Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Operations

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    Post count: 2368

    Here are the starting times & details for our operation runs of The Ravagers (TR) & Temple Of Sacrafice (ToS).

    At the moment we have 3 time periods for our operations they are 8pm UTC known as our european run (EU) 8pm EST known as our U.S. East
    Run (USE) and 8pm PST known as our U.S. West Run (USW).These are all works in progress, times and names and subject to change with
    notice. What I would like from you, the members of the Infinite Jedi Order is if you are interested in running is to please reply
    with what run or runs you would like to participate in and with what toons so that I may add them to the table below so that we may
    keep track

    Other Details:

    Loot Rules: Our loot rules are based on fairness and their is only one: When a set bonus piece (belts, wrists, head, chest, gloves,
    legs and boots) is dropped you may win 1 by needing, if win you must greed on all the other set bonus piece drops. Everything else is
    fair game to need on although we do ask if there are drops that are better upgrades for another player, let them have it. Don’t be

    Operation Runs: Our runs can last up to 3 hours, depending on the group and what is run. Our initial run in each group is Ravagers
    based on difficulty once the members of the run clear it they can proceed to Temple of Sacrafice on the next run if a run is not cleared it is the attempted again the next run for exampe if (USW) wipes on the 3rd boss of (ToS) then the next time (USW) runs they run (ToS). Once both are cleared for the first time the group can decide what it wants to run.

    Operations Table

    8pm UTC (EU)
    Zezeth (Tank)

    8pm EST (USE)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)

    8pm PST (USW)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)

    * If anyone has a better way to do a table let me know.

    Post count: 2368

    It looks like an Austrailian Run (AUS) will be added I’m waiting for conformation on the finalization on the time for that run
    but in the mean time here is an updated Operations Table

    Operations Table

    8pm ACST (AUS)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps)

    8pm UTC (EU)
    Zezeth (Tank)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps)

    8pm EST (USE)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps) *maybe*
    Telleste (Heals)

    8pm PST (USW)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps) *maybe*
    Kelynne (Dps) *maybe*

    Post count: 2368

    Here are the time conversions for the times posted above.

    I should be able to make the US West and East times on my Sat and Sun and also my Aus times on most days.

    The EU time is a bit early for me. Hope this info is useful for planning and once this is locked in I will create the events in the system.

    20:00 America/New York (EST)
    17:00 America/Los Angeles (PST)
    19:00 America/Mexico City (CST)
    03:00 Europe/Bucharest (EET)
    01:00 Europe/London (GMT)
    11:30 Australia/Adelaide (CST)
    12:00 Australia/Sydney (EST)
    12:00 Australia/Hobart (EST)
    05:00 Europe/Moscow (MSK)
    09:00 Asia/Hong Kong (HKT)
    09:00 Asia/Kuala Lumpur (MYT)

    20:00 America/Los Angeles (PST)
    23:00 America/New York (EST)
    22:00 America/Mexico City (CST)
    06:00 Europe/Bucharest (EET)
    04:00 Europe/London (GMT)
    14:30 Australia/Adelaide (CST)
    15:00 Australia/Sydney (EST)
    15:00 Australia/Hobart (EST)
    08:00 Europe/Moscow (MSK)
    12:00 Asia/Hong Kong (HKT)
    12:00 Asia/Kuala Lumpur (MYT)

    22:00 Europe/Bucharest (EET)
    20:00 Europe/London (GMT)
    15:00 America/New York (EST)
    12:00 America/Los Angeles (PST)
    14:00 America/Mexico City (CST)
    06:30 Australia/Adelaide (CST)
    07:00 Australia/Sydney (EST)
    07:00 Australia/Hobart (EST)
    00:00 Europe/Moscow (MSK)
    04:00 Asia/Hong Kong (HKT)
    04:00 Asia/Kuala Lumpur (MYT)

    20:00 Australia/Adelaide (CST) Or can start at 17:30 if this will accommodate more international players.
    20:30 Australia/Sydney (EST)
    11:30 Europe/Bucharest (EET)
    09:30 Europe/London (GMT)
    04:30 America/New York (EST)
    01:30 America/Los Angeles (PST)
    03:30 America/Mexico City (CST)
    20:30 Australia/Hobart (EST)
    13:30 Europe/Moscow (MSK)
    17:30 Asia/Hong Kong (HKT)
    17:30 Asia/Kuala Lumpur (MYT)

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for posting this plas

    Post count: 2368

    here is an updated Operations Table

    Operations Table

    8pm ACST (AUS)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps)
    Ijo-plasma (Dps)

    8pm UTC (EU)
    Zezeth (Tank)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps)

    8pm EST (USE)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps) *maybe*
    Telleste (Heals)
    Ijo-plasma (Dps) *maybe*

    8pm PST (USW)
    Ammetri/Myken (Dps)
    Amy’doll/Kara (Dps) *maybe*
    Kelynne (Dps) *maybe*
    Ijo-plasma (Dps) *maybe*

    Post count: 2368

    I have set the 4 time-zone Ops times into the Events system and set them to recur on my Sat/Sun until June. I have given a 3-hour duration to each event. The thing with that is it gives us 8 events a weekend, but I am just setting up the events so they are laid out. We will need to work out what days we want to set certain time-zone events.

    I need someone to access the calendar and confirm that the times in the Events calendar are showing up in your local time.

    The board is set to UTC/GMT, however when I post an event I have posted it in my local time GMT+10:30 Adelaide (Daylight Savings), I just need to know that it is then showing up in YOUR local time when you view it.

    Post count: 2368

    For me are shown like this:
    6:30 am: Operations Schedule – EU
    11:30 am: Operations Schedule – USA East Coast
    2:30 pm: Operations Schedule – USA West Coast
    8:00 pm: Operations Schedule – Oce
    Which is a bit messed up ….
    EU should be at 8 pm ….
    Oce around 11:30 am
    EST around 2:30 am
    PST around 6:30 am ….

    Post count: 2368

    That’s what it shows for me as well but remember that is based on plasmas time zone, I don’t know if it’s possible to change to local user time

    Post count: 2368

    Ok we are all seeing the same time. I have set the board to UTC/GMT standard.

    I guess its important to let members know to check the local times I have also posted instead or relying on the actual calendar times. I will re-do all the Events correlating the local time in each region of the event with the UTC equivalent. I will try to do this today sometime.

    Post count: 2368

    Ok I have gone through and changed all the times to UTC. This seems the most reasonable way of doing it. I have also added days to the International times so that theres no confusion.

    If anyone spots and errors, please let me know asap.

    Post count: 2368

    EU timeframe time should be 8 pm UTC, I see it as 6 pm ….

    Post count: 2368

    8pm Bucharest is 6pm UTC – I have posted all the times in UTC. Bucharest must be UTC+2 according to my time converter.

    Post count: 2368

    yes, i know, what i meant is that the op time is 8 pm utc -> 10 pm bucharest ….

    Post count: 2368

    OIC what you mean now. I had set it for your 8pm. Are you sure you want it at 10pm your time?

    Post count: 2368

    Yup, definately. is a way better time for EU zone … and I’m fine with it …

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