Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL Stylish Dance Emote Clip

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    Stylish Dance Emote Clip

    I thought that after the release of the ‘Stylish Dance’ emote that someone would make a video clip like this sooner or later.

    Of course the ‘Stylish Dance’ emote is the Gangam Style dance for those that didn’t know 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    LOL…. funny video 🙂
    And I don’t really know what gangam dance actualy is, but I think I’ve got an idea after that movie 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    lol Gangam Style is a song by a South Korean artist called Psy. The video for the song is the most watched video on youtube and the first to get a billion hits. Its not far from 2 billion hits at the moment.


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