting. I am finally able to play SW now, I should be at the party on the weekend 🙂

    Let me know if you need any help with it


    Post count: 2368

    Good job on instaling the game.I understood from Kara that you had some trouble.We made some plans on how the reunion should take place.Looking forward to meet you.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks 🙂 Look forward to meeting you too!

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