Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION ENGINEERING CORPS: FLEET HOLDINGS Joint Engineering Corps: Chief Engineering Officers Info

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    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. Chief Engineer

      a) The Chief Engineer is responsible for queueing all Star Base & Embassy projects.
      b) The Chief Engineer is responsible for setting the Star Base & Embassy Messages and has access to the Fleet Email System in order to promote our projects or canvas for resources.

    Current Chief Engineer: @Carina_Regazza, Star Base Chief Engineer (has held this posting since Tier III)

    Previous Chief Engineer: @LawMarshall, Executive Officer (held this posting since Tier 0-Tier III)

    -I.D.I.C- K.D.F. Chief Engineer

      a) The Chief Engineer is responsible for queueing all Star Base & Embassy projects.
      b) The Chief Engineer is responsible for setting the Star Base & Embassy Messages and has access to the Fleet Email System in order to promote our projects or canvas for resources.

    Current Chief Engineer: @Neighty (has held this posting since Tier 0)

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