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    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: August 2nd, 2010
    By admin @ August 3, 2010 at 5:40am

    •The perk for gathering unique particles has been made visible.

    •Unique particle drop rate has been slightly increased.
    •NPC’s that are sitting on social systems will no longer stand up and sit down constantly.
    •The progression window that appears when single clicking the XP bar will now automatically jump to your current rank.
    •The diplomacy tab of the rewards page has been updated with clearer information.
    •Vice admiral pips will now grant for TNG series uniforms.
    •The quartermasters on K7 will now always spawn on the map.
    •Several memory leaks and errors have been resolved which should increase shard performance.

    •The blocking issue with Tarsen’s crew the Klingon mission “Bringing down the House” has been resolved.

    •Players that are too low level to enter the B’tran cluster will no longer be offered diplomacy missions in that area.
    •The prisoners that need to be beamed up on the Romulan hub mission “Preemptive Strike” should now be beamable.
    •Klingon Episodes now have rewards attached to their completion.

    •Shield healing is now counted for rewards in PvP.

    •The mission failure timer for iPvP has been adjusted so players do not enter a failed map.
    •The pvp queue is now in a more usable state. We are actively working on a more substantial solution to the pvp queuing system.

    Known Issues:
    •Klingon vs Klingon vice admiral ipvp missions are not functioning properly.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: August 5th, 2010
    By admin @ August 4, 2010 at 10:40pm

    •“Harvest” tasks are no longer offered by the Federation Diplomatic Corps, as they do not grant Diplomatic Experience.

    •The triangle design is now function as properly when creating a Fleet Logo
    •The Badlands (point of interest) system now shows the proper name above the minimap.
    •The PvP Queue system has been improved for various queue sizes.
    •Ground PvP arenas now correctly complete at 30 kills.
    •Several improvements have been made to general game stability.
    •Fixed a bug where players were unable to get some interactions in star cluster sector maps, such as continuing a star cluster mission, or starting a diplomatic investigation, until they flew further into the map.
    •Teammates should no longer be sent to separate maps when trying to join each other in Star Cluster missions.
    •If Star Cluster “unexplored systems” fail to load, the client will now safely go to the login screen instead of staying unresponsive.
    •The fourth shelf on ship interior lounges can now be adjusted.


    Bringing Down the House
    •Slight inconsistencies in the dialogue have been fixed.
    Players will no longer be warped to Forcas III at the end of “On the Trail,” which fixes odd behavior after returning to the ship.

    Second Star to the Right
    •Players will be sent back to the correct Sector map after completing this episode.

    General Mission Fixes
    •Prisoners on Rator III should now always be beamable.

    •Missions completed on the Klingon, Romulan, or Cardassian fronts before Accolades were implemented are now granted retroactively.
    •The Accolade for the Guardian of Forever mission is now granted retroactively.
    •The Venture into Deep Space mission can now be completed properly.
    •Unique Particles may now stack (even though they were intended to be unique – aka you can only have one).
    •The team is working on addressing particles and ways to use them in game in a future update. Right now they are intended to offer an accolade reward for finding all 10 unique particles.

    •Fixed a typo of the word “Auxiliary” on Auxiliary Battery items.

    •Klingon, Orion, and Klingon Ancient Trill characters have had their uniform presets updated.

    •Male Orion harnesses are now part of the “Armored” category.
    •Orion females can now wear pants and loincloths together again.
    •Orion female belts have been adjusted to fit Klingon armor.
    •A new Ringed Belt has been added for Orion females.
    •A new belt with loincloth option has been added for all Klingon Empire females.
    •New “Patched” and “Hide” pants options have been added for all Klingon Empire females.
    •A new “Gauntlet 03” option has been added for all Klingon Empire males.
    •A new “Paneled” uniform has been added for all Klingon Empire characters.
    •Nausicaan and Lethean males now have additional body scale presets.
    •Several clipping issues have been fixed in Klingon character customization.
    •The Vo’Quv trophy now displays correctly in the Ship trophy list.
    •A bug has been fixed that prevented the Diplomatic Uniform from unlocking for some players.
    •A bug has been fixed that prevented the Diplomatic Uniform from displaying pips on some players.

    •Trails behind Fek’Ihri fighters now display correctly.

    •Trails now turn back on after cloaking while in Fluidic Space.

    •The Sovereign and Galaxy have had their models updated.


    Fleet UI
    •The name of your Fleet now displays in the Fleet UI.

    •The Fleet UI now shows actual dates instead of Stardates.
    •Text in dropdown lists no longer overlap the scrollbar in the Fleet UI.
    •The Rank scrollbar no longer overlaps the scrollbar in the Fleet UI.

    General UI
    •The cost for renaming your uniform / outfit now displays correctly.

    •The cost for selecting a new bridge in the Ship Editor now properly updates the cost of the change.
    •The Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit now displays properly in the Ship Editor.
    •The Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit now has templates / presets available in the Ship Editor.
    •The “Back” button in the “Request GM Help” UI has been changed to “Cancel.”
    •If you click “Refresh” in the “View My Tickets” UI, the ticket will no longer display as No Ticket Selected.
    •The “OK” tooltip no longer mysteriously appears if hover your cursor over your currently equipped weapons.
    •If you get disconnected while changing between maps, you’ll now get an option to try again or return to the last non-instanced area you visited.
    •There are no longer overlapping elements in the Vendor UI when displaying multiple currencies.
    •A bug has been fixed which prevented certain items from showing their Rank Restrictions.
    •The Private and Mute checkboxes no longer overlap in the Chat Admin UI.
    •If a repeatable mission has a long name, it will no longer overlap its cooldown timer.
    •Titles in the “Set Title” menu no longer overlap the scrollbar.
    •When closing and re-opening the Dabo window, the first slot no longer resets to 0.
    •The ship icon properly refreshes when purchasing a ship from the C-Store.
    •NPC names now display centered above their heads again.
    •The Ship Chooser now opens with your current ship selected, and reverts to your current ship selected after a ship is discharged.
    •If you press the “Skills Window” key in space now, the Captain will be selected from the vertical tabs instead of the ship.
    •Portraits display correctly again on the Target of Target frame.
    •The PvP Queue list has been simplified.
    •The new ships no longer have their Hull Health indicator turn sideways when they pass 50%.
    •The System List works correctly again in the Map UI.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: August 12, 2010
    By admin @ August 11, 2010 at 8:40pm

    •Fix for “Worn Leather” that prevents them from being textureless in some situations.
    •Players will now be able to progress past the “Weaken the Borg” objective in Khitomer Accord.
    •Chief Myles will no longer turn into an Undine and gate progression in the Terradome STF.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: August 19, 2010
    By admin @ August 18, 2010 at 9:25pm

    •C-Store screenshots have been updated for tribbles, species, and emotes.
    •Crates no longer clip into each other in the Assimilated Cruiser PvP map.
    •You can no longer walk through certain crates in the Assimilated Cruiser PvP map.
    •The environment no longer flickers in the cave on Risa.
    •Warp Plasma now dissipates if the player who dropped it leaves the map.
    •Several optimizations have been made to the gameservers.
    •Level 51 enemies will now drop Mark 11 items.
    •Fixed an issue where sometimes your Away Team would disappear when moving from ground map to ground map.
    •The sound of the pools on Orias III no longer persists if you beam up while near them.
    •The description for the Caitian Pounce trait has been updated.
    •The Cold Dwelling trait has been added to the Unknown species abilities list.
    •The camera no longer jitters if your target takes up most of the screen.

    •Public Games: •Improved matchmaking. Games will start more frequently and will have equal numbers of players per team more often.
    •Improved the PvP Queue UI: •Queue list has been reworked to be more readable.
    •Each queue displays an average amount of time it will take to get into a map.

    •The queue minimum requirement for large battles has been reduced to a lower value (smaller game) after a queue timer expires, allowing for both large and small games to be accessible from the same queue.

    •Challenge System: •Players can now challenge other players to private PvP matches.
    •Up to 20 players can participate.
    •The teams can be mixed faction. •Feds can invite Klingons to these matches, and they can be on the same team.

    •Participants can be from any tier. •All tier 5, or any mix of tier 1 through 5.

    •The teams can be unbalanced. •For example, 10 tier 1 ships vs 2 tier 5 ships.

    •The map the game will be played on can be set specifically. •Maps are still restricted by game type.

    •Players can set the number of kills to win on Arenas.
    •Players can set the amount of influence to win on Capture and Hold maps.
    •Players can set the amount of Station Health is allotted in Assault Maps.

    •Challenge System UI: •There are team lists where players can change which team they’re on. •Click and drag your name to the team you want.
    •The initiator of the challenge can adjust the team of anyone participating.

    •There is a chat window embedded in this window for all players that have been invited.

    •Consoles can once again be interacted with in the Shanty Town Assault map.
    •The Queue Alert will always show when a queue is ready.
    •The Delay button will now be removed from the Alert window when the player gets invited to a match.

    •Diplomatic Investigations in the Arucanis Arm are now on the same timer as the other Diplomatic Investigations.
    •Various typos have been corrected in the mission, Standoff.
    •All enemy and friendly NPCs will reset when the Fluidic Space Fleet Action is completed.
    •The Cestus System now shows its name in the map and mini-map.
    •The issue where aid the planet missions wouldn’t allow the player to complete an in progress mission has been resolved.
    •In the mission, Trick or Treat, your Bridge Officer’s name displays correctly when being prompted.
    •The Betreka Nebula now pops up the right message upon exploration perk completion.

    •Fleet Banks have been redesigned! •Permissions and Log have been moved to separate windows instead of tabs.
    •Permissions are now organized similarly to the Fleet Settings window.
    •A few improvements have been made to how the game handles fleet permissions.
    •A “New Repository” button has been added. Formerly, you had to click a disabled tab in order to purchase a new one.

    •Text display has been improved in several locations in the Fleet Settings UI.
    •Purple-quality Mark X ship items can once again be fitted onto your ship while you are on the ground.
    •Anonymous players now show as Offline to players in their Friends list.
    •Anonymous players no longer show “Player has logged in” and “Player is logged out” right after one another when logging in.
    •The Minimum Rank dropdown menu in the Fleet Information UI now shows the proper number of grades for Rear Admiral, Lower Half and Upper Half ranks.
    •Text can no longer be entered into disabled fields.
    •The Bridge Officer Trainer UI now saves your preferences from previous sessions.

    Known Issues
    •Fleet Bank: Pressing the New Repository Button does not unlock another bank slot.
    •We are working on adding wing animations for Birds of Prey and Intrepid ship models. An early version of this animation has snuck into the warp in/warp out cutscene for the B’rel Bird of Prey.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: August 26th, 2010
    By admin @ August 25, 2010 at 8:13pm


    •The Advanced Heavy Cruiser now displays in the Ship Requisitions while doing the Commander Promotion mission.
    •The ships outside the windows on Earth Spacedock have been temporarily removed pending improvements to how they look at a distance.
    •Fixed a bug that could very rarely prevent a player from reaching Vice Admiral rank without GM help.


    •The civilian-inhabited asteroids in the Rhi System no longer look like mining facilities.
    •Typos of the name “Minos Korva” have been fixed in Sector Space and in the mission, The Tribble with Klingons.
    •Aid the Planet missions at Vice Admiral rank now properly reward Offerings of Friendship in all difficulties.
    •Anomalies now grant the proper rewards at Vice Admiral rank in all difficulties.

    •The correct target score is displayed when setting up a private match in the Shanty Town map.

    Items and Abilities

    •Eject Warp Plasma once again lasts its stated duration.
    •The Classic Excelsior (Commander Rank) can now be purchased for Energy Credits in Ship Requisitions.
    •“Bergamot” is now spelled correctly in the description of Earl Grey Tea.
    •The Biofunction Monitor console now grants the correct crew recovery rate.
    •Typos have been corrected in the Target Weapon Systems abilities.
    •The level requirements on certain Deflectors and Disruptor Beam Arrays have been corrected.


    •The Ship Rename UI now correctly allows you to type up to 16 characters instead of 15.
    •Your selected character now stands on a transporter pad in the Character Select and Character Creation screens.
    •The UI now displays correctly for Fleet Bank withdraw/deposit buttons with different permissions.
    •The “Buddy” icon should no longer show as a white box.
    •PvP Queues •The “X” has been removed from the Invite window. The Decline button can still be used to decline an invitation and close the window.
    •If two or more people are in a PvP Challenge Queue, the “End Challenge” and “Leave” buttons now ask for confirmation.
    •The name in the Invite field now correctly clears after you send an invitation.
    •Pressing ESC now correctly closes the Invite window.
    •An issue has been fixed that could sometimes cause uneven PvP matches.
    •Inviting players to PvP now works correctly when using @handles and character names.
    •A bug has been fixed that could very rarely cause a player to become temporarily stuck in a PvP map without enemies.

    •The “Join” button now correctly highlights in the Chat Channels UI when you are invited to a channel.
    •Shield status now correctly updates in the Status UI while in Sector Space.
    •Removed a case in the Ship Editor where the Pattern dropdown would stretch to cover both the Pattern and Style sections.

    Known Issues

    •NPCs have twisted torsos if they walk around while playing certain animations.
    •We are working on adding wing animations for Birds of Prey and Intrepid ship models. An early version of this animation has snuck into the warp in/warp out cutscene for the B’rel Bird of Prey.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: September 2, 2010
    By admin @ September 1, 2010 at 8:59pm


    Episode 2 of our first weekly mission arc will air Saturday, September 4 at 11:00 AM PDT!

    •Players can now team up for star cluster missions again!
    •Incapacitated Breen enemies no longer show cold, foggy breaths.
    •A gap has been fixed in the geometry of Galaxy bridges.
    •Lighting has been adjusted in the Ship Editor.
    •Phaser beams no longer split when targeting an enemy.
    •Fixed a rare case where Bridge Officers could have only 3 ground abilities.
    •The waypoints out of the Orellius Sector Block now read Beta Ursae Sector Block and Eta Eridani Sector Block.
    •Cryonic Grenades •Will now grant immunity to the Cold Hold/Stun for 1minute. (No more chain holds from these grenades)
    •Removed the Stat bonus to Grenades that the Cryonic Grenades were granting.

    •The excelsior transwarp audio has been updated to only be audible within a small range around the ship initiating transwarp.
    •General stability fixes.
    •The waypoints out of the Orellius sector block have been updated for clarity.

    •Orellius Sector Block •A second Deferi Patrol route has been added to the Defera Sector.
    •A new daily mission has been added to the Defera sector.
    •Ambassador Surah now describes where you should go if you speak to him while you are on the Aid the Deferi mission.
    •The Deferi Daily Patrol now gives 3 Emblems if you complete it at Vice Admiral rank.
    •The Security Arrays daily mission now properly directs players to Deferi Outpost 3.

    •Cold Call •Players on a team no longer spawn into a wall in the Cold Call diplomacy room.
    •The Star Chart puzzle has been deactivated for now. You’ll have to wait for a new episode to see what’s in store!
    •The lighting has been improved on Defera Ground.
    •Ambient audio is now louder on Defera Ground.

    •The Starfleet officers on Vega (Tutorial) no longer occasionally remain in a “holding weapon” stance after putting their weapons away.
    •General typo fixes have been made.
    •Objective maps have been added for the “Security Array” daily mission.

    •The “Join” button on the Channels tab now becomes active if you have been invited to a chat channel.
    •The Whitelist_Invite command now auto-completes properly in the chat box.
    •The “New Repository” button now properly deactivates once your Fleet has purchased all available Repositories.
    •If you do not have Shields equipped, the UI now displays “N/A” for your shield value.
    •Ship names can now properly be 16 characters long when they’re renamed.
    •Klingon Honor now shows the correct icon.
    •Clicking “Retry” on a failed mission will now drop the mission without an error message if the mission can’t be accepted (i.e. a daily mission on cooldown).
    •PvP Queue •Changing the Kills count in a Challenge Queue now commits when clicking away, instead of just pressing Enter.
    •A fix has been made for a case that could cause uneven teams.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: September 9, 2010
    By admin @ September 8, 2010 at 8:04pm

    •Removed the “None” option for Tier 5 raptor wings and nacelles.
    •Mines will now spread properly when they are deployed.
    •New translations have been added.
    •There were two Mark II items being sold in the Klingon Mark IV store on Ganalda Station. They have been replaced with the appropriate Mark IV items.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: September 16, 2010
    By admin @ September 15, 2010 at 8:36pm

    •Players may see Federation and Mirror Universe NPCs piloting the Nebula in some mission maps.
    •Holo Leeta’s voice has been adjusted on Deep Space 9.
    •Several improvements have been made to server and client stability, particularly with Star Cluster map loading.
    •Your Bridge Officers now properly appear the first time you visit your bridge. Previously, generic bridge officers would appear if you were visiting your bridge for the first time during a play session.
    •An error has been fixed that allowed players to eat Deferi Snow Tubers in space.
    •A fix has been made to players being unexpectedly booted from PvP matches.
    •The last set of translated (French and German) text has been reverted due to issues it was causing with the UI for international players.

    •Defera Sector •Fixed a typo in the Mining Facility mission offer.
    •Fixed a typo in the mission completion text for Cold Comfort.
    •Players may now visit the Mining Facility on the Kelvani Belt if they missed it on their daily patrol.
    •A second Deferi Patrol route has been added.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: September 23rd, 2010
    By admin @ September 22, 2010 at 9:21pm

    •Players will no longer get an Auto-Teaming error when joining certain missions in the Orellius Sector Block.

    •Several stability fixes have been made to the game client and servers.
    •If a Star Cluster mission fails to launch, it will retry two times before timing out and returning an error message.
    •Better error messages are now shown when Star Cluster missions fail to launch.

    •Fixed an issue allowing Mercenary outfit lower parts to be worn with on-duty uniforms.

    •Tier 5 Klingon ships now show the proper rank name.
    •Fixed an issue preventing certain Space items from being equipped while on the ground, and vice versa.
    •The Whitelist_Invites command can now be used by players.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: September 30, 2010
    By admin @ September 29, 2010 at 9:37pm

    •Updated the door to “Visit Deferi Outpost 3″ to replace the mission “supplydepot” mapvariable and ensure it is set to “on” when visiting. This will fix the issue of the supply depot being “off” when players go for a “visit”.
    •Fixes to pvp daily and star cluster daily accolades where level 51 dailies weren’t counting towards chained accolades.
    •Cryonic Residue will no longer be lingering when the Breen Captain is not present.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: October 6, 2010
    By admin @ October 6, 2010 at 9:36pm

    •Targ Pet, Del Taco Shuttle, and the new Sehlat Cat no longer have to be in a device slot to activate. They simply need to be in your inventory.
    •Fixed the repeatable B’tran accolade so players will get credit for the vice admiral level versions.
    •The GPL store now has 6 new trophies for sale featuring different amounts of gold pressed latinum. These trophies can be displayed in your ship, regardless of faction, with three for floor and three for the wall.

    •It looks like there’s some mystery brewing in the neutral zone. All captains should head out there for a quick teaser of what’s to come next weekend.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: October 15, 2010
    By admin @ October 14, 2010 at 11:28pm

    •The Breen Bridge officer reward has been removed from the final breen mission.
    •Crew placement in the following bridges has been adjusted. •Brotherhood
    •San Francisco

    •The Luna class starship has received a graphical overhaul.
    •The K’Tinga ship has received a couple visual tweaks.
    •Fleet emblems on the Sovereign class starship have been fixed.
    •Minor fixes have been made to the Defiant and Hope class starship art.
    •Damage has been increased for items with [DAM] modifiers.
    •The wing alignment on the Norgh class Bird of Prey has been adjusted.
    •The mission pod on the Nebula Retrofit has been improved.
    •Several Klingon starships, including all Raiders, have been rigged for wing animations. You will see the wing position change when entering and exiting glorious battle, as well as warping in and out of a system. •NOTE: If you purchased a ship that has these wing animations, you will need to re-save your ship in the Ship Editor to get the new animated wings.

    •Ambient stars now have a maximum visible size when passing by them in Sector Space.
    •The Kar’Fi Carrier has been studied enough to be added to the ship hologram cycle in Qo’noS. It will display after the Vo’quv Carrier.
    •The U.S.S. Phlox in Romulan Sector Space is now a Galaxy class starship.
    •The exit arrow in the T’Ong Nebula Map now faces the correct direction.
    •An exit arrow to the Gamma Orionis sector is now properly in the B’Tran Nebula map.
    •Commander Xindok in Battle Group Omega now explains how to get Marks of Exploration.
    •In Battle Group Omega, players can now exchange Emblems for any type of Marks. •They can only be converted one way – From Emblems to Marks.
    •You can do this at the USS TKumbra or the IKS Jorn.

    •Anomalies scanned in Sector maps, such as B’Tran Nebula, should now yield all kinds of data, not just tech.
    •A new skin is available for all Klingon ships!
    •The Drozana station in the Neutral Zone has a brand new look!
    •Leaving the Boreth system no longer takes you to Rura Penthe in Sector Space.
    •The Luna ship class now displays decals, names, and IDs correctly.
    •The Cochrane stanchions for the Intrepid ship class now have more than one material available.
    •Fleet Escorts and Advanced Escorts no longer have the wrong class shown in the Ship Selector.
    •General improvements have been made to game stability and performance.
    •Several “windowed mode” crashes were fixed related to adjusting the size of your window while contacts screens were being generated.
    •The star chart trophy should be available as a floor trophy to any player that has completed all of the Breen weekly episodes. This is now a permanent additional reward for completing the story arc.
    •The trophy for taking first place in the Undine fleet action is now in. It should be retroactive for anyone that has taken first place in it since it’s gone live.
    •Akira Ship Updates: •Changed Saucer Impulse Engines to wrap around angle.
    •Fixed texture streching on nacelles.
    •Changed Phaser strip textures and made them less raised.

    Skills and Abilities
    •Skill Tree: •Shield strength improvement has been added to the Captain skills. The percentage improvement to shields equals the percentage improvement to hull.
    •Improved related captain skill contribution from 25% to 50%. •Improved maximum bonus to hull and shield strength from captain skills to 30% with all related captain skills maxed out.

    •Reverse Shield Polarity: Changed to a Category 8 ability (1:6 duration to global, 1:12 duration to recharge). Duration of ability based on version (6, 8, 10 seconds for versions I, II, III respectively). 60 second global cooldown, 120 second recharge.
    •Carrier Play: •Improved predictability of launched ships. •Attack ships require an enemy targeted within 15k to launch. The launched ships will attack the target until destroyed. Once destroyed, they will either attack the enemy the carrier currently has targeted, or return to the carrier and land.
    •Support ships require the carrier or an ally within 15k targeted to launch. The launched ships will follow their target and support. If supporting an allied ship that is destroyed, the support ships will return and support their carrier.

    •Each hangar can now support multiple ‘waves’ of deployed ships: •Klingon fighters: These ships can be launched 3 at a time every 30 seconds to a max of 12 active fighters per launch bay.
    •Klingon Bird of Prey: These ships can be launched 1 at a time every 45 seconds to max of 3 active birds of prey per launch bay.
    •Klingon Shield Drones: Drones can be launched 2 at a time every 45 seconds and each bay can support 6 active shield drones. These drones are now self or friendly targetable.
    •Klingon Syphons: Syphons can be launched 3 at a time every 45 seconds, and each bay can support 9 syphons.
    •Fek’Ihri Fighters: These ships can be launched 4 at a time every 30 seconds to a max of 12 active fighters per launch bay.
    •Fek’Ihri Frigate: These ships can be launched 1 at a time every 45 seconds to max of 3 active frigates per launch bay.

    •Each attack ship has had their performance improved, either by raw damage, improved abilities, speed, or better AI logic.
    •While we’re certain you will all find your own effective strategies for these new carrier pets, here are a few that we found useful during test: •Set up your carrier with all turrets, rapid fire and scatter shot officer powers, and all fighters in both bays. In this configuration you are a pure support ship for your fighters. Once you manage to get your fleet to a significant size you will be a force to be reckoned with.
    •Equip your carrier with birds of prey and shield drones. Send out your birds of prey with shield drones assigned to them. Your ships will last much longer and give you and your teammates more time to clear your foes.
    •We’ve found in PvE environments, a carrier captain could spend an entire encounter doing nothing but supporting it’s deployed ships, allowing them to do almost all of the damage, and be successful.
    •In PvP the carrier can quite potent as a support ship attacking secondary targets or focus firing their ships on the team’s primary target. Contrary to current PvP strategies, the carrier is now less useful in its old role as bait to draw other players into a cloak ambush. The carrier can now be an offensive and support force, but it needs time to build up its fleet, and to do that it needs to be alive.

    •Launching ships from a Carrier no longer puts your target into combat.

    •Nebula Details: •3 Fore, 3 Aft weapon slots
    •5 Bridge Officer Slots •Lieutenant Tactical, Lt. Commander Engineering, Commander Science, Ensign Science, and Lieutenant Universal

    •8 Console Mod slots •2 Tactical, 3 Engineering, and 3 Science

    •Subsystem Targeting standard
    •Tachyon Detection Grid power (Tier 5 only) •Tachyon Detection Grid is a power that increases Starship Sensors as well as Stealth Detection. When the grid is active, it also increases the Starship Sensors and Stealth Detection of all nearby allies. Those allies, in turn, can extend those benefits for allies near them, thereby extending the overall size of the grid. It also looks really cool when activated in a group of friendlies.

    •The Tier 3 Nebula is now at the Ship Requisitions vendor for the same price as the Tier 3 Excelsior.
    •The Tier 5 version of the Nebula will be available in the C-Store soon, and can also be purchased for 200 Marks of Exploration at Ship Requisitions.

    •The Needs of the Many: This mission will no longer break if the player’s inventory is full.
    •Forging Bonds: Cardassian ships properly warp in at the end.
    •The Cure: There is now a mini-map.
    •Assimilation: The “Destroy Research Stations” objective has been changed to “Examine Research Consoles”. This is a text fix only, the functionality has not changed.
    •“Multicellular” is no longer misspelled when patrolling the Aihai system.
    •The ground portion of Saturday’s Child no longer has “Rom” in the map name.
    •The Other Side now directs the player to turn in the mission once it is complete.
    •Several typos of the name “Minos Korva” have been corrected.
    •A crafting tutorial has been added to Memory Alpha. The mission is now available from Commander Romaine after finishing the mission, Scientific Mandate. This mission cannot be shared.
    •Deep Space Patrols are now properly categorized in the Mission Journal.
    •A waypoint now directs players back to the General R&D station in the mission Research and Development.

    •Fixed a typo in the Kalesta System in the System List.
    •Klingon skins now randomize properly in the Ship Editor.
    •Names for certain Fleet settings have been improved. They should now be more intuitive.
    •If a player has a long name with several words, it will no longer always cut off immediately after the first word in the Team UI.
    •The text that appears for Weekly Episodes has been improved in both font and texture quality.
    •The cost for renaming your character once again displays correctly for Federation characters.
    •The Klingon icon now displays correctly in the Rename Character UI.
    •The Title dropdown selection now properly shows the change when selecting a new title.
    •Klingon shield bars now display correctly.
    •Klingon ship icons no longer have a white box in the Qo’noS ship vendor.
    •There is no longer a blank option in certain vendors.
    •Item names once again reflect the color of their rarity.
    •You no longer need to click Cancel / OK a second time on the purchase confirmation window.
    •Bridge Officer Candidates once again show tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over them.
    •The Ship Damage repair window no longer displays as “Medical Bay.”
    •Stacks of items / currencies in the Trade window now properly display the number in the stack.

    •The following FX have received a visual update •Scramble Sensors
    •Charged Particle Burst
    •Jam Sensors
    •Tractor Beam Repulsors
    •Polarize Hull
    •Photonic Officer •This power has also received an audio update. Upon activation a male voice will say “Please state the nature of the emergency”.

    •Feedback Pulse
    •Evasive Maneuvers
    •Photonic Shockwave
    •The firing arc indicators have been tuned as well

    •Attack Pattern Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omega •These powers now have the appropriate callout icons appear when they are cast

    Known Issues:
    •The warp in/warp out cutscene is being tuned, and is currently in an almost completely functional state. Please pardon our space dust while we get it working properly.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: October 16, 2010
    By admin @ October 15, 2010 at 8:27pm

    •Tooltips have been returned to items in the exchange.
    •Exchange prices will now show up on german and french clients.
    •The tier 3 nebula now has 2 Sci, 2 Eng, and 1 tac, as was advertised before launch.
    •The K’tinga firing node offset issue has been addressed.

    Known Issues:
    •Selling stacks of items is broken, a fix is on the way.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: October 22, 2010
    By admin @ October 22, 2010 at 3:13pm

    •Warp in / warp out cutscene audio has been improved.
    •The more cheerful NPCs will no longer twitch when hailed.
    •A rare issue that allowed players to get stuck alone in Challenge PvP maps has been fixed. The workaround of logging out or onto an alt for 7-10 minutes is still valid if any similar issues happen in the future.
    •Hull Strength now shows properly on the Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit in the Ship Database.
    •Weapons on low-end video cards should now look as intended.
    •Various stability and performance improvements have been made.
    •A text error has been fixed on the Qo’noS Ship Requisitions contact.

    •The Vor’cha ship has been added to Klingon ship requisitions at Tier 5!
    •The Polaris model of Luna class ships has been improved. The saucer is no longer too high.
    •Fleet emblems have been fixed on Tier 5 Birds of Prey.
    •The windows on the Noble class starship’s saucer section no longer flicker.
    •The registry number on the U.S.S. T’Kumbra is now displaying correctly.
    •The hull integrity of the Deep Space Science Vessel has been increased.
    •The hull integrity of the Negh’var battlecruiser has been increased.
    •Blinking lights have been added to Tier 3 Federation cruisers.
    •The Federation emblem now displays correctly on consoles inside Galaxy class bridges.

    •Skirmish •Textures have been improved within the Axon.
    •The medlab console now opens for the whole team if a player interacts with it.

    •The Klingon contact K’men has received a new costume.

    •The Breen Thermal Dampener will no longer cause a repeating animation.
    •Tier 11 space weapons in stores are now all bind on equip.
    •The Subspace Field Modulator stats have been updated. •Removed the kinetic and physical resistance
    •It now adds 25% resistance to all damage

    •You can once again sell items in bulk.
    •The way names are displayed in dropdown menus have been improved in the Away Team and Crew Assignments (Ship stations) UI.
    •Photonic Bridge Officers now display correctly in the Away Team chooser and the Team UI.
    •Logging out of the game now properly cancels out of a Private Map launch countdown.
    •Fixed an issue causing certain HTML-like tags to incorrectly appear in mission text.

    Post count: 2368

    Release Notes: October 26, 2010
    By admin @ October 25, 2010 at 7:55pm

    •The issue where players are always forced to buy stacks of items if they ever buy a stack of items has been resolved.
    •Spin the Wheel has been made available to all players Lieutenant 6 and higher.

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