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    STO OFFICIAL: S7 – Season 7 is Live


    Our latest content update, Season 7: New Romulus, is now available. In this update, a new sector block opens for play and new missions, events, and social experiences are available for Fleets and max-level players. Undertaking these new challenges will help you earn rewards, including new captain abilities!

    Here’s some of what you can experience in Season 7:


    A group of Romulans and Remans have banded together to create a new homeworld for their people — and they need your help! Located in the new Tau Dewa Sector Block, New Romulus offers captains on both sides of the conflict the chance to aid the Romulan leader D’Tan as he locates a new homeworld and begins the process of building a capital city.

    Large, persistent zone designed for max level Federation and Klingon faction captains.
    Bring an away team member with you or group with other players to complete zone-wide objectives
    Earn Romulan Reputation by assisting with construction of the new colony.
    Aid the Romulans and unlock instanced away-team missions that reveal the planet’s troubled past.
    Visit your Fleet’s Embassy on New Romulus.
    Contact Subcommander Mivek in the Tau Dewa Sector Block for daily space patrols.


    Advance your captain’s career by building reputation with Task Force Omega and the Romulans. This new system opens up new rewards and gear for your max-level character — including new captain abilities!

    You can access the Reputation system via the “Reputation” tab on your in-game ‘Status’ window.

    Personal advancement system for Vice Admirals and Lt. General characters.
    Undertake challenging new PvE content to earn resources needed to increase Reputations and unlock reward tiers.
    Select new captain abilities as you unlock reward tiers.
    Spend Expertise and Resources to acquire special gear sets.
    Because players can now earn Reputation with Task Force Omega, we’ve made several changes that should make high-end STF gear easier to obtain:

    Earn Omega Marks through non-STF content such as the Defera Invasion Zone and Red Alerts.
    You no longer need to run a specific STF for a specific item — all STFs reward the needed Resources.
    Watch your progress via the project status — no more waiting for a drop!
    Forty-two drop items have been reduced to two: Omega Marks and Borg Neural Processors.
    The STF Reward Store on DS9 has been removed. Items are now available through Task Force Omega projects.
    Due to the changes in STF rewards, all existing STF items will be converted to Omega Marks and Borg Neural Processors using a rate that takes into account how many of these items you acquired, but did not spend, on your character. Look in your Inventory for an “Omega Conversion Crate” which contains these items. For more information on these changes, read this Dev Blog.


    A new Fleet holding has opened! In addition to your Fleet’s Starbase, you can now build an embassy on New Romulus.

    Begin projects to construct and level up your Embassy.
    Progression is faster and less expensive than a Starbase.
    Unlock new Romulan-themed rewards at each tier.
    Watch your embassy grow as you completed special projects.
    The Embassy is attached to the New Romulus Adventure Zone, providing a local meeting area for Fleet Members.


    Improve your Fleet Resources and Captain’s Reputation by undertaking challenging new 5- and 20-player queued missions.

    Help Obisek defend the Vault from Tholians and earn Fleet Marks and Romulan Marks in “The Vault: Ensnared,” a 5-player space combat event.
    Survive a colony overrun by Salt Vampires in “Mine Trap,” a 20-player Fleet Action that rewards Romulan Marks and Fleet Marks.
    Rescue captured Romulan starships from a secret Tholian base in “Azure Nebula Rescue,” a 5-player space combat event that rewards Romulan Marks and Fleet Marks.
    Face the Borg Queen in “Into the Hive,” a Special Task Force with normal and elite versions that awards Omega Marks.


    Foundry spotlight missions now receive their own billing in the Mission Journal.
    New PvE Queue: See the rewards available from any event!
    New Ship Selection Screen: Select a default shuttle. No more switching ships to queue for a shuttle mission!


    Starfleet captains may now purchase the Vesta Class starship designed by artist Mark Rademaker and featured in the “Destiny” trilogy of novels. Three variants of the ship are available now in the C-Store http://sto.perfectworld.com/store!





    Embassy – Props and Final Look Concept


    Is this belt in the game?


    Romulan Weapons


    Post count: 2368

    lol, Ingrids the cover girl for season 7. I played a few patrols, fairly easy. But avoid Galorndon core patrol, the Gelky get stuck on the strip they are supposed to follow, this ruins the mission.

    Post count: 2368


    Post count: 2368

    Finally, CatStar has the oportunity to do his calling, exploration.

    Post count: 2368

    As much as I have enjoyed looking around and getting to work on new things,(happy cat :D) I must say, its too bad no ones around to share in this time here. As the purpose of a fleet is to bring players together. There is much to do and learn with these new changes, they add new content every so often to allow this. Without the company of friends and team mates, we miss getting to share these things together and grow that much further apart with each day we are not playing, having fun and laughing together. I think in all the rush and grind we have forgotten the very reason we came together for this fleet, and yes this fleet has been different then other fleets in the fact that, our members wanted to make the fleet comfortable and friendly for its members, and where there everyday to contribute thier time and skills to the overall success of the fleet, not for themselves, but thier friends in the fleet. We have been together for well over a year now, we have had good and bad times. I would like everyone to think back to what they have all done this year in this fleet, we have done and accomplished much….and we accomplished it all together! Next year, around this time, there will most likely be new content to explore new enemies, and new gear. Where will we be then? When we reflect on all our adventures in game, will we still see the same faces, or…

    We have some new members, they havent had a chance to get to know everyone yet. Lets spend some time getting to know them and make sure they have something good to look forward too, and be allowed to enjoy what we have. -Cat

    Post count: 2368

    Totally agree CatStar – a good message. It has been fun exploring the new content and I had the joy of teaming with a few fellow members later last night, it is great to get to know our members and I encourage everyone to give it a go. I am always available for teaming. Anytime anyone needs help or wants to team up – count me in… Certainly true, It is so much more fun exploring with team mates than doing it solo. I also look forward to these team up times!

    Post count: 2368

    Site Background for those who like that stuff. I’ve also posted some concept art in first post of this thread above, check it out, has a concept of the finished Fed Embassy.

    Post count: 2368

    For those interested in Accolades, here is another string of em in New Romulus. Some of the collected items can lead to duty officer assignments, one of which is History of ROmulus chips, they are like the daily ones u get from klingon and SFA. heres one I just got.

    Post count: 2368

    hey look, a new race has been added. http://www.sto.pefectworld.com/news/?p=758861

    Post count: 2368

    Nice… Yeh I need to take some time to explore Romulus, many cool things happening there. Cat, I think you should be our #1 guide officer on Romulus 😎

    Post count: 2368

    I do seconded it on those points that Catstar raised.

    Anyway loads of new content to try out and explore, mostly with you guys 🙂

    I mostly came back cause I want to get myself back into anything Spaced based games, cause I’m a big sucker to Sci-Fi Space stuff 😛

    Oh btw guys, as of this time I written this reply. The devs implemented a patch after standard maintenance (as always), however there has been a bit of a sticking point in terms of the connection. I’ve been dc’d like 3 times within 5 mins and experiencing lagging. Also some other members were reporting the reputation system as bugged and I found my bridge officer slots were bugged as well. Not sure if that last one is because of the lagging/Dc’ing or another reason.

    Anyway I’ll add more replies to this if there is anything else I find that needs the heads up…but I’ll keep trying to log in.

    Post count: 2368

    THREAD CLOSED: Issue Resolved or Old Topic

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