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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    I’d like to launch a debate in here for if we should get more involved in the KDF section of the IDIC.
    As a first step please post your thoughts in here and then, in the start of the August maybe we shall hold a meeting ingame about this.
    From my point of view, I can spend more time on KDF side, but only as long as there will be more from our group that would get involved. Fleets are about groups, not about solitary actions 😉
    Any insights will be kindly appreciated.
    Thank you so much,

    Post count: 2368

    I know CatStar and Ingrid have been leveling their toons over on KDF side. I will definitely be contributing to the KDF Starbase and have been moving all extra mats to the KDF bank as much as I can.

    Post count: 2368

    I know and I thank you for that. But we will need a command structure that would be able to take care of KDF side activities as well…
    As for the leveling, I’m leveling up my new KDF toon as well (Harishka) and if there is someone that needs help with the leveling process please let me know 🙂

    Post count: 2368


    I have had a lot of fun leveling my KDF toon and are always looking for extra team mates. CatStar and I have enjoyed many of the series that the KDF have to offer. I am happy to assist as much as I can and willing to recruit and/or organize missions to do together as a fleet, when/if get the interest and the numbers for it 🙂

    Enjoy and keep dreaming 😉

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