Home Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) General Discussion & FAQ (Pre-order) EARLY GAME ACCESS & WHAT SERVER WILL WE PLAY ON?

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    Post count: 2368

    Sorry Plasma I got rid of Flash-Carmine then saw you sent out the STO message. My chars are

    Phlash – Jedi Knight
    Sindy – Sith Inquisitor

    Iskara I tried to add you as a friend but it said you didn’t exist. Hope to see you guys online soon.

    Post count: 2368

    No worries Flash, i’m sure those intersted will find us 🙂

    I added Kara with no probs on my Imperial Toon. Will trya and add you later on Flash 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I sent an mail in-game to both of you (Plas and Cardinal) to your sith toons, i hope you received it. Also I added you both on my friend’s list on my toon there (Iskara), but until now i failed to see any of you as online.
    I hope to meet you in-game soon,

    Post count: 2368

    I have only got my imperial to level 8, but I think I will lose access soon until my collectors edition arrives with my product key.

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve been finding the social tool a bit of a pain. It seems you can only add friends from the same faction?..which is ridiculous. I added Plas to my friends list for my Jedi Knight Phlash but I can’t add him to my Sith Inquisitor Sindy. I was able to add Plasma to Sindy’s list (I hope that’s you Plasma). Iskara I cannot add you to either of my characters…it says you don’t exist.

    I’ve been online a lot the last few days keeping an eye out for you guys but no luck. I’ll check my emails tonight so hopefully I can find you.

    My sith is at level 4 and my jedi at lvl 12.

    Post count: 2368

    Maybe we should set a meeting for, let’s say Wednesday, to link with each other. Would be 1 am PST be ok for you?
    I only played sith until now; reached level 21.
    Please set up another time / date if it feels more comfy and I’ll try to be there.
    Looking forward to see you in game soon!
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Happy Birthday Kara 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    1am PST is only 5pm for me here and I will probably not be home from work by then so perhaps 2am PST? Don’t wait for me too long because it’s always a bit hit and miss as to when I can play.

    I can run STO at the same time so I will log into both just in case and you can find me there if we are having trouble contacting each other in SWTOR.

    Happy birthday Kara by the way. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thank you for teh kind birthday wishes 🙂
    Flash, i’ll try to be there around 2-3 am PST … or even later ….
    But for now, we made contact in-world, so it should be easier 🙂
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Closing this thread as the game has launched and all that are concerned are in.

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