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    Post count: 2368


    Hi All, I would like to make a Ships of the fleet calendar for 2013, Similar concept to the ships of the line calendar that Paramount/CBS puts out every year.

    I’ll either need 12 people to participate or if we don’t get that then maybe a couple of ships from one person, but we’ll only do that if I don’t get 12.

    If your interested, Pimp out your favorite ship with your favorite config and gear and let me know. I’ll need good quality screens for this so if you don’t have a ri-rez system we can work something out .

    Post count: 2368

    Count me in for december 🙂
    I’ll participate with my long range science vessel (Voyager – like).
    I’ll submit the pictures asap, even if I think they are alredy on the forum …
    I’m open for a photo session too 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m in too.

    If you want to include KDF ships, I can provide my favourite corsair flight-deck. Or any bird of prey would look awesome too.

    Post count: 2368

    Here is my ship, the USS Lady Latinum. The ship that shines like gold upon the sea of stars.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo Keep Them Coming – Thats 4 so far including me, 8 people to go.

    Please also send me the exact Name and Registry of your ship and any details you would like about your toon or the ship 🙂

    Please set your system to the highest graphics it can take. Even if its choppy, just to take the shot and you can then lower again. Also expand your playable area to the whole size of your screen, preferably 1920×1080 – The higher the better for to edit.

    Woo Thanks All.

    Post count: 2368

    I am happy to participate also 🙂 I will send the current ship I use for Ingrid- the Ferenghi ship and its gear etc.

    Sounds Fun and a gr8 idea Plas!

    Post count: 2368

    So here are two shots of my ship, can make more/better if needed.

    Post count: 2368

    There are some screenshoots of my curent ship 🙂 Is teh best i could do, please use either one you see fit ….

    Post count: 2368

    Woo thanks Kara. Could you please post the full ship name and registry number, thanks.

    I still need to get a few more, but I’m hoping to have the first 6 months done in a few days.

    Post count: 2368

    Ingrid and Luna, I’ve already got Law’s D’kora in the callendar as I was able to take some super Hi-Rez shots, is it possible to get a shot of another one of your ships? I wouldn’t mind if another class is doubled up as depending on what config you have a ship can look quite different (like the Star Cruiser (Options), Promethius (Options), Galaxy (Venture options), or even the Intrepid (Bellephron options)), but the D’kora looks pretty much the same.

    I still need 4 (including you two) for the callendar. We only have 1 KDF ship so far too, so a KDF is welcome as well, but I prefer a ship your fond of as it will be a representation of your style 🙂 – If you insist on the D’Kora, then thats fine too.

    We currently have:

    Odyssey -Plas
    Chmera – londi
    D’Kora – Law
    Intrepid – Kara
    Promethius – junker
    D’kyr – Catstar
    Thunderchild – I forget who 🙁 sorry, let me know..
    Corsair Flight Deck KDF – Nei

    Post count: 2368

    Sure no worries Plas 🙂
    Ingrid had the heavy assault Cruiser and the Intrepid, I will use one of those. I’ll come on tomorrow and take some shots of it, hopefully will work okay. If not let me know when u plan to come on STO Plas – if possible during the day time as atm most of the nights i’m out… i’ll try to make it there and you can take them for me – that would be great 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    If you still miss some ships and if you like it, here’s my old assimilated Vo’Quv.

    Post count: 2368

    @-Plasma wrote:

    Woo thanks Kara. Could you please post the full ship name and registry number, thanks.

    I still need to get a few more, but I’m hoping to have the first 6 months done in a few days.

    Ship name: U.S.S. Calypso
    Registry number: NX-99001-A

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, ships of the fleet callendar (version 1) is online and can be downloaded here http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=128&t=450&p=1720#p1720

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