Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET "Refresh…"

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    Post count: 2368

    The guild could use some “bonding”. I titled the post “refresh”, because it just sounded better than using the
    word “rebuild”, which people often take offense to. I’m not trying to come in, as the “new guy”, and change
    things… on the contrary. What I would like to do, is see about making things like they used to be, or
    at least reasonably close. I’m guessing some of the original members are “burnt out”. It happens, I know,
    I’ve been there before. But a portion of the founding members are still going full steam and are willing to
    share what they know… There are also some new people, working on increasing their knowledge of the game,
    who are eager to run group content… which is really what many of us look forward to. Something that I think
    would help a lot, is a “schedule”. I realize there is a difference in time zones, and some people want to
    keep things “casual” and not be “required” to be in game… but, we have enough flexible scheduled people
    to plan on a “guild night/day”, just once a week, to get things started. New Xpac starting, making it a
    perfect time to learn new content together as a group. Just something to think about…

    Post count: 2368

    That’s a great idea R3 and has been on the cards. What I can do straight away if you are willing is give you access to the guild scheduler here on the site and if you’re free on the weekend I can walk u through how to add events etc.

    The big social downfall for SWTOR has been the guild system or lack of it. Even the simplest thing like a guild-wide email is not possible. I would love to have the opportunity to talk or message all the member at once and explain or make them aware of guild services, but its just not easy unless I catch people online and speak in the Guild Chat Channel.

    We did have a permanent running events schedule at one point and would be great to revive it.

    Post count: 2368

    Very good point and, to be honest, i was fidgeting about when it would be a good time to start scheduling such events (we used to have those in weekend, normally on Saturday and Sunday, around 9 am GMT). As of lately, most people were caught in leveling intensively, and the XP one could get from doing class quests was way better then the one coming from group missions. Today, the new expansion will be released. To be honest, I’m curious about the changes there will come (as the last major expansion, 2.0 – the hutts, reshaped the game entirely). Once we’ll figure out the changes and we’ll know the new shape of the group content, we should start having group events more often. Hopefully, Bioware won’t disturb us again with any new multi-XP periods again, which usually disturbs the group actions.
    To meet Plas’s comment as well, that is why I changed the MOTD this weekend, to determine more people to come on teh site, so we would have a common communication platform for planning those events. Indeed, SW:TOR lacks badly in any form of mass communication in-game and without such an external platform, any attempt to plan those events is …. to use an well-known term …. futile 🙂
    So, for for the next period we should determine as many people as we can, to sign up to the site.
    However, i’ll post in MOTD, probably on Thursday, an announce for the next event for this weekend, for Saturday, that will be related with the new content coming from expansion.
    If you have other suggestions about how we can announce and plan those events, please share them with us.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    “MOTD”? If that is “message of the day”, that was going to be my suggestion. If at all possible, I would put the
    text in red… it’s the only color guaranteed to grab everyone’s attention…

    I was amazed to see that I was exactly (1) experience point away from hitting 56… until I realized that I
    purchased my Xpac on Nov.3 so my XP was being cut off. =( So, I started an Imp Agent, that I like playing, but
    after being spoiled by the 12x XP boost… it feels like it’s going to be a very long ride.

    Everyone in guild has been really cool… Those in charge are expected to be “friendly”, “helpful”, and
    “available” (to some degree)… and you guys have been all that and more. But every once in a great while, my
    path happens to cross with someone who is worthy of praise, to the point of my being compelled to share what
    I’ve seen so others recognize just what kind of an asset this guild has… “Bowman” has done things that go
    beyond being a “good guy” or “nice person”. I’m only going to point out a couple of the numerous actions he
    has taken in the name of being “helpful”… I’m obviously still learning how to improve my game, so “Bowman”
    shared the name of a site where I could find the information I was looking for… Then, immediately tabs out
    and relays that information from the site, directly to me. Next he and I were about to run dailies, or an fp,
    when he decides to bring that plan to a halt, so we could assist a guildie, who was about level 40. Now,
    these sound like “routine” to some of us, but the reason I was impressed enough to bring his actions to
    “your” attention, is (A)He wasn’t asked to do what he did… he just did it on both occasions and (B)Both
    situations occurred AFTER the new Xpac was activated, and everyone was understandably caught up in the
    push to 60… “Good job, Bow” /high-five!

    Post count: 2368

    Yes, MOTD is “message of the day” and the event for tomorrow was announced over there. Unfortunately, we cannot change the color of that message (same SW:TOR lack of inspiration when comes to mass guild communication).
    Also, the event is published on site, in the events section.
    Looking forward to see you there,

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