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    STO OFFICIAL: In-Game Event: TNG 25th Anniversary

    Taken from the official website


    TNG 25th Anniversary

    For me, The Next Generation was the Star Trek series that made me a fan. It was the series I watched with my dad, geeked out about with my friends, and had me at the edge of my seat week after week. It’s the Trek that made me go back and watch The Original Series, made me stand in line for the opening night of every Trek film, and got me going to conventions. It’s the series that set me up as a lifetime Trekkie.

    25 years ago was the start of a new era of Trek, and that first season of The Next Generation laid the groundwork for all the amazing things to come in the post-TOS era. We wanted to give players a nice treat on the 25th Anniversary of that first season. For that we chose a free Season 1 TNG Uniform. To spice it up a bit, we added Worf’s Season 1 baldric and his signature hair and goatee. Why Worf? Worf represented the new world for Trek that began that first season. A universe where enemies of old could work together, a galaxy where there were still discoveries to be made, and a hope for the future of the series.

    From now until around 10am PDT on Tuesday, July 24th, to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, we’re running an in-game promotion where you can unlock free, special costume options for your characters*. Open your Mission Journal (default key “J”) to accept a mini-mission that will ask you to go to speak with Worf in the Holodeck of either Starfleet or Klingon Academy. Complete this mission and unlock the following rewards:

    Federation male and female characters:
    TNG Season 1 Uniform

    Klingon and Federation male characters that have hair options:
    Worf’s short hair and warrior goatee from TNG Season 1

    Klingon and Federation male and female characters:
    Worf’s TNG Season 1 style Uniform Sash

    *NOTE: This is not an account-wide unlock. You’ll need to speak to Worf on each of the characters that you would like to unlock these costume options on.

    We hope you enjoy this special promotion and we’ll see in you game. Happy 25th Anniversary TNG!

    Matt Highison
    Lead Character Artist
    Star Trek Online

    Post count: 2368

    This is awesome!
    Thanks Cat and Plas for telling me about this special game event.

    Much appreciated 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Same for me, TNG is what caught my interest in the Star Trek Universe, infact when star trek is mentioned, i think of the TNG series uniform and a galaxy class star ship. Infact catstar while i was leveling him had a Picard background originaly, and wore that unifom until he reached VA, same thing, he used the Captain level Galaxy till he hit VA as well. Even after i changed catstar to the movie them, and then to the Vulcan ship he uses now, I missed his beginning and had to remake the TNG version again. Inside CatStars ready room, u will also see a federation starting sniper rifle on the wall (trophy) as thats the kind of gun hes always used (Phaser Sniper Rifle)

    CatStars original background:
    An adopted orphin raised by the Picard family to take the name and continue the family business after the tragic loss of thier child in a fire. As he got older he went with the vineyard foreman on a trips to Vega coloney, unfortunately it was attacked by the borg. The foreman who was to look after him was killed, and witnessing the battle around him he instinctivley took up a dropped rifle and fought his way through the night until he found and federation checkpoint and collapsed. When he awoke, he was in a cot covered in a federation jacket, he sat up and seen the borg advancing into the checkpoint and over running it, he drapped the jacket around himself due to the chilly temperature and took up his rifle once more and battled long an hard until finnaly he defeated the last borg there, when he turned to look at the check point, no one was left alive but before he could dispair a resque team beamed to his location, and seeing him wearing an ensigns ensignia assumed he was Star Fleet and sent him to a medical ship to be cared for. Once Vega colony was secured and he was fit for duty, he was reassigned to his first position as a star fleet officer…and to this day his record was just considered misplaced and his actual recorded entry into the federation began in the liberation of Vega colony. His choosen weapon he always keeps strapped to his back is the Phaser rifle he picked the day his stars changed, constantly upgrading and improving its upkeep and performance, his sniper rifle is his most treasured belonging.

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