Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Post-Summit General Discussion & Impressions

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    Post count: 2368

    I think I misunderstood too, missing the summit didnt really matter then since I dont play any of those other games that are mentioned in our guild lineup. I feel silly now commenting, I thought this was for our fleet not the entire guild, in every game wow. I can see that Star Wars is very popular these days, and since I dont play, I dont know how it works, so I have no idea the best one in order to give my opinion. I feel even more out of touch with whats going on now. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Post count: 2368

    I have decided to step down from Fleet Engineer and will be away from playing STO for a while, to level my new toon. Im downloading Star Wars ATM, so I guess I will join everyone there. The Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer looks like its my speed. When I played Dungeons and Dragons I liked playing magic users that could heal and have magical ranged attacks. I also liked the look of the purple lightsaber. ๐Ÿ˜‰ If this becomes the new hangout I may abandone my STO account.

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t see that anyone’s comments have been a waste of time, they make sense. Im saying that the comments about sto will relate to sto sub-rules like I mentioned. Tor will have its own sub-rules and so on.

    Also I was just talking about how I am going to approach any comments. This does not mean you all have to do that or look at it n the way I am.

    In my view the main day to day rules about membership, conduct rules etc, should be across the board. I guess I’m seeing things through different eyes, I’ve been in charge of the overall alliance and organisation and from that position I can see that having 5 rule sets for the 5 guilds is a big feat. If the basic rules were uniform this would be a big help.

    Please keep on commenting.

    Post count: 2368

    Just a note to say i have read this link dont have any usefull comments ATM.

    Post count: 2368


    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,
    I would like to add my thoughts in.

    Up front I would like to point out this is just how I see things and as always my first priority is to what is good for the fleet.

    Iโ€™ll start off with why I joined this fleet. I like playing games, always have and always will, but when I started playing STO I wanted to join a casual fleet that catered for any style. Hence IDIC (just a reminder โ€“ Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) appealed to me. While I like end game content and elite runs, I also know they are not for everyone too. IDIC allowed me that opportunity without pressure to be a player who could come and go, do what I wanted, do an elite, level a toon or just potter around and play dabo if I so wished. Above all, I knew my responsibility to the fleet was just to be courteous, friendly and helpful to those that played the game too.

    Regardless of what we talk about in fleet structure, our future, leadership etc, I do hope we do not lose sight of what our guild and our charter stands for.

    I can understand a need for rules and then sub rules, but to put it bluntly, a council to determine rules can and will get very drawn out/frustrating. For the most part I am happy with a leader of any guild just saying what they want and how they want to run things. If I donโ€™t fit in with that then thatโ€™s fine…either we can talk it over, I can accept it or leave. I have too much politics at work and the last thing I want to do is have that in my leisure/game time when I just want to chill and enjoy.

    I am happy to give an opinion if itโ€™s asked or speak up when itโ€™s needed, I always will.

    I will give my opinion on membership as it has been asked: I think that until such time as we are reaching our cap in membership (400 members I believe) we should not delete any from the fleet, if inactive then by all means demote them, if we are reaching our cap in numbers only then should we look at how long people have been inactive for and then remove them. We should allow time for inactive ones to come back to the game and fleet in the meantime.

    I wonโ€™t say anymore about the forum discussion, my opinion there is still the same as from the summit.

    Last thing I will say is this: I like our fleet, and I am 100% behind Plasma as leader. We will always have difference of opinions and personality conflicts in the fleet but that is part and parcel of the game. We are IDIC.


    Post count: 2368

    See what i meant by not being a native english? I totally agree with what Law said ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for commenting Law.

    I know from what many people have said that they are behind whatever rules etc I decide to add to the fleet. I know that this is looking like a political game as well, and I wanted to avoid that, the main point in this is to make the best rules and structure so the fleet can move on and survive.

    On another note, just to put it out there, I also know from what a few people have said that if I leave or step down as leader they will not stay in the fleet. This puts me in a difficult position -I don’t want our fleet to break up. Thats why this is being drawn-out a bit, trying to decide what’s best.

    I’m totally open to all the submissions and ideas on these forums, I just want everyone to know that I’m trying to do the best for the fleet, whatever the end result ends up being.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    I have been thinking about a few ideas regarding recruitment.

    Firstly, I believe our fleet can be a very strong one if we work together. We have great people who are very skilled, trained and enjoy being apart of the team. The last thing I want is for our fleet to become stale and disolve into nothing. I encourage everyone to be apart of fleet life and team up with fellow members and get to know one another ๐Ÿ™‚ This will be one of my tasks for this year when I am in STO.

    Recruitment Ideas

    Please note this is based on the current principle of recruiting new members from different time zones

    Designate a leader to be in charge of the overall ‘recruitment’ sector of the fleet. The leader will choose 2 or 3 assistants who are in a different time zone to them. For example Australia, USA, UK, EUROPE. Each three will recruit in their own time zone and ensure the new recruit is also in the same timezone and country. It is the responsbility of that person to look after the new recruit by keeping communications open, offer assistance and gear from the fleet bank and ensure that an invite to the IDIC chat channel and website has been given.

    This idea has been encouraged in the past and by other officers, I strongly believe this will be one way that we can help our fleet to become strong. One down side to this idea is the challenge that the people who are from different time zones, may not be able to meet the leader and XO of the fleet. As we have advertised we do play in the Austrlian time zone and thus ‘time zone’s will always be a challenge. on that note another discussion might be to decide what time zone IDIC should play in and what is realistic for its curent active members.

    Thanks for reading this ๐Ÿ™‚

    See u there !

    Post count: 2368

    When recruiting, we must remember something very important; we are all in ourselves Ambassidors for the fleet, advertising one another as a whole with each word, action and inaction. Each potential recruit will be shrude and unforgiving, they dont want to hear what you have to say and will find what they can to dismiss your attempts. A recruiter should attempt to bring forth the hearth and comfort of thier guilds brotherhood, how you sell yourself will reflect the true nature of its fleets attitude…and those you ask will see this quickly! What your guilds stores, numbers and wealth has to offer, wont buy a loyal member; its ones attitude, not gratitude that gains ones altitude.

    When we get tired, we tend to drop our tools and countenance, and wander off. You will find the longer you distance yourself from one another, the longer it will take to get together once again. Every member of this guild should not forget the difficulty of keeping a fleet together, and take just a little time each day for thier mates, if nothing else but to give them a warm greeting. We have all been together a long time, and deserve to be able to continue to enjoy one anothers presence when ever we log in. We have all done much together, but each day is a new page inwhich to write, lets provide out currrent and future members a history thats worthy of each of its members. -Cat

    Post count: 2368

    Time Zones

    Time zones will always be a challenge in many fleets. I think this is one of the most hardest obstacles to overcome. I have had many members inform me at times they are the only people in the roster and have felt isolated during their gaming. I feel saddened that this is happening & these members are feeling totally out of fleet life; however at the same time I remember we always said we were playing in the Australian time zone GMT+10 and anyone is welcome to join us knowing this when joining the fleet.

    This is a very hard situation, we are a fleet that accept all species, all cultures, all countries, all time zones etc. This is why I love being in IDIC, acceptance and inclusion. However, we have become larger in numbers and thus right now we don’t have enough active officers to cater or accommodate all the members from the different time zones.

    Here are a few questions to discuss.

    1) What time zone should IDIC realistically play in?
    2) How will we accommodate these members who play in different time zones?
    3) Should we change the current time zone policy and recruit to accommodate only one – two time zones?
    4) What is our long time goal for IDIC ?

    We need to discuss the time zone issue and above all find a fair and appropriate solution. Please note I am not saying that I want to kick any one out, this does not help the situation at all; instead it creates division and anger amongst members. I am wanting us all to think about what is a realistic time for our fleet to play in. Also ask yourselves, when you arrive onto STO and look in the roster, how many members are online when you are?
    Everyone is important in our fleet and I want to ensure there are officers around to assist members when in need.

    Post count: 2368

    This topic has been on the table for a while, and I think we need to get back into the game, as a whole. This will determine the future for all of us, and im concerned that members lack of enthusiam for the game for one reason or another will cause this fleet to go completely flat, and drive more of us to leave to other games….this has been making it more and more difficult to recruit new members, think to when you where being asked to join, if the one recruited you said “we are not always here or available so you will have to fend for yourself” that doesnt sound too apealing. I know being casual is appealing when you begin to get bored with the game, I have been getting bored lately too, but for other reasons. But those of us who have remained, have stayed to be our regulars, we must set an example, there are too few of us to become casual and inactive. There is too much important work to be done, leadership from our vets, rebuilding a name for our fleet! We have been loosing ground while away, the lack of active members doesnt draw in more people, when someone new logs into his new fleet and sees no one there for a few days in a row, nor does anyone greet him/her, they no longer feel welcome and the atmospere turns isolating and depressing for them. This really needs to be fixed and I would like suggestions from all our members on this, we have something here that is very valuable to all of us, and we need to take the time to stoke this fire back up and send up a signal once again that announces IDIC lives!

    Take this opportunity to add in your ideas and talents, this is a group effort and needs our full attention. Tiers are secondary, lets get reaquainted, many of us havent seen each other or talked in ages.

    I think some things should be put ito effect, this is some ideas I have….
    1: Recruiting guidelines that give quick answers, nothign long and drawn out. Dont beg, we dont need people who want to be picky and try to get you to impress them. While still being curtious we need to remember, we are recruiting for active members, not to fill space with more inactive people! We also need to make sure we have people available for teaming and to help people to level, members shouldnt be left to fend for themselves until its convenient to play with them, thats rude and what can drive people away.
    2: Communication, we need to get into the habbit to greet one another, not just our friends, but all our members, they need to know they are known and welcome too. This is how you make friends and regulars, when they feel welcome and treated like one of us. The forums is a good idea, not everyone can be on at the same time, this maybe an inconvenience for some as there can be alot of content to read, but browsing real quick the active topics button can give you a peek at what threads where active that day, and u can pick and choose what u wanna read.
    3: Fleet Structures….this is the big one, we need something a bit more solid, something that allows for casuals to drop by every so often to say hi, and our regualrs to have something solid to lean against…we need some leadership roles still inplace so there is activity and order in our fleet everyday. I still think the basics of the one i came up with will work, the branches can be for regulars and casuals, the leadership roles for regulars…vets who lead other games should be given the ambassidors status while here(captains rank). but as for how the leadership roles are choosen, voting was just an idea, im sure the higherups can put in place who they feel can handle the job and be there to do it. if a member feels they are unable or no longer desire what they do, even a common officer, they should be allowed to switch. branches are put into place for team goals and possible competitions. When they fill it is up to them, some may want to get it done and get back to the game, other may want to play at the game and go a little at a time.

    Post count: 2368

    That seemed a bit serious there, I thought this was already decided? The last time I joined everyone at your normal play time was durring the winter event, I was so sleepy, but there where people on. I did remember having a fun time, even though I kept falling alseep at the keyboard, hehe. I myself, am a casual player, mostely because I can’t sit still for very long. I would love to have a boss position in this fleet, but I have to admit, I like to have the freedom to follow my whims in all things, and I hate responsibility its such a drag. Plus that old booger in the library has left my availablity even more limited, and my goody-good brother made me stop pulling pranks on her, even though she totally had it coming!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Post count: 2368

    Oopsy, I forgot about the subject for a moment, stupid librarian! Anyways, I suppose if a structure is in order that would suit what we stand for in our fleet, how about assigning the ranks to suit the play styles. The elites who often play STF’s and Pvp’s like Law, we could have one for casuals like me, it can be called the rank of Peachy :), I can’t think of anything else. It seems to me people eather want to run in a group or they don’t so its hard for me to generalise anymore then the two. I wish I had some real ideas to share, but when I login my main goal is making EC. I have no idea about running a guild ๐Ÿ˜›

    Post count: 2368

    Ok, as requested here is the touchup for the idea I submitted some time back, it may suit everyones needs a bit more. I have been getting bored lately with the lack of participation and people getting involved with thier fleet. I think instead of coddling people, they should earn thier place in the fleet by showing they want to be apart of it. We have some new people that have taken an interest in us and have been showing up to a bare roster…anyways back to the idea, The names are just for the sake of having a name for the example, our leaders can call them what they want.

    Starting from the top we have the leaders, Plasma and Londi

    1: They make the decisions for the the fleets direction, and have final say if the mediators cant decide on something. They are incharge of setting up the embassy assignments and assigning goals to the mediators.

    2: Mediators: 2 internal, 2 external…the internal ones set the daily direction and give leadership while the leaders are busy or unavailable. The 2 external ones deal with other fleets as what alanna does, i mention 2 incase one maynot be here or require assistance, They also are incharge of monitoring the starbase and its progress, informing the officers what needs to be done.

    The next 3 have the same permissions, and are our full members…

    3: Mentors: they help new members with aquiring gear and giving them company to level faster, they choose the assignments they want to do for the upper SB slot. This rank is for people who enjoying helping others in the fleet and are willing to teamup when asked.

    4: Hazard Team: Our regualrs that like to do pvps and stfs, this rank is for people who want to show they are available for such missions when asked or even to gather a group for it. they are incharge of the middle SB assignments, choosing the mission for themselves.

    5: Casuals: for people who like to come and go as they please, not have any real obligations to anything, but they are still full members. They are incharge of the lower SB assignments, and also get to choose thier assignments.. As I figure this will be the most popular, there should be more then enough people to handle the donations for this slot.

    6: Pledge: Once someone wants to join our ranks and has finished thier evaluation week, they move here for a certain amount of time until they have donated enough to earn 100k and have participated or shown up to show they are iinterested in being apart of this fleet. The probationary time can be choosen by the leaders.

    7: Guests: when recruited, the new members remain here for a week to see if the fleet suits them, if they want to be apart of us, they can inform one of the top 2 ranks for promotion to Pledge. Also this is a AWOL rank, those who are away WITHOUT notification for 6 months, gets placed here (mailed why by leaders), if they return they must have a probationary time to earn thier member rank again, to assure they just wont wonder off again without notice. members away without notice for 1 year, i recomend removal from the fleet. Notifying them of why.

    This fleet funtions when its members want it too, our leaders can only give direction on where they want thier fleet to go, its up to us to make this happen. Haveing people away and not telling anyone is rude and shows they have no respect for us or the fleet. Thats why I propose this. Also, the removal for people who havent contacted us in over a year, is rediculus, I realise things come up, but ..really? This new modification of my old idea I hope does bring something for the table for everyone, you cant please everyone, the fact remains…this fleet needs its people to be here and to contribute thier time and talents to make it work, there is no other way around this. Its a team effort, and as I have said many times, you only get out of something what you put into it…you have seen the results and progress we made when we banded together….it can happen, not by me…not by law…neithy, or plasma…its US, together. We as a whole make it strong, our guild, our gaming community, our fleet…we need to get back together and start to rebuild ourselves back again. We have alot to do, and all the time in the world to do it, but it requires us to come back to the game again and make it happen. What do you say?

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