Home Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) General Discussion & FAQ (Pre-order) EARLY GAME ACCESS & WHAT SERVER WILL WE PLAY ON?

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    Post count: 2368

    Hi all,

    What server will we be playing on? That is the question.

    The guild will not be going into the universe on day 1 as we did not make the requirements.

    Therefore those of us with early game access will have to start the guild when we get in game. The question is which server should we choose to play on as we will have to publish this info so that other guild alliance members can also create their toons on the same server.

    I will be posting a list of servers as soon as I can rustle them up. Please start some discussion on this so we can make a decision.

    Moved From A Related Thread

    Early game access
    by Iskara » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:41 pm

    I just received yesterday the invite for the early game access. It seems it will start on December 13th, 0700 hours EST.
    Best regards,


    Re: Early game access
    by -Plasma » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:05 pm

    I received the download link, but not the date on which I can start playing.


    Re: Early game access
    by Iskara » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:49 am

    Actually i received this: “Early Game Access* will begin on December 13th at 7:00AM EST, 2011 and ends on December 19th, 2011 at 10:01PM EST. During this time, we will be emailing invitations to join Early Game Access based on the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code. Pre-load the game client now, so you’re ready to play when your Early Game Access invitation arrives. Note that download time can vary and may take awhile.”

    We should establish a procedure to choose the server on which we should log in and a faction to start with. My proposal would be that the first one to connect to choose a server that appears to be less loaded and to communicate to the others through the forum, so that the others to be able to join on the same server. If there will be a published list of servers, available prior to the start of the Early game access, then we shall choose from there, but it appears that this list won’t be available.

    Please propose on which faction should we start, tho, to not have to wonder about that at the Early access time.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings all,

    From my point of view, the choose of the server only have 2 things to be taken into consideration as a decision base:

    1. Will be that server a US or European server? Personally i would go for a US server, as from my experience those are more likely ready to receive more players and will be most probably more lag free. Yet, i would not go for one of the first servers from the server list, as, most probably, those will be the most loaded servers, because most players will just choose the first server they see in their hurry to start playing the game.

    2. The server name: which should be a simple one to be easy for most to spell and remember it :). In the interest of being as much lag free as possible, the server name should also be a common one, one that most players would not be very eager to choose, also in the interest of keeping the game as much lag free as possible.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Also, for those of us in Australia / Asia I believe West Coast US servers provide the least lag.

    Post count: 2368

    I agree Flash that on the face of it the West Coast US servers would be the best to play on.

    Having said that, the Beta testing I did on East Coast Servers also had a pretty good connection.

    I think that as soon as we get our proper invites, the first to get connected should choose a server with low population and publish it here and then we can join the same server.

    Post count: 2368

    OK, I will propose something and please indicate if you agree or have an alternative.

    1. West Coast US
    2. PvP Server
    3. Whomever gets access first (as stated by their invite email when it comes) chooses the server. That person then posts it here for all to see and I in-turn will distribute it through STO, email, etc as quickly as I can.

    We should choose a server with LOW population to give us all a chance to join it as we don’t know if they will be locking the servers once they are full. We should also wait a little while once we have access to see which servers are filling up and at what rate.

    Also this if of lesser importance, but the first Guild we are planning is Empire (Dark Side) so if you start leveling an Imperial Toon first that will suit those plans, however if not, that’s cool as our Republic Guild will obviously be also on the same server.

    Post count: 2368

    I agree totaly 🙂
    As for the server selection, i propose to be one from teh middle of the list and maybe with not such a sound name, as psychologicaly those would be the ones less prefered by the great majority and will have more chances to stay less filled 🙂
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Is it possible to switch servers once a character is created? Also, we are not going to get ganked regularly on a PvP server are we?

    Post count: 2368

    Unfortunately, in SW:TOR game model, each character/toon will be bound to a specific server since its creation.

    That is actualy the purpose of this thread, to assure that we won’t start level up toons on different servers, which won’t be able to see eachother. For us to be able to play together it is mandatory to play the toons we want for the Guild on the same server.

    The toons that are on different servers won’t be able to even communicate with other toons from other servers. Is pretty much the way that WoW used to work, but worse, as there is no common handle for all toons one player have in the game, to allow us to cumminicate on the handle level.

    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    I found this article which has a list of the servers at beta and according to a tweet from Stephen Reid the servers will have the same names plus there will be a few extra.


    These are the three that are listed as West Coast PvP servers:

      Mandalore’s Helmet
      Moomo Brothers
      The Ebon Hawk
    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for posting those servers Flash, i’ve been looking for a list. I took screenshots from the beta, but this list is much easier for us to explore.

    Also the point about the PvP server is a good one – will it interfere with our leveling, like in DCUO where you try and do a mission and the villains just start attacking you?

    In addition there are very few West Coast PvP servers and i’ve got no doubt that they will add more on launch, however it occurs to me that most of these will fill up quick as there will only be a handfull of them unless they are adding quite a few more servers.

    Londi’s original plans for the infinite Sith Empire (ISE) guild were to be on a PvP server, however this is a good point and I will try and catch him online to talk to him about it asap.

    Post count: 2368

    I just checked Londi’s guild settings; and it was PVE. Are you sure that we should go on a PVP server model? During the beta-testing, as far as i remember we also tested the PVE model too.
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Your right Kara. For some reason I had PvP in my head. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    There is a server status page which lists the servers. I don’t know if this will be all of them at release time though.


    As I’m looking now there are a lot of full servers. All the West Coast ones are full except two which are at medium. I’m not sure how Bioware will handle this. I guess this might be normal for the release of such a huge game?

    Post count: 2368

    From what I’ve seen during the beta, the “full” notion is ….”stretchy” as most of the times i’ve played on full servers without any noticeable lag.
    On the other hand, the pressure for game access, given by curiosity and by the hopes of getting their prefered toon name is huge; from what i’ve seen on the official forum thread about “Early Game Access” there where more then 1000 ( one thousand) pages of postings. Most probably this eagerness will relax after release or after most peoples will reach a frustrating level above which they won’t be able to pass (*grins*).
    So, again, all we can do is wait (unpatiently) and see 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Ok that’s cool.

    I’ve just looked at the server list again now and all servers are down to ‘light’ and ‘standard’. 🙂

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