Home Forums GA MEMBER: Fan Fiction, Character Bios & Role Play Iskara – old RP back story – fragments

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    Location: Rakkis, Jedi Temple … Personal quaters of the Reverend Master of the Perfect Jedi Conclave …
    Time: 3 days before the D-day, late evening
    Reverend Master Iskara was sitting by the window, with her sight lost over the trees. By her order habit, she was wearing only a simple jumpsuit, her utility belt with the lightsabers were left on a small table near the fireplace. An odd climate Rakkis has: as hot as is in the daylight, as chilly is in the night …. so heating the rooms used to be a habit, especialy in the evenings … The sunset lights combined with the fire-light shadows on her face, enhancing even more the preocupation that she wasn’t bothered to conceil … She was day-dreaming …. thinking of the new adventure that was about to start, in only 3 days, not being able to lose the troublesome feeling that she used to have lately about it.
    A familiar knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, her preocuped face suddenly changed to let her usual smile to be again displayed.
    “Enter my sister” – she said
    The door opened to let in a beautiful, yet strange looking women, also only dressed in a black jumpsuit, that was carring a single lightsaber with an antique design by her waistcord.
    “They made you well, dear Ignata” – Iskara said, giggleling … “or should I say … Lord Logno”
    The woman that entered, Ignata, pointed her white, strange looking eyes to her sister, swiftly letting a short smile on her lip corner: “They would crucify you if they only knew what you’re planning, dear sister”.
    “A big If, sis, a big if …. but who would gonna tell them?” – Iskara asked. “Would you sis? …. I guess with your transformation, they would crucify you first, before you even be able to say anything” she said, smiling largely to her sister. “Our techs made you well … if I would not know better, I won’t recognise you either. But as we only used mechanical help for this, and as you took care of those … no one would know. Also, I sent away all our accolites from this section of the building, and the entrance is guarded by our faithful Doris only. She will only allow our sister Ilara to enter, my orders were clear and as compelling as possible.”
    “Yes, yes, I know your compulsion” – Ignata said. “No one can resist that, dark or light alike”. I hope you know what you’re doing, as once I’ll leave the planet tonight, I’ll forget all my life and I’ll only know you, as my Sire, as the true Dark Lord of the Sith.”
    “Relax sister, the force is strong in you, on both sides, and you balance the sides well. You were tested and I’m confident you will be able to fullfill the mission. It will be a walk in the park, the sith won’t know what hit them” – Iskara said.
    “You’re amazing sis …. You talk of taking over the Empire as it would be about hunting Salusa Bulls in the wilds” – Ignata said smiling.
    “And isn’t it just that? Or close, however” smiled back Iskara. “Is your ship ready, sis? Be carefull to not be detected by our peoples as you will follow us pretty close.”
    “Yes, you damn perfectioninst. Everything is set up. Provisions loaded, engines signature masked. My padawan Jessa is also ready, as it is my crew. They were conditioned by me, but you’re free to strenghten that with your compulsion technique too. Just be carefull to not touch their loyalty to me; I won’t like surprises” – Ignata said with a grimase.
    “Everything will be all right, sis, don’t worry” – smiled Iskara. “You’ll leave one hour after us and you’ll stay close until we will get to Core Worlds space. Then you’ll head to Korriban and will enter the Sith Academy. Be vary with what you do, they have to feel the force in you, but they shall not feel your special training. Also they shall never feel your light side allegience. You will start the training, endure whatever they ask you to endure and climb up in their ranks, until you get a seat in the Dark Council. In order to do that, you might have to do reprobable things, like killing innocents even. But you SHALL do that. Always put your mission first, remember, is for a greater good. Of course, if someone could be spared, without rising suspicions, then you shall spare them.” – said Iskara, with a strange, special tone in her voice, looking directly into Ignata’s eyes.
    “I understand, my Master” – Ignata said, with a sparring look in her eyes. Then she skaked her head: “Hey, sis, not again, please” … “ you did that to me several times already, was that really necessary?” – Ignata asked.
    “You know is never enough” – said Iskara seriously. “You never know how strong in the force your opponents would be”.
    “Ok, ok sis, I got it” – nodded Ignata. “Now about you, what will you do?”
    “ I decided to come along too. I also spoken with Tazel, she could not refuse” – Iskara said with a smile. “But I’ll stay low, leaving her to make contact with the Old Jedi Order. And I’ll only intervene if something goes wrong”
    “Does she even know that you compeled her?” – Ignata asked wih a smile.
    “You’re kidding, sis?” laughed Iskara
    “What will happen with our conclave in your absence, sis?” Ignata asked with a serious look in her eyes
    “That is why Ilara is comming over tonight too” – replied Iskara. “She will remain as Reverend Master of the Conclave. I’ll brief her with all that she have to know tonight. And we will perform the spice agony ritual” – Iskara said seriosly.
    “Are you sure sister?” – Ignata asked with a worry look in her eyes. “There were never 2 Reverent Masters in the same time. This could split our conclave”.
    “No, it won’t, sis” – Iskara said with a sad accent in her voice. “It will only happen for days. After that, she will remain fully in charge with the Conclave”.
    “Until you return, sis” – quickly replied Ignata …. then she stoped, deeply looking to her sister …. “Oh, no, sis ….. you will never return!!!!” – cryed Ignata
    “Shush sis … relax …. and yes, I will never return … I foreseen it!” – Iskara replied with her eternal smile on her lips. “Now go, Lord Logno. Be careful and see you on the other side”

    (August 2013)

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