Home Forums WEBSITE UPDATES & FAQ Site Updates – 26 July 2014

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    Site Updates – 26 July 2014

    Enabled Comments On Posts

    Comments have been temporarily enabled and will appear on new posts starting from today. All older posts will retain their disabled comments settings.

    I am trialing the Anti-Spam system in WordPress, if it manages to catch most of the spam I will leave comments enabled permanently.

    This will be a much more interactive system as visitors will not need to go to the forums to comment on a specific subject, event or topic.

    Just as with the forum, if you make a post AND you want to be notified of any replies please check that box when posting. This is especially important if the topic relates to technical support/game help/FAQ topics, etc.

    Subscribe To RSS Feeds Widget

    The Subscribe widget at the bottom of the page is now active.

    Forum Links On Main Site Page

    I have now added both Recent Posts and Recent Replies sections to the main page.

    The reason for this is that I was using the Recent Posts -Sorted by replies, which is ideally what we NEED, BUT the problem was that it still displays the ORIGINAL posters name/avatar, NOT the current person replying. So to cover all bases I have added both a recent posts and replies section.

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