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    Hi All, I am thinking of applying for Space and Ground pvp boot camp. I am very keen to improve and understand the tactics of the pvp world. Here is recent information for what is in store. If you are also interested, let me know. Maybe we can learn together 🙂

    Official Website:


    Greetings Captains!

    I am delighted to provide you with another update on PvP Boot Camp. As I reflect on the months behind and begin to dream about those ahead, I feel nothing but excitement over Boot Camp. Week after week, I hear positive reports about how players experience of PvP in STO has improved by the teaching provided by our impressive roster of coaches. It is hard to believe that in October 2012 PvP Boot Camp was nothing more than an idea proposed on the PvP Subforum. And now, because of the hard work done by coaches, the interest of players, and the support of the developers, Boot Camp has grown into a full-blown, player-driven initiative, with hundreds of participants and dozens of coaches on the roster. Coaches and students, you are to be congratulated for a job well-done.

    But before I continue, let me briefly describe Boot Camp for those who are unfamiliar with it. PvP Boot Camp provides a safe and enjoyable training environment in which players can come to learn the basics of STO PvP. Intimidation and frustration are among the key issues keeping people from jumping into PvP matches. At Boot Camp, we believe that the key to breaking through intimidation is education along with a taste of success, both of which are more easily accomplished in a controlled pedagogical setting than in an open PUG match. So if you want to sharpen your combat skills–either on the ground or in space–check out PvP Boot Camp.

    There are a number of places where you can get official information about Boot Camp: (1) Coaches. All of our coaches have been given access to an in-game title (“PvP Boot Camp Coach”). If you happen to see someone with this title walking around, PM that person and ask for more info. (2) Check out the PvP Boot Camp website, which was created by one of our Vice Admirals, @drkfrontiers. (3) Information and announcements are also posted on the PvP Boot Camp subforum, where you will also find our registration threads.

    Now, on to a few updates.

    Update 1: Ground PvP Boot Camp is Here!

    Thanks to Pug01, Guriphu, and all our ground coaches, Ground PvP Boot Camp is off to a great start. In Ground PvP Boot Camp, you will learn the techniques that will propel you to victory in PvP or make you one of the best ground PvE players in your fleet. Master basic techniques to increase dramatically your tanking and damage, or improve your existing skills by learning battle tested strategies for solo and team success. Learn how a team can work together and share buffs to achieve seemingly impossible feats; how you can survive – or deliver! – a super-buffed one-hit-kill attack; and how each class has the ability to multiply the effectiveness of the other two.

    Like Boot Camp Space, Ground PvP Boot Camp follows a 4-tier curriculum that will teach students the basics of ground combat. In order to graduate from Ground PvP Boot Camp, students must complete all 4 stages of the curriculum. Each monthly session covers one of the stages in the curriculum. Only one graduation award is given per player, whether he or she graduates from space or ground.

    To sign up for next month’s Ground PvP Boot Camp (March 2nd, 2013), check out the following link in the Boot Camp subforum.

    Or, if you can’t wait to add a little more power to your pulsewave and can’t wait until March 2nd, check out Pug01’s recent interview, hosted by Priority One Podcast.

    Update 2: PvP Boot Camp Open PvP Sessions: Every Saturday, 5pm/1700 CET and 5pm/1700 EST

    Boot Camp now sponsors a weekly, open PvP session. The goal of this session is to let newer players interact with more experienced players and to help everyone experience the joys of team play. In short, this is all about fun! There is nothing quite like entering into the “synergistic zone” with a team: Cross-heals, precisely timed alphas and subnucs, massive explosions, etc. The thrill that comes with teamwork is what keeps many of us coming back to the arena for more, and it is what we want all of our students to taste.

    Anyone is welcome to join in these events, which take place every Saturday, except the Saturdays on which our monthly sessions are held. Just log in at any of the above-mentioned times to the Boot Camp TeamSpeak server using the information below. No noob is too noobish! Bring your questions, excitement, and willingness to learn.

    TeamSpeak Info:

    No password

    Update 3: Space PvP Boot Camp, Session 3: February 23, 2013, 8pm/2000 CET and 8pm/2000 EST

    The third session of PvP Boot Camp Space is just around the corner! This very exciting session is all about PvP teamplay dynamics. if you want to know how you can make a contribution to a PvP team, you need to attend this session.

    If you happened to miss session two in January, a few coaches will be on hand to take you through that material.

    For registration details, check out the following link.

    Update 4: Graduates, Is There a Future for You as a Boot Camp Coach?

    At PvP Boot Camp, we are always looking for high quality coaches. If you are interested in becoming a Boot Camp coach, take the following steps:

    1) Look at your schedule and see if you can commit to coaching 1-2 hours per month, beginning at 8pm/2000 CET and/or 8pm/2000 EST. Then, make sure you can attend at least one coaches meeting per month. These are typically held the Saturday before Boot Camp at at 8pm/2000 CET and/or 8pm/2000 EST and last for 1-2 hours.

    2) Get a recommendation from one of the Boot Camp coaches. This is a prerequisite for all graduates who wish to also become coaches.

    3) Have your recommender contact our Vice Admiral of Public Relations and Recruitment: @jedinikon.

    Update 5: Advanced Seminars

    Once our first class graduates, we will begin to offer advanced classes, taught by seasoned PvP veterans. While nothing is on the schedule yet, such classes could include the following for both ground and space:

    1) Premade Seminar: This would allow entire teams to sign up for in-depth sessions on how to create pre-made teams. You will gain access to some of the game’s best players and team leaders.

    2) Healing Seminar: A special seminar on how to become a great team healer.

    3) Damage Seminar: A seminar on–well–how to make things go boom!

    4) Skill Tree Seminar: This would be an even deeper look into the theory, math, and dynamics of the skill tree. This seminar would take you far beyond what you received in the regular session on the skill tree.

    These are just a few of the ideas we are playing with, and we are open to others. If you have ideas, send them to sargon.priorityone@gmail.com or send me an ingame note: @gradstudent1

    Update 6: The PvP Boot Camp Subforum

    Cryptic/Perfect World has been kind enough to provide Boot Camp with a subforum. The subforum allows you, the student, coach, or player, to voice your opinion and shape the future of PvP Boot Camp. Join the conversation. Make your voice heard!

    Update 7: Player vs. Developer Match

    You may remember that, all players who participated in the first PvP Boot Camp in December were placed into a drawing to participate in a player vs. developer match. This match took place during the last PvP Boot Camp Space in January. Branflakes, Thomas TheCrypticCat, and JHeinig came in guns blazing! It was a match to behold as coaches, players, and developers alike collided in a mass of phaser fire, plasma projectiles, and massive explosions. If you want to see the video, created by @drkfrontiers, our Vice Admiral of Digital Media, click here.

    Boot Camp is at an exciting phase of its development, and there are so many ways for you to be involved. Join the conversation in the subforum. Attend one of the upcoming sessions. Or join us in the ques on Saturday. Take your game to the next level.

    If you have questions about Boot Camp, don’t hesitate to contact me: sargon.priorityone@gmail.com or ingame at @gradstudent1.

    See you in the queues!

    Post count: 2368

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