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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    A league was founded for the heroes side on the DCUO, named “Dawn Star Order”.

    The Dawn Star or Morning Star is the one that announces the end of the night and the promise of the day to come. Hence the league motto is “We stand between the darkness and the light” (borrowed from the motto that the Grey Council from Babylon 5 had).

    Anyone that wants to join us, is welcomed to do it, and they can do that by contacting any of the Guildalliance members already in the league.

    I’ll ask for everyone already present in the Dawn Star Order to list themselves here with their toons so that they will be able to help the others to join.

    My “heroic” toon is Taraza, please contact me in-game at any moment you want to join or need help with anything.

    Looking forward to see you out there,

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings all,

    Taraza (Kara)has given me administration rights for the DSO League so that I can more easily facilitate all our website info/memberships etc. I won’t be interfering with the league management or structure however I will be available to invite for the league and help out if I can.

    I can be contacted by email at


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