Home Forums WEBSITE UPDATES & FAQ Site Updates – 26 February 2014

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    Site Updates – 26 February 2015

    The member resources sections such as, Register, Login/Logout, Member List, User Profiles have now been upgraded.

      Registration Notes

    There are now 3 tiers to the sign-up process;

    1. New users will now have to confirm their sign-up via email activation.
    2. They will need to do the Human Check via ReCaptcha.
    3. Admin will need to activate their account.


    New and existing users can now edit their profile and add a range of custom information. I encourage existing users to update their profile asap.
    Certain data in custom profiles can be set to Private, however is you have any social links I would recommend leaving them open so we can more broadly connect.

    *There is one existing error with the custom profile, bullet point selections are reset or change when you go into the editor. It is just a matter of selecting these each time you edit, is just a nuisance, not a major problem.

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