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    Greetings everyone,

    I would like to announce that the starting up for the I.D.I.C. – Klingon Side Fleet will be scheduled for 2012, January 20. Until then we will have to fill up the command structure system and start doing some recruiting, so that we would be able to go live with it once the F2P will open and be more attractive to the new players.
    The rules for founding the first command structure are the following:

    1. There will be a Fleet Admiral (me – O’Drade@Ishakar / Harishaka@Ishakar) and a Fleet Executive Officer (XO) (Veena@-Plasma).

    2. The fleet will have a maximum 5 Squadron Commanders (which will actually have almost all the powers over the fleet). For being considered for a squadron commander position a fleet member should be at least Brigadier General. The first Squadron Commander will be chosed by me and Veena, with unanimity of votes. The others Squad Commanders will be chosed by the fleet council which consist from me, Veena and the rest of the Squadron Commanders, with unanimity of votes. The voting will take place on the website (if we will fail to meet online), not casting a vote means that you agree with the proposal. For a Candidate to be considered for the Squad Commander possition, that one should already be an Officer – First Class of the fleet and have to be at least Brigadier General as rank.

    3. Each Squadron Commander positions will have specific functions, and those accepting that position should also accept the associated tasks within the fleet. Those functions are: Head Recruiter, STF Specialist, Master Crafter, Tactical Adviser and RP Accolite. We will detail each functions tasks as we go by, but i think those are pretty much self explanatory. Also, as we will grow, we will have more Squadron Commander positions, with specific designated tasks and titles.

    Until January 20, there will be enough time for you to level up and get used with the Klingon side, so that at that time we would have at least those functions filled. The new systems from Seasson 5 will make the leveling up much easier, as you will see. If you need any help from me or from Plasma, please don’t hesitate to tell us, as without actualy knowing you, will be difficult to select you for a commanding position within the fleet.

    Best regards,
    Lieutenant General O’Drade
    Fleet Admiral

    PS: I can also be found in-world as one of my fed toons: Iskara, Taraza or Cladda (@Ishakar)

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