Home Forums GA MEMBER: Fan Fiction, Character Bios & Role Play STO: Caitian Picard’s BIO

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    Jean-Luc Nyan Picard was born in icanhascheeseburger, France in 2305, and much against his litters wishes joined StarFleet Academy. He comes from an all cat species dimention where everyone is a little grey cat, looking like a mountain lion walking upright. His focuses were primarily in Archeology and Literature. he was also the first freshman to win the Academy marathon, by a whisker. As a student he was known for his loyalty to his friends, but also for his tendancys to hunch when he felt threatened, often it got him into trouble. Shortly after his graduation, he managed to get into a fight with a couple of Cat Pirates, durring the tussel, one of them came up behind him and stabbed him in the posterior with her hat pin, leaving him unable to sit down for a week. Quickly this put things into purrspective for him, as he found out female cats can be a real pain in the….anyways, he decided to persue a more professional role in Starfleet and developed a strict sense of disipline and duty, and eventually served as First officer on board the USS Meowgazer; a ship of which he later commanded for 22 years. Durring that time, he invented a starship manuver that would become known as the “Picard (i got u last :P) Manuver”, using what is called now the Jump Console, allowing you to warp right behind someone and fire right off thier bow with all you have. However, he will always defer to his diplomatic qualities first, before engaging in battle. he has represented the Federation in many successful first contacts with other species. Also, Picard’s trademark cat face =^.^= is the product of my toon, not the shirt tug of the human one.

    jean-Luc later took command of the newly designed Galaxy class line, commanding the USS Kittyprize D, of which he still serves on today. Picard still shows amazing willpower and determination, even when tested by the super powerful being, Q cat. When having to save his entire race from extinction by traveling back and forth through time to correct what would have been an epic disaster. Durring this mission he came across every possible Enterprise D in all forms, learning for the first time that there where non-cat beings that excisted too. Though the mission was a success, and countless billions of cats where saved in his timeline, he still remained out of his own dimention…unreturned to his own kind. He now serves as an Envoy for the human Federation in the IDIC fleet. =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    Cool back-story. I’ve been to icanhascheeseburger, its nice 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Nice 🙂 That Jump booster that you created Caitian Picard will always be a ‘winner’ in star fleets eyes!

    Post count: 2368

    This just came to mind =^.^=

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