Home Forums Star Trek Online (STO) General Discussion & FAQ Recruiting Project: "Operation Dead or Alive"

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    Post count: 2368

    If anyone reads this, this is my last attempt to revive our fleet. Who here still cares enough to assist in this project, please help me to recruit new members. We need people who are new to the game, so that we can teach them and get them used to teaming and being active in our fleet. People who are VA’s or have been in other fleets wont help im afriad, as they will only be in it for themselves at that point, most who left a fleet wont be willing to cooperate with another, they would be dead weight like many of our membes have become….some of which havent been on in months! The point of this is, the lack of our current members even being on, especialy the officers! This is the thing that kills fleets, that and requests for no structure…i have been in a few fleets in the past with no structure or direction, players just did as they wanted, everyone goes off thier own thing and it becomes chaos. I think if we gain new members and help them to level, we can start to fill up our ranks with people who are not only willing to BE HERE, but will enjoy the game and participate, getting this fleet buzzing again. Who knows, they may even fill officer roles and do what they where assigned, wouldnt that be a trip!?

    So starts Operation DOA, I know Law and Plasma are on when I am, Im not sure when neithi is but i know she plays as her contributions in KDF are awesome! Since I have role as tactical for both fleets, ill help on both ends, so if u see me on neithy send me a mesage if u need a hand. Same with u law. Plasma, im with u on this, I hope We can get things going again! This fleet has had too much hard work put into it to be allowed to have people turn thier nose up at it for what ever reason. Im being so direct at this point for the simple fact we have to draw a line in the sand and ask who is with us, and who wants to go thier own way! Only when we see who we have to work with, will we know who we can rely on to get the job done!

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll be starting recruiting as well. I don’t think many in the fleet are reading these forums. I’ll send out a fleet mail regarding recruitment as well in the coming days.

    Post count: 2368

    Usualy when I play there’s noone online. I’ll make sure to msg you when I see you Cat.

    btw my playtime is afternoon everyday, around 4pm in UTC+1

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Nei, I know that the timezone your in is not standard for most of the fleet. Thanks for hanging in there and working so hard for our fleets.

    Im hoping to compile a chart in GMT times of approximate member play-times. Hopefully that will be handy for people, also for new members to decide whether they want to join if they’re in a timezone without many players in the fleet.

    Post count: 2368

    I am on when I can but I have found that there is almost never anyone online when I am and that may just be cause of of the time zone I am in but I don’t know and I would gladly help

    Post count: 2368

    I’m happy for everyone to start recruiting.

    At this point I will just direct all those who are going to be actively recruiting to our guidelines from our official website.


    Also I’ll just remind Officersto add a note to the roster about the date and who recruited so that we can keep track of membership. If you recruit someone and an officer is not present, just at the end of your recruitment session please STO mail me the name of the people you recruited and I will fill in the roster at a later time. Thank you.

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