Home Forums GA MEMBER: PLAYER PROFILES/GAME REGISTER Player/Game Register + Contact Information

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    Post count: 2368

    Player/Game Register + Contact Information

    Please post a list of your user-names, character/toon names and the games you are playing here.

    This forum is for allour Guild Alliance MMO Guilds, Leagues, Fleets and Supergroups members.

    The Guild Alliance is currently involved in playing: Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, DC Universe Onlineand Champions Online.

    Please feel free to list any toons in other MMO’syou are playing as well as we may end up playing them in the future or there may be current members already playing them you could team with.

    Please note : Your posts in this thread might be edited

    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main handle: -Plasma (You can call me this across all games)
    Main Contact Email: admin@guildalliance.org (You can use this email to contact me for any reason across all the games we are playing)
    Time Zone: GMT+9:30

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    -Plasma@-Plasma -Fleet Leader
    -Plas@-Plasma -Fleet Leader
    -Plas.ma@-Plasma -Fleet Leader

    Federation Fleet: IDIC Resources

    Audita@-Plasma -Fleet Leader

    Klingon Fleet: IDIC

    Veena@-Plasma -First Officer
    V’eena@-Plasma -First Officer
    Ve’ena@-Plasma -First Officer

    Star Trek Online – Tribble Server

    Federation Fleet: Starfleet Tribble (Non-GA)


    DC Universe Online – PvP PvE PC Server

    Hero League: Dawn Star Order

    shebat@Plas0 -League Leader (Admin Purposes)
    plas ma@Plas0

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast Server: Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    Plasma@-Plasma -Guild Officer

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order

    Plas@-Plasma -Guild Officer – Jedi Council Member

    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Flash
    Main Contact Email: cardinalflash@live.com.au

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    Flash@CardinalFlash -Fleet Commander
    Girst@CardinalFlash -Fleet Commander
    Tallasa@CardinalFlash -Fleet Commander

    DC Universe Online – PvE PC Server


    Cinder Bomb@CardinalFlash

    SW:TOR – Hyperspace Cannon Server

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    Sindy -Guild Officer



    The DCUO social tools are a mystery to me so I don’t know how to list friends or join a league. I would like to join the Dawn Star Order.

    Post count: 2368

    Yo fleeties guildies etc 🙂 i’ve finaly managed to get my SWTOR setup the name of my character will be ishmael not sure how to contact people and such yet.

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Secrinatum
    Main Contact Email: cordallerer@hotmail.com

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    James@secrinatum -Fleet Commander

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast – Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    ishmael -Guild Officer

    Post count: 2368

    Hey everyone) If you need any help with leveling. flashpoints and HEROIC missions in SW TOR, you can contact me in the game. Also I can craft good lightsabers parts for upgrades ^__^

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Sithishe
    Main Contact Email: wren@list.ru

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast Server: Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire (pending)


    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Mister Wiles
    Main Contact Email: wdumbovic@gmail.com

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC


    Post count: 2368

    Contact Information

    Main Handle: Londi (You can call me this across all games)
    Main Contact Email: jjonasdarkside@live.com
    Time Zone:

    Star Trek Online – Holodeck Server

    Federation Fleet: IDIC

    Londi RevanFleet Admiral
    CyclockeFleet Admiral
    Gabriella RevanFleet Admiral

    Klingon Fleet: IDIC

    ????????Squadron Commander

    Champions Online

    Ryu Hayabusa
    Darth Revan
    Fulgora Goddess of Lightning

    SW:TOR PvE West Coast Server: Hyperspace Cannon

    Empire Guild: Infinite Sith Empire

    Londi -Guild Officer – Founder
    Cylocke -Guild Officer – Founder

    Republic Guild: Infinite Jedi Order

    Shadowalker -Guild Officer – Jedi Council

    Post count: 2368

    Hi everybody

    My contact Information:

    Mail – maxopka.samara@gmail.com

    Skype – jiopdmaxopkuh

    Star Trek Online – Makhorkin@maxopkuh

    World of Warcraft – EU Grom, Horde(not playing now)
    Trying to be online every weekend, almost always in Skype.
    GMT +10(Sydney , Vladivostok)

    Post count: 2368

    email – helkotar@hotmail.com

    STO toons –
    Space Hunter, Duke, Maverick, CatStar, Agent Phoenix, Caitian Picard, Flash Dashing, Phoenix, Viper, Typhon

    Champs –
    CatStar, Flash Dashing,Trixie FireCracker, Battle Cat, Adventure cat, Viper, Sonic the hedgehog, Weapon X, Darth Catnip, He-Cat, Ranger, Super Cat, Bat-Cat, Cauliflower McFuzz, Jedi Cat, Maverick

    Dungeons and Dragons mudd client – Snake_Charmer (Rum) hes a Bard, Yuan-Ti

    U can find some of my art work on Deviant art and my videos on You Tube, look for “CatStarSTO”

    Ive been invited to try out Diablo 3, Ive been given a guest pass. 😀

    Post count: 2368

    @CatStar wrote:

    Hi Makorkin, good to see u =^.^=


    Post count: 2368

    Star Trek Online: Luna (Science)

    Champions Online: Lina Inverse (magic), Nova (Fire)

    Halo: Blood Orchid (favored-sniper rifle)

    Daw of War: The Pink Praetor (pink space marines/winged heart banner)

    Dungeons and Dragons mudd: Hana Kawaii aka-Andromida (dryad/elf – bard)

    Post count: 2368

    Unfortunately, my EVE and SWTOR accounts are currently inactive, but I will likely be playing again in the future.

    EVE Online

      colonel mode
      tee wrecks

    SWTOR (Ajunta Pall server)







      Roger Brannigan

    Klingon Empire:


    I also develop software for fun and profit, and I especially like to integrate programming projects with certain games. My brother and I wrote a skill monitor for EVE for the N800/N900 series of Nokia internet tablets/phones. It integrated with the CCP provided API and used live character-specific information from the EVE servers. You can find it here, if you’re interested:


    I am particularly interested in the out-of-game Jabber/XMPP chat available on gold STO accounts, and I am toying with the idea of making some kind of bot that can be accessed in-game (not a bot as in cheating, but rather a tool to look up – using the chat system – quick little bits of information, perhaps from STO Wiki or Memory Alpha). Of course this is just a vague idea at this point and I won’t even be playing around with that until I’m able to get gold.

    That being said, if anyone has any sort of out-of-game tools they’d like to see developed (along the lines of skill planners or frankly anything that would help people play the game or make the fleet run smoothly) that do not currently exist, I’d love to hear about your idea!

    I also have a webpage, non game related, and there isn’t much on there now, but if anyone is interested, feel free to have a look. (Hopefully posting links to other pages is not frowned upon in this forum.)


    Post count: 2368

    I run as Flint, I am currently a level 50 Vice Admiral on Star Trek Online. My alt is Eisenhauer “Ike.” but I haven’t played this character since the game went free to play. I made Ike when the game first came out, and was a subscription based fee. You can call me Flint or Jerry if you like.


    I am an accomplished Game Master / Dungeon Master in table top Role Playing Games. I run a game about once a week with a group that varies in size from 4 participants to 9 participants. I prefer the Sci-Fi setting to fantasy.

    I’ve played a good many mmo’s for a long time.

    I was in when Dark Age of Camelot first came out, I had 5 level 50’s , and played it out until Trials of Atlantis came out. I ran with the guilds Alea Iact Est, Riot Control, and the Alliance Knights of the Round.

    I played WOW for a few months, nothing to write home about.

    I played Dungeons and Dragons Online before it was free to play. I came back later when it became free to play. It just doens’t measure up to my table top experiences. No offence to the game or anyone that plays it. Its just not the the same or any better for me.

    I played City of Heroes, and stopped playing shortly after Villains came out. I was happy for a while, but it wasn’t attention grabbing enough to keep me hooked.

    I played Eve Online for a couple of years, and I ran an Arms Dealer named Dillon Chronos. I was in a massive alliance that was pounded into temporal dust and sprinkled out of existance a long time ago, before the rise of BOB or the Good Squad. I stopped playing because it ruined my everything after BOB formed up and spanked my corporation out of existence. The Alliance I was in crumbled after that, because the corp. I was in was a mining corp, and we were funneling the resources to the other member corps in the Alliance. It was a rough time. I came back for another year long tour of duty, and had a good go at it. This is the longest running toon I’ve run on any MMO I played to date. I see many similarities to Eve in STO, and thus far I am liking STO better.

    I played Guild Wars for all of 2 months, lost interest.

    I played Star Wars Galaxies, I had a max level Scout Master. Just before Jump to Light Speed came out I quit the game, and realized that I had never really enjoyed playing it. I had tried so hard to like that game. It was designed terribly, the effects were ludicrous, their efforts to keep the events in cannon were laughable. And the ppl that designed the planets needed to have some serious lessons given to them on the topography of the worlds in the movies. (lakes of standing water on Tatoine, for instance.)

    I played Champions Online for a shorter spell than city of heroes, just couldn’t get into it. Didn’t give it enough time to be running with an super group worth mention. I played it when it first came out. And then I got back into it for about a 2 week period when it went free to play.

    I was all over Mine Craft for a time, and in its way, I consider that phenomenon to have been an MMO in its own way. I haven’t played it in a bit, since every time that Notch patches the game, I have to restart on servers and single player game from pretty much scratch. Frustrating experience.

    I played Star Wars Online for 3 months. It was not what I expected it to be, so I quit. I was the treasury officer for the guild The Black Bisectors. Star Wars Online was the last MMO I have played before I got into STO.


    Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that this communication is satisfactory and answers any and all questions. If you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to send me an ingame email to Flint.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks heaps for this detailed information 🙂

    It is great to have you apart of our fleet, please ask if you need any help or assistance!

    Enjoy 😀

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