Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Jedi Guild update

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    Post count: 2368

    Hi Everyone,

    As you are probably already aware, I am very keen to form the jedi guild in SW- TOR. Yes it has taken a little while and I thank you in advance for your patience.
    I have been playing the game for about 5 weeks and have realised in order to keep progressing and levelling a team is needed. The jedi guild will be structured similar to the sith guild. I am in the process of planning ranks and roles, this will depend on how many people we have playing.

    I would like to set up a meeting in the next couple of weeks to talk more about it, if you have any ideas, sugesstions or comments could you please post them on our forums. I would like to work together to enable all views are discussed and valued

    I would also like to know who is currently playing on the Jedi side and if you would be interested in joining our guild.

    Thank you
    Qualeesh (Jedi Consular – SW TOR)

    Post count: 2368

    Such a good news! 😀 Well … one of the features that will become available with the March update is the posibility to move toons between servers. So, I’ll be happy to move the toon that i made during holidays on the european server to Hyperspace Cannon to be able to join the new guild. Her name is Cladda, is level 45 Jedi Knight and i’ll move her as soon as this feature will became available.
    Talk to you soon,

    Post count: 2368

    Awesome news Kara 🙂 Look forward to meeting ur new toon…

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