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    Post count: 2368

    Event 1


    Please join us on Drozana Station for a celebration of the KDF 1 year Anniversary, October 10th 2012, 6pm (GMT+9:30 Adelaide)

    FED and KDF are both encouraged to come along. -Plas will be giving away goodies as usual :))

    There will also be a ceremony for the KDF members on Sunday the 14th, 6pm (GMT+9:30 Adelaide) All KDF are encouraged to come along.

    International Times for your convenience

    Event 2

    KDF Warriors, please join us on our Starbase for a celebration of the KDF 1 year Anniversary, October 21st 2012, 6pm (GMT+9:30 Adelaide)

    -Plas will be giving away goodies as usual :)) as well as certificates to all warriors.

    We will be conducting the Second Rite of Acention ceremony for all warriors present.

      Painstiks were notably used in the Second Rite of Ascension ceremony, where, in the final part, a young Klingon must walk between two lines of Klingons bearing painstiks which are then utilized as part of a spiritual test of inner strength as endured through physical suffering. (TNG: “The Icarus Factor”, “Firstborn”)
      In 2365, Wesley Crusher, Data and Geordi La Forge created Worf’s Second Rite of Ascension ceremony in honor of its tenth anniversary in a holodeck on board the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: “The Icarus Factor”)


    All officers present will form two parallel lines with the highest ranking officer at the end of the lines facing back towards the lines. Each Officer present will take turns walking between the two lines while the officers in the lines whip, hit them (since we have no painsticks in the game as yet). When the officer reaches the end, the highest ranking officer will toast them (bloodwine emote).

    As we have limited KDF staff, this ceremony will not take long 😉 – I will be giving certificates out like I did with the Fed event, downloadable from our website.

    International Times for your convenience

    Thanks 🙂 and see you all there.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas for all your efforts and creativity- the posters look really good 🙂

    It sounds like a fun event is in order!

    Post count: 2368

    I would like to have a melee competition as well, Evil CatStar (AKA-Darth Catnip) will take on all challengers. Rules: only melee weapons, not pets or generators, healing buffs and hypos are ok, but u cant use debuffs, the main theme is skill with melee weapons. ( A test of a warriors natural prowess) The matches will take place on that map with a platform, we will start there beginning when the referee signals to go. No leaving the platform!

    Participants: Those who tried still get bought a drink, 1 bottle of bloodwine.
    Winning Prizes: 100k for every time u beat Evil CatStar (3 times max per person)
    Grand Champions: If you beat him 3 times you also get a SPECIAL prize box.

    NOTE: I will have to transfer to CatStar on fed side to distribute prize money.

    Post count: 2368

    This sounds so much fun. I hope I can attend, due to moving out next weekend I wont have the net connected until Oct 15th…

    If I can’t make it, please take some screen shots.

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    Thank you Plas for taking care of this event. Unfortunately my RL is still messy and I won’t be able to attend.
    I want to wish you all “Happy anniversary” and I hope to be able to come back online soon.
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, I’ve moved the second event to the 21st, hopefully this gives a bit more time to plan CatStars’ event and to get more attending the ceremony.

    Post count: 2368

    ***CRAP*** They scheduled maintenance during our event 🙁 – It may only be a quick patch so If anyone is online like an hour later than the scheduled time etc, I will be online to have the party then :))

    Post count: 2368

    Oh that is a shame that maintenance had been planned at the time of our KDF event… I see it has been scheduled for a maximum of two hours. I had planned my time and was looking forward to it 🙂 If all goes well I really hope I can make it 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Law and Sima came along to drozana and Cat was downloading the patch for a while, but didn’t come in before I logged off.

    Oh we’ll, lets hope that the gathering on the 21st has a few more attendees 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Sorry I was unable to be online for the event this evening 🙁 – I was looking forward to the gathering however I have had some internet problems and have only recently been able to get online 🙁

    I’d like to thank those that did log in for the gathering and for supporting the KDF fleet. I will be posting the KDF certificates on the IDIC website asap for all to download.

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