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    Maverick Part 1:

    Narrator: Sector at war, battles continue to rage across the neutral zone, as Empress O’Dreade, ruler over the Klingon empire vows to conquire Eta Eridani space. Admiral Plasma has organised strike teams of the best officers in starfleet to combat this threat. Spread thin across the sector, these commanders work tirelessly to keep up with each asshault. Intelligence officers of Section 31, have been planted in key location to send back reconnasance on battle groups and enemy movement. Agent Maverick, posing as a civilian frieghter heads to Drozana for a data chip handoff,when a distress call hail is picked up.

    With a sudden alarm on the communication hub, Maverick, who had ben leaning back in his bunk, reading a data pad, finishes what he had been reading, and reluctantly puts it don on the table, grabbing uo a few more words before he turns his attention to the flashing light of th monitor. He casualy stands and walks ove emitting a yawn. Emediately a transmission comes in, broadcasting all channels, offering a reward for missing Vulcan dignitaries. But before all of the information in the broadcast is compete, the signal begins to breakup.

    Maverick: “Not now!”

    He adjusts a few dials and tries to fix it, but the monitor goes blank.

    Maverick: “What a peace of junk!”……”Exo!”

    He calls, then looks back for a moment, as if he just realised something.

    Maverick: “Thats right, hes still plugged in.”

    Maverick heads to the manitenance hold in his cargo bay.

    Maverick: “There you are, the communication hub is out again.”
    Exo: Isn’t it standard to have atleast 4 hours of down time durring watch? Im not fully charged yet.”
    Maverick: “Sorry about that, but we have a distress beacon I was trying to lock onto.”
    Exo: “Since when do we do resques?”
    Maverick: “They sometimes come up, but this was an open band cycling broadcast.”
    Exo: “That means everyone can see it, its obviously a trap of some kind.”
    Maverick: “Maybe, but its worth investigating.”
    Exo: “Dont forget, we have to be at Drozana in two days!”

    They make thier way to the war room and Exo replicates a tool and begins to evaluate the problem.

    Maverick: “I didnt forget, but somethings not right here, why would vulcan dignitaries broadcast an open channel distress beacon? That would make them a target for every Klingon and pirate in the sector.”
    Exo: “Perhapse thier situation is dire.”

    Exo continues his work for a moment, then pauses.

    Exo: “The communication relay is burnt out, you should have used the credits from our last job to replace it.”
    Maverick: “True, but in still glad I upgraded your communication program instead, using a PADD to communicate with you was alot of trouble.”
    Exo: “I will have to llink it to my own communications relay to the ship and bypass the main one.”
    Maverick: “Just becareful you dont overload your system, theres alot of power going through that thing.”

    A sudden static and a link is made, quickly Exo cycles through each channel until he finds eccho of the distress beacon.

    Maverick: “Excellent, can you pinpoint its exact location?”

    Exo replicates a data chip and downloads the information into it.Quickly Maverick takes the chip to the holoemitter and uploads it into the computer. A 3D map activates and shows a location.

    Maverick: ” Trayalis, Ill set in a coarse, Exo, prep the Argo.”

    Exo detaches himself from the console and pauses as if to leer in Mavericks direction before hovering off to the hangar. Within moments the Ebon Hawk changes coarse and engages its warp drive. 5 hours later they arrive at trayalis system. Maverick scans the surface for activity. Suddenly a strange probe decloacks and discharges an unfamiliar pulse. Suddenly all of the Ebon Hawks systems shutdown.

    Maverick: “Censored!”
    Exo: “I told you it was a trap. But do you ever listen to me?”

    The inertia of the ship causes it to desend into the planets atmosphere.

    Maverick: “Dont start….activate the stabliser boosters, try to keep us level!”

    They brace themselves as they break through the atmosphere, Maverick straps on his deat harness and Exo magneticaly attaches himself to the floor. At 500km Maverick points to Exo.

    Maverick: “Now!”

    Exo engages the full forward stablizer boosters, and slowly they level up and skim off of the surface a few times before they crash to halt. Maverick shakes it off and looks down at Exo.

    Exo: “I dont think we will make the rendevous now, good job!”

    Maverick sighs and takes a breath, contemplating his situation, then unstraps himself and checks his phaser pistol.

    Exo: “Whats the plan?”
    Maverick: “Same as before, find the dignitaries resque them, then head to Drozana.”
    Exo:” Have you taken leave of your senses, they could be anywhere here on the planet, if thers anyone here to resque at all, and lets not forget we are stranded here without a functioning ship?”
    Maverick: “Take it easy, we’ve been in tougher scrapes then this, besides I have a plan.”

    They begin loading the Argo.

    Exo: “Im listening.”
    Maverick: “Ill tell you on the way, lets go.”
    Exo: “Your going to make it up as you go again, arent you?”

    Maverick stops with a sigh, gawking at Exo for second, then points to the passenger seat.

    Exo: “You jedi are far too reckless!”

    The hangar bay doors grind open with an aged moan, a cloud of dust flys up as the ramp makes contact with the earth. The Argo emerges into the sunlight, Maverick clears the ramp and it closes behind them. maverick revs the engine twice looking over at Exo.

    Maverick: “Which way to the closest inhabbited settlment?”
    Exo: “my scans indicate 10km to the south.”
    Maverick:” Thats as good a place as any to start, maybe someone has seen or heard something.”

    After about an hour of speeding across the rugged landscape they come upon the outskirts of a village. The sound of war and panic cry form everywhere, smoke and fire begin to rise up in several areas.

    Exo: “It doesnt look like they will be much help to us.”
    Maverick: “Not if we dont get down there in time.”
    Exo: “Please dont tell me, your going to jump into themiddle of a pirate raid?!”
    Maverick: “We need a lead, if I can help these people perhapse they can ppoint us in the right direction.”
    Exo: “I still say this is a bad idea.”
    Maveick: “Power up the rear cannon, ill get in close enough so you can cover me.”

    Exo floats over and relicates an odd device and pushes it into a small port, the Argos gun raises up from the floor, and points twords the village fireing at groups of pirates. Maverick leaps over the vehicle activating his lightsaber as he charges into battle, deflecting disruptor blasts aside. Making short work of whole groups of Orion pirates. Suddenly Maverick spots an old man being over powered and proded with a pin stick. QUickly he leaps into the air and uses the force to pull several Orions into the air then lands in a somersault, knocking more out of the way, while pulling the old man behind him so he can deflect in coming blaster fire. The defending villagers take advantage of the opening and lay in a parimeter of disruptor fire of thier own. They push back the pirates to the edge of the village until they flee.Maverick puts away his weapon and looks back at the old injured man, overlooking his condition. He pulls a hypo out of his belt and uses it on him to releave the pain.”

    Maverick: “Are you ok?”

    The old man breaths in a sigh of relief and looks up at the Jedi.”

    Old man: “I am now stranger, thank you.”

    Maverick helps him to his feet, suddenly scattered villagers flock to Maverick pointing thier weapons.

    Old man: “NO! Stop! this man saved my life.”
    Random Villager: ” hes a scavenger, come to pick the bodies of our dead after a raid!”
    Maverick: “I assure you, im not a scavenger.”
    Random Villager: “Your not wanted here! Leave now!”
    Old man:” What ever he is or his intentions might be, he did save my life and im indepted to him. But they do have a point, why have you come to our village stranger?”

    The villagers all scowl and grumble twords Maverick with bitter distaine.

    Maverick: I do seek something, information.”
    Old man: “What do you want to know?”
    Maverick:”There was a broadcast of a vulcan ship on distress, I have been sent here to find them.”
    Random Villager: “Hes a slaver! Shoot him!”

    The old man holds up his hand to calm the angry mob.

    Maverick: “If I where a slaver, why would I come alone, armed so lightly?”
    Old man :” I believe him, he has…a certain glow about him. We have also picked up this broadcast, it was coming from East of here, about 200km. But the signal just stopped about an hour ago right before we could send some people to investigate ourselves. but they are the least of our worries now.”

    The old man begins to tear up as he looks over the the ruined village.

    Maverick: “Ill send help back for you, but first I must find these Vulcans.”
    Random villager: “Liar! Dont make promises you dont intend to keep!”
    Old man: “Go my friend, good fortune on your quest.”

    Maverick bos and heads back to the Argo hastfully.

    Maverick: “Exo, we hve a lead on which direction to start…”

    Maverick stops as he see’s Exo laying on the ground with a burn hole on his side. maverick crouches down, putting a hand on him.

    Maverick: “Dont worry Exo, as soon as we get back to the ship, ill patch you up buddy.”

    Maverick stows him on board securely and take out a tricorder, scanning to the East. he picks up multiple, but faint electronic signatures.

    Maverick: “Hello stranger.”

    Within seconds, he speeds off in persuit of the tricorder anomolies. He makes his way through the harsh jagged landscape until he comes upon a crashed Federation shuttle. he gets out to investigate. the shuttle is embedded sideways into the earth. Numerous mechanical components and destroyed turrets lay stoune about in a makeshift barricade. Among them lay dead Starfleet and Klingon officers, leaving behind evidence of a vicious battle. maverick decides to investigate further.

    Maveric: ” Foot prints….leading away. Klingon boots…strange how the remaining warriors didnt beam out, nor is there any sign of thier craft. he takes out his tricorder and scan the area, finding a lifesign and where the small energy signature came from. Maverick notices a weapons crate overturned near the rear of the barricade. he could sense something out of place, so with a focused mind he uses the force to lift the container and move it aside, benieth it was a lumpy blanket, slightly moving. Maverick drew his saber and removed the blanket with a wave of his hand, suddenly a figure popped up from a shallow foxhole fireing a phaser blast, shooting the saber from Mavericks hand, quickly he turned to dodged the next shot then used the force to take the weapon from the figures hands. the figure slipped back into the hole. Maverick, with a serious look on his face, peerd over at his destroyed saber on the ground, then back at the foxhole. He extended his hand and a photon grenade released itself from a satchel in his vehicle and came to his hand.

    Maverick: “You have 10 seconds to come out of that hole, or I drop a grenade in there!”

    Then slowly 2 hands emerged, raised up high.

    Ingrid: “Dont attack, I give.”
    Maverick: “Why did you attack me?”
    Ingrid: “I thought you where a Klingon, as you can see we where in battle!”
    Maverick: “Why are you still alive? Klingons dont spare an enemy.”
    Ingrid: “im not sure what happened, the Klingons had a working shuttle they dropped down on us as they passed by, we fought them off, but durring thier second pass, they opened fire with thier shuttles weapons, the next thing I remember is waking up in pain, lieing in this foxhole….I peeked through the blanket to see my last crewman cutdown. there where two Klingons left. Thier shuttle looked banged up, it sped off and I layed back down. the pain was severe.”
    Maverick: “Are you ok?”
    Ingrid: “I dont know, im in pain and cant move my right leg.”
    Maverick: “Let me see what I can do.”

    Maverick searches the dead Starflet officers for a medic, then takes his trcorder and begins to scan Ingrid.

    Maverick: “Well, you seem to have a fracture in your leg, a concussion, as well as a few assorted burns across your body.

    Maverick takes a hypo from his belt and quells her pain. Suddenly she points upward.

    Ingrid: “Its the shuttle, they are back!”
    Maverick: “Just stay calm, lay still ill handle this.”

    Maverick removes his gun showing it to the shuttle, and lays it on the ground. he they then raises his hands and walks away from it and Ingrid to a clearing, hoping to take attention from where he was. the shuttles guns moves with him, active and glowing with anticipation to open fire.


    Post count: 2368

    Action and Adventure packed into one .
    Cool story line 🙂

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