Home Forums GA MEMBER: ONLINE STATUS ***Leave of Absence – Pan-Guild Alliance Rules***

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    Leave of Absence – Pan-Guild Rules

    This forum is for members of all Guild Alliance guilds to post their intention to take a (LOA) Leave Of Absence from a particular game or games. You DO NOT have to give a reason for this, however you must provide a start date and an approximate return date.

    If your return date is extended you must update us on this as soon as possible or you will be subject to the LOA Rules.

    LOA Rules

    The (LOA) Leave Of Absence rules (Guild Alliance-wide) are still to be agreed upon, however the starting rules will be;


      a) Any member that is absent for over 2 weeks without posting to this forum or informing an officer may be removed from their respective guild without notice. The final decision will be up to the guild leaders and/or their recruitment officer or person assigned to oversee guild memberships.

      In the event an officer has been notified via in-game communication or otherwise the officer in question must post on the behalf of the member. The best solution however is to direct the member to this forum and have them inform us themselves.

      b) Members that have been removed for absence are welcome to come back to their guild, however they must start at the lowest rank and work their way up again as per each individual guilds rules and guidelines.


    Officers are an integral part of a guild, it is essential that if there is to be a leave of absence that we are informed as soon as possible. If the absence is to be over a 1 month period it will be expected that an officer resigns their rights and is demoted to the highest General member rank. Their position may granted to another guild member temporarily or permanently depending on the time of absence.

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