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    Post count: 2368


    I am calling a fleet summit to discuss the future of the UFP fleet. ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend especially the officers. EVERYONES opinon will be considered.

    I want to hold this summit sometime over the weekend of Fri 23rd to Mon 26th of November. Whatever information comes from this meeting will determine what becomes of our fleet. Because of our gaming alliance this meetings outcomes may affect the KDF and other Guild Alliance Guilds as well.

    Everything is on the table here, including me stepping down as fleet leader (UFP). This is no joke. There are no major problems between members or anything like that prompting this, but our fleet has become stale and needs to be looked at seriously.

    Please post the Day and Time that suits you best for EACH DAYMENTIONED. Do this in GMT so I can calculate the best day and time for this IMPORTANT FLEET EVENT.

    Please use http://www.timeanddate.com/ or equivalent time calculator to convert your times into GMT. Australian members need not do this as your time will be 30 mins either way of my own.

    For example:

    FRI 2pm GMT+2:00
    SAT 5pm GMT+2:00
    SUN Cannot attend
    MON 5pm GMT+2:00

    It would work best if you could find a time or times during each day, that way there’s a better chance of getting a time together that maximises attendance.

    Post count: 2368

    GEEZ! Not you too! This is your fleet Plasma if you toss up your crown in the air everyone will tromple over you to try to take it! Don’t let someone toss you out the window Plasma, your such a sweet guy and this is your fleet and your vision. Don’t let a bunch of boogers ruin it for you. My brother had a fleet before and a vision to make something cool, but no one would cooperate or listen so he stepped down and everyone wanted to be incharge and that destroyed the fleet. Well thats not going to happen to a fleet im in!!! I liked the idea my brother posted of recruting new members to replace the ones who left. In case im not able to make the summit, thats my two cents.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Luna, but I think that we need a big re-think on the fleet.

    As you can imagine it’s not easy for me to say that I am willing to give up the fleet leadership, but If I’m going to be/or have been any kind of leader here then the possibility that someone else can do a better job is something I have to accept.

    Also I think by being prepared to do this myself others may decide to step up or step down in ranks in order to get a more realistic leadership and commitment. I’m not the kind of person that likes hearing comments like, ‘where is this person?’ or ‘why is this person in that position when they are not here?’ etc. There’s been a bit of that lately and I’m not a person that likes too much drama.

    On a seperate but related note, one major dynamic that has changed in the fleet is the Starbase. If a fleet in general were to break up in the past then the only asset would be the fleet bank. Things have gotten to the point in STO where ANYONE could earn the things I have in the bank for themselves. So in effect the asset of the bank has been taken away from the fleet, its no longer a place where rare treasure can be won or earned.

    The value therefore has become the Starbase. If the person on-top so wishes they can kick everyone and they still retain the base. There is an asset that cannot be won in a mission or earned by one person at a fast rate. So the value now is our Starbase and upcoming Embassy.

    The problem of late I think is that these projects take up so much time and resources that players don’t have time for anything else and have become bored with gathering materials. The more pressing problem is that this will be the reality of things for a while in the game, so its just going to get worse for fleets.

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    It is a great idea to have this meeting, and the weekend for it is also well chosen, as until then there might be some additional info about the evolution of the games we’re playing to be able to come with a better solution.
    Also, I guess we could start talking in here, until then, about the pro’s and con’s of each game we’re involved. As many said also many times, what we actually don’t want to lose is our bond, the fact that we get along well with each other and also that we cooperate well game-wise. Yet, personally, I feel that the game we’re mainly playing (STO) is at a crossroad, and maybe we should consider what are our expectations about it. And I say this being a lifetimer … got my subscription less then 6 months ago.
    Anyway, if we all agree we could talk about how each of us feels about it in here, before teh meeting, so that we would know better how the others feels and we would be able to come with a solution easier. The main purpose being that we don’t want to lose our group (at least I don’t). In all my gaming experience, I never found such a fine peoples as you all others are.
    As for my times for that weekend, in GMT timezones, those are:
    FRI: from 10 pm GMT – for 4-5 hours
    SAT: from 8 am GMT for 6 hours and then from 10 pm GMT for another 4-5 hours
    SUN: from 9 am GMT for about 6 hours and then from 10 pm GMT for another 4-5 hours
    MON: from 10 pm GMT for about 4-5 hours
    As for the stepping down issue, that would not help much, I guess, but for what is worth, I am also ready to step down from any position, if that is considered an issue. But in my opinion, the issue is not the fleet/guild structure, but is the game itself, and I guess that it is teh time to admit it … For me it was a great game (it still is as game mechanic) but with the lack of new content it became obsolete. And the Starbase/Embassy things that appeared lately, only transformed it into an endless series of same missions to do over and over again, without much fun left. Personally I stopped doing any starbase mission when I realised that I do them like Pavlov Dog … Psichologicaly, they did this way of game development for the game to be more accessable for a large number of peoples (remeber how hard were the STFs before F2P and how easy they became now; yet, again, to get the drops you’re after you have to do them again countless of times, unless very lucky).
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    I agree with the points mentioned above. The game content itself has become repetitive and the star base as much as it has been a great project and asset for the fleet has been a ‘burn out’ for many of our regular members. This has affected the fleet life and attitude in many ways, in some ways we have lost the simple aspect of teaming and having fun together as a group. I have been finding this hard as the time zone challenge has been an issue for one, however we have tried to accommodate the many people from different countries as best as we could. The new members that have joined the fleet have not always been on during the same time zone as the regular members and thus communication levels may seem non existent.

    At the same time with all the above challenges that we have faced, I enjoy our fleet IDIC and are proud to be apart of it and believe Plasma is an amazing leader in all areas. I am not prepared to give up on it and will help to the best of my ability. It is the best fleet that I have ever been involved in, it is the regular people whom have made this fleet something special and I thank you for this.

    This meeting is an important aspect in the future of IDIC. As mentioned in an earlier post, I will be discussing with as many fleet members online as possible about ideas, thoughts and feedback they have. This will be especially useful for the people whom do not use the forum etc. When the meeting comes, we can discuss this as a group and have more of an idea ahead of time what the general attitude is. I’d like as many people to be included and to have ‘a say’.

    IDIC UFP Fleet Summit: Availability

    Monday: 6pm onwards GMT+10 (Sydney Australia)
    Wednesday: 6pm onwards
    Friday: 6pm onwards
    Saturday: 6pm onwards
    Sunday: 6pm onwards

    Thanks 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,
    I would like to add my 2 cents worth in on this one.
    I think an open fleet discussion will be good to get a few things out.
    I fear that like Kara the main problem is with the game mechanics itself and not with the leadership. At all times I have and will be behind you Plasma. At no time have I felt let down by you, I can confidently say I know how much time and effort you have put into this fleet having been a co-leader in other MMO’s myself.
    And we have seen some great efforts too of some regulars who have put alot of their time and resources into getting the starbases up.
    Personally I feel that unless Season 7 brings some major changes other than requiring people to grind – the game will die. Regardless of what we try and do to keep it afloat.
    The only option I can offer and I believe Cat has also mentioned it is that we stop doing starbase projects and only do the Featured ones. We can always line up a project when we need the specific provisions. We are at Tier3, maybe tier3 tac and sci would be handy to get for the ships etc, but other than that I think the starbase can sit idle for a while. It will give people time to just go do other things and not feel the pressure to grind.
    I know the problem does go beyond starbase grinding in that our fleet has become ‘burnt out’ and hard to get groups running for stf’s etc is now a result of that.
    Season 7 from what I have read should offer a few good options to keep gameplay flowing (I hope so). I am hoping it is out before we have this meeting to give us some more information to talk about.
    For the meeting that weekend I do have some RL stuff on, very hard to say what time would suit me. My best time would be in the evening from after 7PM if I can get on (most nights).
    Like Plasma has said, he will do what is best for the fleet; I will do the same.

    Post count: 2368

    Laws right, Plasmas always been there for us. Its Iskara and Londi i waas concerned about. A lot of things they missed doing with us as a fleet together. That aside, what ever happens or is decided im staying in STO, I already have my toons leveled and established here. Im not really up for leveling anymore. I myself am burn out on that. PLus ive been on this game for a longtime, im comfortable here its my digital home, as is IDIC.

    …100 posts 😀

    Post count: 2368

    I think that we will have to ultimately decide as leaders/officers where we want to place our presence most.

    It’s fine to say that we’re burnt out and are playing something else and will be coming back when new content is launched, but realistically we can’t just go and do that – the fleet can’t run by itself.

    I would like all of the officers to look at themselves and what they would rather be doing, where you want to place your time. If you have IDIC as your primary focus, then 60% of your game time should be in IDIC. If it’s not then you should be a casual member, welcome to all the fleet has to offer, but not an officer. This should be the rule for all our Guild/Fleets.

    We are all playing different games, not just the games in the guildalliance. Let’s decide where we want to be and what we want to focus on and not be afraid of losing power or position because in the end the positions are going to be meaningless without a membership.

    Post count: 2368

    All right, I think some clarifications are needed ….

    First, as I stated before, I think that all our actions should be directed into keeping the group united within the Guild Alliance. And if we’re not open enough with what we mean to say this could easily lead to loosing the cohesion of the group. What we really achieved by IDIC was this cohesion, we shall not forget that no matter how various events frustrates us.

    Second, It is true that in the last 2 months I wasn’t much around, but this wasn’t because I was playing something else. I have had some personal issues, of which Plasma knows about (and lately also does Ingrid).

    Third, as I also stated before, I have no problem with being removed from any leadership position I have in either of the Guild Alliance particular groups (aka UFP, KDF, and so on), IF this would lead to a better experience for the others in those particular groups game play. Remember that I wasn’t asking for those positions, they were offered … But for STO, I feel that the issue is not there. I saw the way STO evolved in the last year, since F2P, and I don’t think that is a development pattern that suits us much. I’m sad about it, because I had great expectations from it, as Star Trek was, is and will be my favorite SF TV show.

    About STO, I’m actually curious what Season 7 will bring, if they will keep the line that started with F2P or if there will be certain changes. If they will keep doing what they started with F2P, then, with all regrets, I’ll just became a casual STO player and I’ll focus on Guild Alliance business on SW:TOR (which hopefully won’t get broken too, with the upcoming move to F2P). This is why I said that the moment for that meeting is well chosen, as until then we shall have all the info needed. Oh, and as a side note, I was really annoyed to see that being a veteran does not count much for STO creators, as now, any player that buys a life subscription have access to everything that a long term player accesses, which is another minus on STO account for me.
    As for the game time, just for the record, all my game time is within Guild Alliance associated games/guild/fleets.

    However, what annoys me, is that I was hoping that if someone have something to say about me or my actions, that one would address me directly, and it won’t make a public fuss like it happened here. My email is listed in here and I was reached by all those that wanted to reach me. Not to mention that in fact, my position in the UFP fleet is of fleet counselor and not one of direct command (ops or tac). I’m glad to see that there are peoples that wants to give up on command positions for the counselor one 😉 . As for the KDF fleet, in 8 months while I was trying to make it work, except for Nei and Plasma, none from our group was actively interested in it.

    As for Londi, I find any reference to his position at least out of the line; we must not forget that he’s one of the oldest in the fleet and that he’s also one of those that helped a lot with bringing all of us together in this group. I find that questioning his right to be on the position he is at least questionable.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    The tension is so think you can cut it with a knife. I can’t wait until the summit, there are just too many hard feelings going on right now and this has me worried for everyone. Let us all just calm down, and remember we are here for the game; fun! Iskara brought up a good point a few submissions ago in saying, lets not let this strain our friendships on here.

    The world is turning upside down, its usually me who is angry and my brother has something to say that would sooth things over. 🙄

    Post count: 2368

    Hi all,

    I can see that the primary concern for many of the members is the fleet and the future of it… We must discuss all the concerns and the points above in order to move forward and for restoration in whatever form, takes place. I am concerned that the fleet is going to be broken and divided and that different opinions are going to ‘over ride’ others. I have had many challenges with the people whom have been non active and the little communication that has gone on.
    I understand real life has to come first and that we can not make people do something they do not want… It all has be a fun and enjoyable time.

    At the same time there are people who share the same dream of teaming and growing this fleet to the best it can be and we need stability. I think it is important for all officers to make a stand and decision on where they see them self. It is no problem to play other games and come on STO casually, people are welcome to do what they want. I think it is important for us to know who can commit and and for us to work out what is best for our fleet, rather the individual needs of people..Where do we see our selves going? and how we can overcome the issues of rank and recruiting that best suits the principals of IDIC. We have to think about the future now with season 7 coming up etc, the past is a distant memory, it is the future that will make or break us.

    We have had wonderful memories and fun in IDIC and I do not want to give this up or think about the worst scenario. Let’s work out these challenges and differences and above all focus on the future of the fleet.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

    See you at the summit 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m sorry I don’t have time to fully catch up with comments properly but I will do so later this evening – Only thing I’ll say is that I think my leadership is the problem overall which is why i want to debate and make a decision on this at the summit.

    Post count: 2368

    Oh Plas… Sorry but I disagree, you are a good leader. Everyone has said it and want you to be leader, it’s not you that is the issue. It is the whole fleet and game content. It can not be solely one person at fault, this is a fleet with many people. We can work it through all together- I know it !!

    Post count: 2368

    Im off work so can attend this meeting at any time pref before midnight gmt.

    As for plas stepping down. This is the fleet i joined with plas at lead and Londi a great fleet with no pressure or hassle.Now it seems somones rocking my boat and i dont like it.All we need to do is recriut max at 400/500 members the fleet will build and run itself anyone dont log on for 2 weeks gets kicked and replced. They can come back but start at lowest rank and have to work back up.If your on holiday or have rl issues mail plas he wont kick you.I know this system works but recriuting will have to be proirity for a while. It will not be easy.

    Look forward to summit Tiberius J Kirk……………………….

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Tibs.

    It’s me thats rocking the boat, lol – but prompted by stuff people have been saying and thinking.

    I’ve heard of that guild technique and I think its definitely something to look at. I think a lot of guilds are doing it that way. This can be easily incorporated into the fleet rules on ranking up etc too. Looking forward to comments on this here and at the summit.

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