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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings all.

    About 6 months ago our KDF founder Iskara decided to leave the K.D.F. Leadership and at the time the Guild Alliance Committee (GAC) placed CatStar in command of the fleet. It was a decision taken with little apprehension as we knew Cat would do his best to fill that role.

    Cat has informed me and through fleet mail all of you that he is stepping down as leader. From what I understand a mix of RL pressures as well as gaming-related commitments have made him come to this decision. Perhaps he will return down the track and he will have a home here always.

    I have a few things to say as GAC Chairman.

    Cat has been an -I.D.I.C- member for over 2 years and I’m glad to say my friend in game and out.

    I was planning to have a celebration for the -I.D.I.C- K.D.F. 2nd Anniversary on the 10th of October 2013. We will still have this however it will be a tribute to our past leaders as well as looking to the future.

    Under CatStar’s time as leader the K.D.F. Fleet reached Tier 4 on the Star Base as well as countless projects for their fleet holdings. Under CatStar’s leadership the KDF fleet took home the Second Annual Fleet Cup (2013) a testament to his skill in battle as a leader and the respect of his fellow fleet-mates.

    I will leave it there until the event on the 10th, however if anyone wishes to write any best-wishes or comments for our leader please forward them to me and I will compile them on our forums.

    In the transitional period, while the committee and I evaluate the leadership role I will be taking command of the K.D.F. fleet.

    For any questions or information please contact me via;

    Email: admin@guildalliance.org
    In-Game Mail: @-Plasma
    Forums: http://www.guildalliance.org/forum

    ‘A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.’
    ~Lao Tzu

    Thank you all for your time.


    Post count: 2368

    Thank you Cat!

    will be missed!

    I have teamed and been involved in many fleets with cat and have enjoyed the many adventures explored. Cat, you will be missed and I would like to thank you so much for all the effort, time and energy that you have placed into -I.D.I.C- fleet. My hope is that we can all reflect on what a great fleet we have and honor CatStar for outstanding dedication on the KDF and FED side. This is not the end, it is simply a new season in time. Please know Cat you are welcome any time and there are no hard feelings.

    Semper Fi!

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