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    Post count: 2368

    With May fast approaching and the Romulan Expansion/May Update coming we’ve been seeing the Developer Blog posts popping up like wild flowers on the STO mainpage. Of the Developer Blog Entries that have been posted which ones have stood out to you guys?

    Mine has been the one detailing the Romulan Faction itself (Ask Cryptic: Legacy of Romulus). The other one that stood out for me is (Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog: Romulan Warbirds) which was Dev Blog #3. The first one stood out for me because it told us where we stood as a player and outlined the basics of what wehave available to do as a new Romulan Player. The second blog that stood out for me is Dev Blog #3, where they gave us a sampling of the ship line-up for the Romulan Faction. While yes the other blogs have been interesting and very enlightening, the two stated above have made me salivate in anticipation for May 21rst.

    Post count: 2368

    I like the upcoming TNG LCARS look, and being able to pick new and more traits

    Post count: 2368

    Updated my tribble this morning but no login access. Then I read that Closed Beta had started and you need an invite 🙁

    Im hoping to be in within the week afterwhich I’ll add to this thread with gusto 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I just saw the Dev Blog dealing with the C-store ships and it’s making me oh so very tempted to buy into to the Legacy Pack Promotion come this Thursday(after I pay my bills). The ships look sweet, and getting those ships will mean no out of pocket expense when May 21rst rolls around.

    Darn my itchy burning pocket(soon to be full again with money)

    Post count: 2368

    Check the tribble if you can before you decide to purchase. So you know what are you buying.
    Also all of the ships are avaiable as Fleet versions, so pretty much free (well… modules).

    Post count: 2368

    Right now the Romulan stuff is Closed Beta unfortunately at the moment.

    Post count: 2368

    Managed to log into Tribble, however it wont allow me to create a Rom toon 🙁 – At least I can log in now tho.

    Im thinking of buying the Legacy pack, anyone else buying it?

    Post count: 2368

    Here are some screenshots I took of my toon in tribble. She is a Romulan Engineer. I love the new dress options for this race. Its too bad I can’t get these for Luna.

    Post count: 2368

    Cool shots 🙂 – has anyone checked if the KDF have any new dresses options? Also I wonder if we can use the winter coats on the roms.

    Post count: 2368

    Any word on Tribble yet when Open Beta will begin?

    I bought the legacy pack. Looking forward to playing as the Romulans.

    Post count: 2368

    same here 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I have purchased the legacy pack for the new expansion i am looking forward to it. Hopefully this will get everyone going into STO again myfaith has been renewed with the new content

    Post count: 2368


    This is making me want the 21rst to get here even more. I shouldn’t have gone on to Tribble for I knew it would mean Trouble. But I did anyways.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Hiroshi,

    looks cool actually!

    I’m not sure actually, they said it would be out in May so hopefully very soon 🙂

    Hope you are going well!

    Post count: 2368

    May 21st is the release date 🙂

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