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    Post count: 2368

    SWTOR: Double XP weekend


    Great news for levelers 🙂 The double XP weekend just started 🙂 So grab your gear and add some levels :))

    Good luck and if you need help with missions, just let me know 🙂



    Post count: 2368

    awesome, thanks Kara… I will certainly take this opportunity to level 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I may do some leveling on my Jedi tonight 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I made myself a new toon last night (as in my last night) on the empire side; she’s a bounty hunter called Al’iya; to have something to level this weekend 🙂
    Hopefully I’ll catch someone around soon to get an invite into the guild with her. She’s already at lvl 13 (this double XP is really amazing) in just 3 hours 🙂
    See you soon!

    Post count: 2368

    Can you tell me again on which server are you guys playing? I might start a new toon there this weekend.

    Post count: 2368

    We’re playing on “The Harbinger” server, West-US.
    Looking forward to meet you in-game 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Ok, Ill make it now. Empire right? Is anyone online right now, so i can guild invite?

    Post count: 2368

    I’m online now, but on various toons, mostly on my new one, Al’iya (empire side). (my other toon names and their sides you may find in my signature)
    But please post your toon name here and I’ll look for you.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo would be great to have Nei there 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Its Neithy, lvl 12 sith assassin. But still not sure if ill stay on US servers, I have 4x latency compared to EU. But Ill try.

    Post count: 2368

    When I’ll get home I’ll get online and I’ll look for you (and I’ll add you as friend on all my empire characters); that means in about 3-4 hours from this post date. This way I’ll see you when you will be online.
    As for the US servers, I’m in europe too. And I tried to play on european servers too, BUT …..
    Is true that you have better response time on network, yet, for me, even if i have about 300-350 ms, it still works well on US servers.
    EU servers have, for me, a big issue … the players. I had the unpleasant surprise to discover that the environment on EU servers is … childish, to say the least. The behavior range from childish, rudeness, hectic to aggressiveness and threatening. Maybe it was just me, but I never felt comfortable on EU servers. The EU server I used to play on is “the red eclipse”.
    And as in the end, the difference between around 300 ms response time on US servers and under 100 ms response time on EU servers wasn’t much noticeable, I choosed to stay on the US servers.
    The lag you might experience now is mainly because of the starter planets you’re now, which are laggy most of the time and also because of the double XP weekend and to the “Thanksgiving” holiday that is in the US. Much more players entered online in this period. But normaly, from EU you can play normal on US servers.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Its 50 ms in EU for me and over 200 in US. But you are right, its not that big issue for MMOs. And about community… most of players are immature, but that everywhere in all games. It least everyone speaking english 🙂 not like in EU, where everyone spams their language.

    I still miss my legacy tho, most of bonuses bought and my HK droid =( But its nice to start fresh.

    See you in game.

    Post count: 2368

    🙁 too bad you cant do a Euro to US transfer. Thanks for coming over Nei.

    Post count: 2368

    This Double XP Weekend is really crazy …. I just finished Dormund Kaas and my new toon is already at level 22 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve gone from 37 to 41 on my consular 🙂 – its going slow as I don’t have much time to play this weekend, but I’m pleased with a bit of advancement.

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