Home Forums IDIC – EVENTS ROUND-UP 2012 Successful Fleet Event, CatStar’s ~The Quest~ Review

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    Successful Fleet Event, CatStar’s ~The Quest~ Review

    Hi Everyone,

    This afternoon a few teams participated in CatStar’s fleet event. The event consisted of strategy, problem solving and adventure. It was unlike any event nor mission that I had been apart of since I had begun playing STO two and a half years ago. We were given a clue either in the form of a riddle or a question that needed to be answered by completing certain missions. The idea was to work together, investigate and solve each clue with the information that was displayed.

    The fleet event was a real success! Everyone cooperated and enjoyed it all immensely. The enjoyment of being involved in a different type of event meant that we were able to use different skills in order to complete the tasks set before us. The fleet event ended with a fun party at club 47 with great games and dancing.

    I would like to thank CatStar for all the effort and time that went into preparing for this fleet event. We appreciate it immensely and look forward to more events in the near future.

    I would also like to encourage any member who was not able to join in today’s event, if you can, please join us for future fleet events. It is a way for us to all relax and have fun as a fleet and to get to know each other’s characters. I would like to see as many members as possible to come and join us 🙂

    I wish you all the best and look forward to chatting and teaming with you soon.

    Best Regards,

    Alanna T’par
    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Ambassador

    Post count: 2368

    Well written Ambassador. I have syndicated your post to our Official Website, Twitter & Facebook.


    Post count: 2368

    Thanks 🙂

    I have created a twitter account for Ingrid. I have never used it before, will be interesting…

    Post count: 2368

    Sounds like a lot of fun!

    Post count: 2368

    Yeh 🙂

    Lol nice picture there Bran hehe

    Post count: 2368

    @Alanna_Boraz wrote:

    Yeh 🙂

    Lol nice picture there Bran hehe

    Haha, I started using that as kind of a placeholder pic for my Facebook account, as the profile pic was the only one that was publicly visible when doing searches, etc… just got into the habit of using it when I sign up for things.

    When I have some time later to log on, I’ll make an actual picture of my character. 🙂

    EDIT: Just realized I do have some screenshots taken already that I can get to from my Linux installation! Better?

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