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    Post count: 2368


    They watched as the planet burned. Its crust heaved, pulled and shook. There was no sound from orbit, just the ominous scene on the view screen, the red flash of the Alert lights. It all seemed to go still for a moment, then the explosion rocked the system. The shock-wave tore apart the hull plating, ‘Engines Full Reverse!‘ The Exec gave the order. The helmsman scrambled to his duty, the navigator anticipating the next order began plotting the escape course. ‘Helmsman, belay that order’ shrieked the Captain. ‘All power to shields’, terror crossed the young navigators face, sweat poured from his brow. ‘Engineering, activate the metaphasic shielding’, a deep groan echoed throughout the ship, the mechanism was active, the shock-wave seemed to pass through the vessel and the structural integrity held.

    Straightening his jacket the Captain took his seat, ‘Sickbay report’ he exclaimed.. a beep and a hiss from the comm system, ’23 dead, 17 wounded Captain’ ‘Keep me advised Doctor’, the Captain turns his attention to the science station ‘Planetary Status?’, a pause, ‘the entire planetary surface has broken apart sir, 12 billion inhabitants all gone… all gone… dead… they..’ ‘Understood!’, The Captain’s curt remark bringing the officer back to her duty. ‘Warning, Metaphasic shielding at 83 per cent, 15 minutes to primary shield failure’ the ships computer exclaims in a calm voice. ‘We have to work quickly’, the Captain gives his orders, ‘scan for survivors Commander, Engineering, I want warp power as soon as we clear the debris field. Helm, Plot a course out of here, and be ready to engage on my mark. Tactical, full scan, by the time our shields run out I want to know, who, how and where, understood. Lets get to work’. The crew snaps to the captains commands, all too aware that if the shielding breaks down at their depth in the field they’ll join the planets inhabitants in a fraction of a second.

    Computer: ‘Warning, Metaphasic shielding at 32 per cent, 2 minutes to primary shield failure’. ‘Finish up people’ the Exec demands, ‘all stations brace yourselves, … all sections have reported in Captain’, ‘very well number one’, Computer: ‘Warning, Metaphasic shielding at 7 per cent, 30 seconds to primary shield failure’, A beep from the comm system, ‘Bridge, Engineering here, shields are failing’. ‘Helm … Engage’. A shudder in the deck plating, a sudden flash and the moving star field heralds their escape.

    2 Hours Later.

    The Executive officer, Commander Andoria speaks into the comm system ‘senior staff report to the officers lounge’. The senior officers assemble solemnly, the immensity of the lives lost on the planet weighing on their minds. Once assembled the Captain begins. ‘We will rendezvous with the Klingon vessel I.K.S Kahless within the hour’. ‘Captain’ the doctor asks with some apprehension, ‘we’re at war why would the Klingons want to involve themselves with an attack in Federation space’? ‘It seems’ The Captain replies, ‘the Klingons have reports that this incident may not be an isolated one. The chancellor of the High Council believes that cooperation would be mutually beneficial in this instance’. ‘I don’t like it’ the Exec exclaims, ‘The council is well aware that they are in frequent violation of our space not to mention the Dominion Treaty of 2486’. ‘I tend to agree Commander’ the Captain acknowledging the Execs concerns ’however we must look at this as an opportunity to make some progress with the Klingons. As I understand it, the Kahless’ Captain is an Orion, we may make more progress with her out here than all the diplomats in the Federation Council.

    The Chief Engineer, Commander Roscaiya interjects ‘Captain, they may know we’re carrying the Jellyfish MKII’. The Captains brow furrows ‘I’ve thought of that too Commander. I want 24 hour security in the cargo bay until this mission is concluded’. ‘Now before the Klingons arrive, let’s go over the readings taken just after the attack’. The senior officers look over in detail the reports from each ship section to no satisfaction, no sign nor trace of the cause, the attacker or motive could be found in them. ‘Damn’ the Captain visibly agitated ‘we must have missed something’ activating the comm system ‘helm, plot a course back to the debris field, launch a series of class V probes and begin scanning the debris’. ‘What are we looking for Captain’? the young navigator asks. ‘Anything, Everything’ the Captain remarks impatiently, ‘hail the Kahless, advise them to rendesvouz with us in the system’. ‘Aye Aye Sir’.

    To be Continued.

    Post count: 2368

    Part II

    As an Eagle swoops to take its prey, talons sharpened, it’s powerful wings cut the wind and it’s beak ready and poised for the attack, so too the Kahless seemed to the crew of the Artemesian. The fist officer weighing the situation in her mind spoke to the Captain ‘shall we raise our shields Sir?’ ‘negative Commander’ the Captain spoke ‘the Klingons are here to help, until that changes we are on a defensive footing’. ‘Blue Alert’ The First Officer made the announcement and all hands snapped to their duty stations, not tense but ready for whatever may come.

    ‘The Klingon vessel is hailing us Captain, a General Veena’ said the Tactical Officer. ‘On Screen’ The Captain signals, sitting straighter in his chair.. A beep, a flash and the Klingon bridge was on the screen. Several Klingon officers were going about their duty, however in the center of the screen an Orion officer, powerful, beautiful and unmistakably in command raises herself from the command chair and moves closer to her view-screen. ‘Captain” she begins ‘I am here at the behest of J’mpok the Chancellor of the high council. We have been ordered to cease hostilities and to consult with you on the attack on Atalas VI’.

    ‘General’ the Captain began with an air of skepticism ‘perhaps you should beam aboard the Artemesian, I’m curious as why an attack on Federation territory has peaked the High Council’s interest and why this gesture of cooperation during a time of war’. General Veena ‘All will be made clear soon enough Captain, I accept your invitation and await your transport coordinates’, another beep and the view screen returned to the view of the Kahless.

    Captain -Plasma talking to the intercom ‘Science team Alpha how is your analysis coming’.. a crackle from the intercom ‘We’re still trying to get accurate readings Captain, there is a radiation here that we haven’t encountered before, we should have something within the hour’. ‘very well’ the Captain closed his eye and in the darkness came a shock of pain through his body, focusing his thoughts he brought the pain under control and opened the one eye. he raised his hand to the eye patch covering the other. ‘Commander Andoria’ the captain spoke to the intercom. ‘Yes Captain’ the no-nonsense first officer responded’, ‘please greet our guest in the transporter room, oh and have LATA join you’, ‘Lt Commander LATA is checking the meta-shielding Captain’ the Exec began, ‘It can wait’ put in the Captain sharply ‘I don’t foresee any more planets blowing up today’.

    After beaming aboard and met at the transporter room by the first and second officers, General Veena was shown to the ready room where the Captain was awaiting her arrival. ‘Please sit’ the Captain offered looking the Orion officer over with curiosity. Veena sat in the opposite chair across from the table and explored the features of her host. The eye-patch first, then the rugged features, the beard and finally gazing into the eye of Captain -Plasma. ‘Why the patch Captain?’ she began ‘surely Federation technology can provide a prosthesis for you!’. ‘We are here on serious business General, not discuss me’ The Captain put off by the question and the pressing business at hand. ‘Yes important business indeed’ Veena continued ‘however it is always best to know your adversary. I am here at J’mpok’s request not by my own will, I bring you important information, however I will use my own discretion as to how much I reveal and how much I keep secret. Tell me your story, 10 minutes will not help Atalas VI and I’m assuming your investigating is not yet concluded, we have time and it may be of benefit to us both’.

    Captain -Plasma confused by the request and strange attitude of his guest thought to himself ’10 minutes wont change the situation, humor her, its been a long time since a Klingon and a Federation officer spoke cordially to one another’.

    The captain launched out on his story ‘where should I start, what should I leave out,.. well, there is a city on Earth called Corinth, on a continent we call Europe. In days gone by one of the countries on that continent was called Greece, home to the Hellenes. The city of Corinth is ancient, but has been rebuilt in the last few hundred as it suffered great damage during our last world war, before the United Earth Government and the Federation were created. Although many of the Hellenes treasures or Art, Architecture and writings were lost over the thousands of years, there are still those that call it home. This is where my story begins…..

    To be continued……

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