Home Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) General Discussion & FAQ (Pre-order) EARLY GAME ACCESS & WHAT SERVER WILL WE PLAY ON?

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    Post count: 2368

    On the official Twitter feed it says that the last wave of emails have gone out for today. That was 4 hours ago, so give it another 8 hours I’d say before expecting an invite. http://twitter.com/#!/SWTOR

    Post count: 2368

    Indeed, the same is posted on the official forum too, in the end of those 1000 pages 🙂
    Next wave …. tomorrow, starting with 2 pm GMT.
    I don’t know how’s for you guys, but i cannot connect to STO either … it seems that both launcher update server and the web server are down.
    I’ll try to connect to DCU, if the update will go quickly enough ….

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Kara,
    I was on STO about 30 minutes ago and all was fine. I have almost levelled my KDF toon to max 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Oh, wonderfull, congrats 🙂
    Yet, i still cannot get into STO … 🙁
    Entering DCU

    Post count: 2368

    So apparently Bioware has said that invites to early access have gone to those who pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October. I put in my pre-order code on the 11th October so I’m hopeful of getting in tonight. Did we decide on choosing a US West Coast PvE server?

    It occurred to me several of us might get in at the same time and we might all end up choosing a server. What do you think about nominating one from the server list now? We can see the population levels of each on here: http://www.swtor.com/server-status

    Post count: 2368

    Looking at the list it seems that the West Coast PvE are few and they all seem to be HEAVY, probably because there so few West Coast servers.

    I would nominate Begeren Colony or Vrook Lamar which are West Coast RP-PvE and appear to be STANDARD traffic. Other than this the only other option is to go East Coast.


    Post count: 2368

    I’ve never played on a Role Playing server…and never really role played come to think of it. Do you think this might be a problem?

    I think all the servers will be suffering from being very busy after the release of the game, then perhaps they might settle down a bit. I played on a Full server during beta and didn’t have any problems.

    Post count: 2368

    I am cool with the role-play, however if we dont go the RP that leaves us with;

      Hyperspace Cannon
      Lord Praven
      Mask of Nihilus
      Space Slug
      Master Zhar Lestin
      The Harbinger
      The Jekk’Jekk Tarr

    I suppose that one is as good as the other at this point. I don’t know which to suggest, maybe Hyperspace Cannon as it’s a pretty straight forward name. ISE on Hyperspace Cannon etc, and would work for the Republic Guild as well, but to be honest any of these will be as good as the other at this point.

    Post count: 2368

    Ok cool. If I get on tonight I will go for Hyperspace Cannon then. I’ll check these forums before though just in case there is a change.

    Do you think you will get in tonight? I suppose it will be 1am for you when they send out the next wave?

    Post count: 2368

    I get the feeling I’m not going to be going in on the next wave. Im happy with the first person to get access to choose the server, as long as they publish it soonafter so we can join the same 🙂 – Like I said I have no real preference as they would all be relatively equal at this stage, so please choose whichever seems best to you at the time.

    I’m working on getting the site up in the next couple of days as well http://www.infinitesithempire.org/

    Post count: 2368

    I just created a Jedi Knight character on Hyperspace Cannon. He’s called Flash-Carmine. All the servers were Light except a couple of them. Will you all be playing Sith? If so I’ll create a Sith too.

    Post count: 2368

    I created a sith warrior named Iskara on the Hyperspace Cannon server. Going off to get home and once there, i’ll get back on.

    Post count: 2368

    Got my invite as well have created an Imperial toon called Plasma and a Republic Toon called Plas on hyperspace cannon. We have Guilds on both sides planned Flash, we are starting with the Sith. Also got an email from Amazon saying that they have sent out my Collectors Edition 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Hmm am trying to log on to Hyperspace Cannon, but am in a Queue of 70 – been waiting for 10 minutes so far 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    Yea I saw this server was full. According to Twitter Bioware just added a bunch of new servers (4 on the West Coast) so hopefully that will ease the pain soon.

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