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    Post count: 2368

    I do not get to see many of you guys anymore, some of you, used to play with me everyday, I miss this. I hope those people still read these forms and find this thread, I wish to hear from all of you again. This is for universal discussions, just to help us all keep in touch and talking to one another again.

    I will start, I love to play Star Wars, but the new security thingy is so damn annoying, so I havent felt like messing with it as much. I have been coming on Star Trek everyday lately, mostely for that Crystal mission, I want all of those prizes! WooHoo!! Im still debating if I want to help Meowstar or compete with him for the Star base race. I prefer Luna still as I still insist Purple guns rule!!

    They are having a sky race in Champions Online too, you can win costume unlocks. It works something like, “The Night of the Comet” ring run. Only you can be in your vehicle or just flying. Some putz actually tried to use swing! Noobasaurus Rex!! Seeing him swing off across the city at 100MPH was funny!

    Post count: 2368

    I miss you too, Luna …. I’ve been around SW as usual, completing the new content of “Rise of the Hutts”. I finished the new story on 2 of my toons ( Iskara and Harishka) and now I’m exploring the side stories. The new content is truly great, alot of things to do, including 2 scavenger hunt style mssions, pretty long but quite fun.
    From what I’ve heard from Ellize, the issue with the new security login has been resolved after one of the last patches. Hopefully it solved for you too. Otherwise, using a security key device/program should sort it out. The program can be instaled on either iphone/ipad or android (i guess) enabled devices. Personally I use the ipad version and i didn’t have any issue logging in.
    On gossip section I’d like to mention that the republic guild started to slowly grow too, thanks to our new General Ifistiger.
    Looking forward to see you soon,

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Luna,

    It’s good to hear from you and what you are doing 🙂
    We do miss seeing you too, I think the biggest challenge is time zones as the ‘Aussies’ on here are usually on when you guys are sleeping. All the same we can keep in contact on the forums and that is important. At the moment I am on STO building the =inter-fleet= area of our fleet up. We have made new allies, ones that seem to be keen to team up. If you need a team mate and no one is on in IDIC, please ask on the =Inter-fleet= chat channel on STO as our allies might be available. At times they don’t always talk as they are busy, but there are a few that are keen to team and are active. I will send you an invitation to the =Inter-fleet= chat channel, all IDIC members also need to be included with that….
    I am also trying to level my sith toon on SWTOR, It is taking a long time, my goal is to have her levelled by the time the new patch comes through on STO. I will look out for you there too. I enjoy teaming and it is good to have like minded people who like to do the same.

    Please stay in touch with us and don’t give up 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    While updating my forum post about canceling my tv show, i came acrossed this thread and had to answer. The subject was, Who is yor favorite Star trek character, so I think this would be a good discussion topic for this thread too on our forum. Any Star trek related character.

    Post count: 2368

    Your Fleet VS Fleet idea gave me this idea, forget your Flash VS Cat Idea, think about your Kittian VS Your Furfuzzian! heres a song I put together for just this idea.

    Cat Star vs Evil Cat Star

    After we learned of new villany,
    and that he was Cat Star’s cloned arch enemy.
    Came a war and a plunder,
    men have never heard, they’d scream at the sight,
    of his big Warbird.

    Up in the sky, a cat who looked the same,
    Battlecat the Ferisan was his name.
    80 ships tried, and 80 ships fried,
    now are wreckage together,
    leaving their familys behind.

    10,20,30,40, 50 or more,
    his Bird of Prey was rollin’ out the score.
    80 ships fried trying to end that spree,
    of that pirate Ferisan, Cat Star’s arch enemy.

    In the nick of time, a hero arose,
    a funny little cat, in a gold and blue coat.
    He fought this evil cat, to seek revenge,
    but the Ferisan beamed on out,
    “Curses, foiled again!”

    10,20,30,40,50 or more,
    his Bird of Prey, wasrollin’ out the score.
    80 ships fried, trying to end his spree,
    that pirate Ferisan, Cat Star’s arch enemy.

    Now Thomas had sworn that he’d get that cat,
    so he asked Law Marshal for a new battle plan.
    He challenged the Ferisan, to a real cat fight,
    while the villain was laughing, he got him in his sight.

    His Bird of Prey, was in a fix,
    he tried everything but he ran out of tricks,
    Thomas fired once, then he fired twice,
    and that Bird of Prey, lit up the night!

    10,20,30,40,50 or more,
    his Bird of Prey, was rollin’ up the score.
    80 ships fried trying to end his spree.
    But then it only took just one,
    and its Cat Stars victory!

    Post count: 2368

    OMAGOSH!!! I TOTALLY GOT INVITED TO AN INTERVIEW FOR A MODELING AGENCY!!!! After all those shoots I did, can you believe what grabs thier attention is just me stretching?!! XD It looks like its true, you really do have to bend over backwards to get an interview!!

    Post count: 2368

    Good Luck with the interview 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Im going to be away for around a week or more, so I need someone to watch the fleet projects for me please. I’m about to head to the airport here very shortly, OH MY GODDESS! ITS SO EXCITING!!!!! Love you everyone, hugs and kisses all around!!

    Post count: 2368

    Congratz on your modelling Luna- wish you all the best with it 🙂

    Have a great time, we will look after the engineering projects.

    Post count: 2368

    Hello everyone, look whos back! hehe I have some catching up to do in gaming. Having to sit still all day was driving loopy. I think i will have some fun and snap a photo of me in the Sailor Venus costume, lucky I have Meownayse. She can be my Artimus. After I get some running in I will join everyone for a few missions and see how the Star Base progress is coming.

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve run into a bunch of trouble with my laptop, when im able to actually get on, it isnt for very long before the (server Not Responding) counter comes up, so i dont know how much i will be available. Im unable to actualy play it seems due to sever lagging and unresponsive controls when i am in game. This is why i was asking for assistance lately, ive been unable to get my foundry reviews finished because of technical errors.

    Post count: 2368

    oh no 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    I had a few drop by to enjoy my event at Star Fleet Academy, even charles from Nova fleet 😀 He even remembered to perform the picard manuver. It was Picard Day today, and for 2 hours once in the morning and again in the after noon I entertained people, I was there to tell of RP adventures of my toon and answer questions for those who wanted to enjoy some fun and be entertained.

    Post count: 2368

    Would have liked to come along, damn time zones. It’s Admiral -Plasma day today too so ill be on later tonight for sure 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    New ship giveaway and jet packs at Risa! http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=925061

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