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    Post count: 2368

    I really want to down the first boss in the Tython HM fight. Have gone in there with guildies, names unrevealed, and have shown progress, but not
    success. Let me go over what is “my understanding” of the fight, to see if there’s a problem there… Looking up the stairs, boss is at center of platform.
    We basically start with a DPS push on the boss, avoiding first “orbital strike”. Once adds come down the lines, one at each corner, I move to “front left”
    add and DPS until “targeted”, then move to rail to avoid “strike”, then back to add until down, moving “clockwise” to the add at “back left” corner,
    downing each add around the platform. The other DPS starts with the add in the “back left” corner, once shield is down, they join me in killing my add
    then we move to the add where they started, and move around the platform together (basically), avoiding “strikes”, DPSing adds until down, back to boss.
    Rinse repeat. If I’m not missing something vital to the mechanics, then maybe I need to look a little deeper into my character build, and/or check into
    my “cooldowns” both offensive and defensive. Once I’m sure those are all accounted for, I’ll go over key bindings to make sure everything is placed
    in a “priority” order. I’ll look over my gear again, but pretty sure my gear is in order for stats and properly augmented. Any comments or suggestions
    would be greatly appreciated. These nightmares of being “bullied” won’t stop until this boss goes down…

    Post count: 2368

    No you have it they fixed the shields not bieng knocked off the other 2 with the last patch
    there is a way to glitch the boss but i don’t like it makes me feel dirty the biggest mechanic
    in this game is avoid red circles.

    As far as spec, you play a dot spec which is handycapped in certain fights due to mechanics
    particullarly shield fights like that boss just like for me i’m burst melee so I’m handycapped
    in high movement, watch you’re feet fights like shae vizla in bloodhunt a lot of it is about
    learning how to execute your class against and recognize it’s weaknesses and how to play it
    against said weakness. I wish I could help you more in depth but I haven’t played that spec

    For gear yours is fine but, the elite and ulitmate gear armorings make a huge differnce in your
    survivablility which sentinals aren’t the best at since thier primarily designed as “glass
    cannons” so learning when and how to aviod damage is key.

    My recomendation is to learn you’re burn abilities and your burst abilities while your burst
    won’t be as plentiful or as strong can help especially in this case getting those adds down as
    it could cut the time to kill them down by half. I’ll be glad to talk to you more about it in
    raidcall if you want.
    if you want

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Zez! We’ll definitely go over anything you have to add, when you find the time. At this point I’m thinking I may need to adjust my “rotation”
    a bit. Once I’m sure of the order of things, my “abilities” and “key bindings” will need to be dialed in. That’s assuming I find something that needs
    to be changed. Something that may make a significant difference, is “targeting”. I’ve been “cursor clicking” my targets, which in general works fine,
    but there are some issues that come up at the worst times… especially fighting “big bosses” and/or groups. Big Bosses will overwhelm my screen, meaning
    I’ll see an add, think I targeted it, but ended up back on boss… when “leaping to my targets the majority of the time, this can be a huge problem…

    Post count: 2368

    I left that post, to see if I could catch Zez ingame, but ended up with unexpected company. What I would like to know, what’s the “#1” targeting option
    in anyone’s opinion. There are several different options in the keybindings, but I’m starting to run low on my really convenient keys. Which do you guys
    use the most… “nearest target”, “target ally’s target”, etc. ?

    Post count: 2368

    I just use center and tab …. usualy works, if not, will work on second tab ….
    So, I just center the enemy i want to attack in my view and hit tab ….
    If many enemies around, i just circle them with tab …

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks “Doll”, I’ll need to set up something. My main concern is switching targets in large groups and/or staying on the target I want… maybe a
    “lock target” is what I’m looking for? Here’s an example of what I mean… the couple in “Bloodhunt”, though not a large group situation, should illustrate
    my problem… When the guy is present, I focus my DPS on him, but almost every time I’m in there, at least once during the fight, I’ll attempt to attack
    dude and end up leaping to the chick. Maybe her “knock back” forces me to lose target, I’m not sure. Of course this particular fight is no big deal, but
    this is the issue I’m having… losing my target, and getting it back on track, especially with more than one potential target in view…

    Post count: 2368

    So, about the couple in Bloodhunt: indeed, there is a moment during that fight when, after the knockback, “the dude” taunts you (as you can taunt NPC’s, sometimes, rare, but still happening, NPC’s taunts you too). There is no way to prevent that, is a “feature” of that fight and you simply have to switch target back to the one you want to fight. As a side note, the mechanics of that fights actually requires that you always attack the dude, when he is present and finish of “the chick” after you finish off “the dude”.
    As to address your issue, there is a feature in sw:tor that might be helpful for you (personally i use it very rarely, only when i play tank or in some specific fights, like TC, when i play in adds group). The feature is “focus target” and can be activated (on my interface) with Alt-F. This will display in the middle of teh screen the icon of the focused target, so you can see it even if you’re not selecting it. It can be useful at least in 2 ways: 1. for seeing what that specific target does even when you’re not actually targeting it; and 2. to be able to quickly re-targeting it, if you loose target. But for the 2nd case, this is usually useful for range dps, not for malee, as when you play malee, you should be close to that target and actually seeing it at all times, and hence, is quicker to reselect it with a tab.
    Also, usually, in large groups, when there are multiple dps that needs to focus on the same target, that target usually gets marked, and you select it by simply circling through tabs, until you see the mark symbol, on its icon.
    I know what you mean by target’s target or ally’s target, i used it alot in STO, but i never used that feature in sw:tor (not sure is even exists).
    I hope this helped.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    For me like I said I use tab targeting at the default setting, nearest target or whatever it’s set on. Yes the enemies taunting is
    rare the other example of the enemy taunting is the elder lurker on Yavin.

    Focus Target is an absolutly fantastic raid focused UI tool. As a former raid leader of a progression guild I used it quite a bit as
    it helps with managing fights, but I also recommend it for dps and healers. For healers, the ability to keep an eye on another raid
    member helps, for example if you are assigned to a specific tank being able to watch the other tanks health in case of emergancy
    helps out. For dps, it’s great for keeping an eye on boss mechanics that you need to be aware of especially bosses based on timers.
    Great examples of this are the walkers from ToS and the shields, being able to anticpate the switchs and when to get the bomb for the
    runner helps out. Another example where it helps is Operator IX in TFB being able to focus on Master Control and watch how much time
    is left in the color phase as this was exremely important at 55 even more so if you were attempting HM or NiM.

    Target of Target is in SWTOR and is crucial to tanks and maintaing threat on multiple targets. Everything that can be targeted can
    have it’s target of target set up although I never use it outside of seeing what i’m attacking is focused on.

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