Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL New Incentive!

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    Hi All,

    I hope you are all doing well.
    I have noticed the last month or so many people have been busy and have also lost interest in teaming and playing STO. This is understandable as at times the content is repetitive and thus it makes it a challenge to continue. I just want to encourage and remind you all that we have a great fleet in IDIC, we have many amazing officers who have continued to place their efforts in ensuring our fleet is run the best as possible. These efforts have always been noticed and I thank you all for assisting us to make this fleet as fun and enjoyable as possible.

    We also have other games that many members participate in. This might be a good opportunity to consider playing SW TOR or champions online, we can all have fun, team and explore new content and material that other games have to offer.

    Above all, Let us not loose hope of what we can achieve together as a fleet in whatever game we endure. We can do much more together than on our own 🙂

    I look forward to seeing you all in game.

    Best Regards
    Alanna T’par

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