Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Summit Determinations

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    Post count: 2368

    Summit Determinations

    I would like to thank all those who attended the Summit in November. I would also like to thank those who came to our forums and expressed their opinions and comments.

    Prior to the summit there was a bit of tension amongst several members. Today this seems to have died down, however I feel this is more due to members taking up responsibilities in other areas of the GA, and letting STO rest for a bit. This I think though hard for the STO -I.D.I.C- UFP & KDF fleets has been necessary and I think wise in retrospect.

    Also there are some concerns that im taking too long in making determinations about rules etc. This is justified however because of the details of some of the proposals, I thought it best to consider all the options given me as much as I can, without rushing.

    I will say this much so that people are without doubt in at least these areas. I will be staying on as -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. Fleet Leader. LawMarshall will be staying on as Executive Officer.

    There will be a meeting of the Guild Alliance Committee on Sunday the 10th of March at a time yet to be agreed in order to resolve several GA matters and at this point mainly the KDF-side fleet. I will be proposing that any individual committee member may only be leader of one guild within the GA. given the recent surge in STO Interfleet and TOR ISE activity it is next to impossible to commit to more than one leadership position.

    I will be adding to this address over the next week afterwhich time we will schedule a TOR and STO member meeting to roll out the new rules-policies going forward. After this we will begin prep for the 2 year -I.D.I.C- UFP Anniversary 🙂

    Keep your eyes on this forum Post

    Post count: 2368

    Determination: Member Inactivity and Consequences

    I have tried to consider all of the comments made in the forums and the summit on this topic. I think I’ve struck a balance that will work. This leaves room for permamnent positions as well as making room for more active members. http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=384

    These rules will come into effect at which time the fleet reaches maximum capacity. Until this time no member will be removed on account of inactivity, however point 3) Command Officer demotion will apply for inactive Command staff

    1) Officer Second Class & Below
    Any member Officer: Second Class and below that is absent for 2 consecutive months without in-game mailing, e-mailing or posting in the Absent forum will be removed from the fleet without notice.

    2) Officer First Class
    Any member Officer: First Class is absent for 2 consecutive months without in-game mailing, e-mailing or posting in the Absent forum will be sent a notice. If the notice is not responded to they will be removed without any further attempts to contact.

    3) Command Officers
    Any Command Officer or above that is absent for 2 consecutive weeks without in-game mailing, e-mailing or posting in the Absent forum will be sent a notice. If the notice is ignored, a second notice will be sent. If the second notice is also ignored the officer will be demoted to Officer: First Class. At this point please refer to point 2.

    4) Exeptions
    Exceptions to these rules are Guild Alliance Comittee members and cross-faction officers. In regards to cross faction officers the U.F.P. and K.D.F. Leader will make determinations together.

    Veteran Members – I am considering a veterans right where they can’t be removed due to long service and loyalty to the fleet. I am thinking of implementing this at the 3 year membership mark.

    Post count: 2368

    Time-Zones and Recruiting

    I have determined that our primary time-zone will be based on Australian play times.

    We have many USA and EURO players that also play in our timezone and that has been great for us, however in order for the command staff to effectively admin the fleet we must have a guideline for play times.

    Our playtime recruiting will revolve around 6pm GMT+10 Sydney. We will say for weekdays, 3 hours prior and 3 after the GMT+10 which gives us a 6 hour window. Our recruitment must focus on players that fit this time parameter and I would ask anyone recruiting to ask about a new members play-times before bringing them into the fleet.

    Post count: 2368

    Forums and Communications

    Our forums will remain the main communications source and I would encourage all the guild leaders, not just for STO to encourage their members to join and contribute.

    All our future officers will vbe instructed to invite people to chat channels as well as encourage forum use.

    Post count: 2368

    Fleet Structure Proposals

    I have struggled to go over and make comments on the proposals by the two major proposal contributors, Kara and CatStar. Going over the actual proposal and subsequent comments has been trying lol. Since many of these issues have been resolved and we’ve reached a relatively organised situation with both IDIC fleets and the GA as a whole it is probably not necessary to go into those posts too closely.

    I have to first say that aspects of both proposals are already active under other names in the current fleet rules and structure. I have gone over the proposals and have plucked out several aspects that I would like to add to the fleet rules. Some of these are;

    Kara’s comcept of having RP ranks appeals to me. How to implement this properly is something to look into for the future.
    Kara’s concept of having only 1 toon in a position on the roster – that way it doesn’t clutter the roster and people can still tell who is an officer by their main toon being in the higher rank etc.
    CatStar’s concept of ranking up from the bottom after making a certain number of contributions to the fleet holdings.
    CatStar’s concept of a recruitment officer position. We have actually implemented this in the last week.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the update Plas 🙂

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