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    Post count: 2368

    Woo i’ll be on tomorrow CatStar – look forward to seeing you all, teaming and chatting to you in game…

    I hope your new job goes well Plas 🙂

    Talk soon!

    Post count: 2368

    Woo UFP-Side Starbase Ornament 🙂


    Purple Bat’Leth


    -Plas poses with his Epic Kill


    -Plas and Snowy, lol

    Don’t F**K with -Plas and Snowy

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I just wanted to cheer too 😆

    Post count: 2368


    Aww! Just when I moved from nights to morning shifts this week!

    I’m going to miss you again! 😥

    But on a positive note: I finish my xmas temp job on the 24th

    And I’ve gave a bit to the embassy projects whenever I came on.

    I’ll try to be around on wednesday, since it’s my day off for the week

    *waves* Cya all later 😀

    Post count: 2368

    oh Saruk 🙁 That time zone challenge is frustrating at times. . . No probs, we will all catch up soon. Hope you are also enjoying the winter wonderland and having a lot of snow fights 😛
    See ya all there soon


    Post count: 2368

    A neat submission from Adria


    Post count: 2368

    Congratz to the winner of “CatStars Race” LawMarshal got to take home a snowman pet for his victory on the ice. All participants also got a Food item from the Gift table.

    Post count: 2368

    wooo, thanks for that great prize Cat 🙂 wooo wish I could have been there 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    hehe, Plasma’s little buddy. Thats soo cute, Im going to buy one now!!!

    Post count: 2368

    He is pretty cool (lol snow-cool 🙄 ) – Cool thing is every time you activate him, he looks different – there at least 5 different looks I’ve noticed so far 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Some winter shots

    Post count: 2368

    Fleet Winter Shots

    Post count: 2368

    If you havent found all of the snowmen yet for your accolade, here is a map for Q’s Wonderland. I hope to see more people on soon, I havent finished my snowball fight accolade yet, and would like to finish up while teaming with people. The time we get to spend on here, we can talk about all year, fun times! This year, I get to join you for the Winter event, they didnt start F2P until after the holidays last year, so i missed it. Lets make the most of the time we have left, I hope to see you soon.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, thanks Luna 🙂

    -My first Breen ship is on its way to attack earth 🙂 – 7 more to go.

    Post count: 2368

    :O Send the Caitian Cavalry!

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