Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Post-Summit General Discussion & Impressions

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    Post count: 2368


    I say “YES” “YES WE CAN”!

    I am ready and willing to do what is necessary to move this fleet forward, to help us all grow together and build it up again. Firstly, it is true we need a foundation and a fair and realistic fleet structure that will work. As Cat said we can’t please everyone; what we can do is think about what roles and giftings we have in the fleet and use that to our advantage. There are many roles that have been mentioned in Cats post that is accomodating to this. I believe the key is working together to accomplish what we need for our fleet to move forward. Let’s encourage eachother and move forward together – we really do have an amazing group of people in IDIC.

    The 3 amigos were right when they said “All for one and one for all”.

    Post count: 2368

    Frankie, you always where a General when it came to rallying people, but did you really have to make casual sound so freek’n useless? 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    lol, I never said useless…but it doesnt look very impressive when spelled out does it? But its still there as an option, to accomidate the play styles, not everyone things the same or wants to do the same things. IDIC is a flexible fleet, with something for everyone. But no, I wasent singleing you out Luna. You are who you are, the very definition of chaotic neutral. 😆

    Post count: 2368

    I will be making a determination on this topic soon. I think there has been more than enough time to discuss it.

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