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    Post count: 2368

    Gods amongst us….
    Through out the centries, the ancient gods of myth and legend have been amongst us. Interacting with and affecting in the lives of mortals. Out of the realm of earth, there was a god called Dionysus durring the time of the Greek empires, and later he was known as Bacchus when Rome ruled. he was the god of wine, and celebration. Any time there was a party or wine involved, greeks paid homage to him in what was called a Bacchanalia. He like many of the ancient gods reproduced with humans to create a half god, half mortal being called a demi god, or halfblood. These famous and sometimes infamous creatures have done great things durring the span of thier lives. Some like Hercules, have made great names for themselves, embarking on quests to save thier people from certain peril, others like Calibos, used thier power and influence to bring plague and harm to others.

    Carina Ragazza, the halfblood daughter of Bacchus; a rouge trader who seemed to come out of nowhere like a phantom, and establish a well forged trading route, tying together the general systems of freelace traders into a strong network of exchange brokers that span to every quadrant. There is no place she is not welcome, all roads lead to her latinum. The official trade franchise for most every system and faction is “Luna Fortuna” the basic guild she made to control trade to illiminate fighting over customers and goods. Everyone she employs gets a piece of the pie, if they are good earners.

    While exploring new buisness, she ventures out in her trade ship, “The Mauve Marauder” her call sign in trade space band, is Luna. All welcome her graciously where ever she goes, as the thought of her arrival might bring new business and latinum to someones home world or sector would generaly expand thier wealth, should she choose to invest there. They treat her like a goddess, not knowing she basically is. But, when a guest in anothers home world, she does observe thier traditions; its not good for business to insult the customer. While on earth, she sings for her investors in a concert to lul them into a trance, on Quonos, she engages in hand to hand combat, sporting her trusty whip, she can leave them stunned and in Defera, she performance in the arts can bring out the emotions of all those around, softening them up for a sale.

    Soon, a new and growing fleet lead by a man named Plasma, requested for her assistance. The price was high, for an in person visit from head of Luna Fortuna herself. but when he explained his ideas of what he wanted to do, this took her interest. Imagine, a direct line for Federation trade, through the fleet IDIC. This would be a big deal to set up, if her franchise dealt directly with Star Fleet as thier chief supplier of commodities and trade goods. So after 6 months of working out the details to the very letter, Carina went into buisness with Plasma’s fleet, and the Latinum has been rolling in since.

    Post count: 2368

    What a good read!
    Very cool creation and in depth story for Luna 😎

    Post count: 2368

    u cant deny it now, your obsessed with the percy jackson series XD

    Post count: 2368

    Shut-it fur face!

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