Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Infinite Website Crawl

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    Post count: 2368

    I hinted at doing this for our website a little while ago but cant find the post. Here is the first version of the Infinite crawl and the text. let me know what u think.

    You tube took the sound out, but the final will have sound for the site. There is one mistake I can see in it as well, a capital letter.



    Post count: 2368

    Cute indeed 🙂 I love it 🙂
    Yet, we shall work a bit on the text, perhaps …. can it be changed?
    If so, can you post it in here, so that I could adjust it a bit, pls?

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, the text doesn’t have to be this, but I wanted to make a start on it.

    Basically every Star Wars movie, game, tv show etc, they all use this iconic Star Wars title crawl.

    So our website is going to be using the same WordPress template as I have used for the IDIC website. The beauty of the sites title page is that you can set still images or video as the background for the main page and you can also have these change etc.

    So with this ability I want to have an iconic Star Wars crawl as the first video in the sequence of the site background, paying tribute and continuity with Star Wars as well as a promotion for us as other Nerds will be awed by this, lol.

    Now for the text I chose ‘The Old Republic’ being the medium where the action is taking place. Then I chose ‘The Infinite Saga’ trying to not specifically name the IJO or the ISE as this will be a joint website.

    For the first paragraph I used a quote taken directly out of the game backstory information ‘Decades of war have divided the galaxy between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and now a fragile peace is falling apart . . .’

    From there I just made up a quick story trying to incorporate both the ISE and the IJO. If there are any changes please post them 🙂

    I have used a couple of lines too much in my version so It can be cut down if needed, but it cant really go longer and still fit into the crawl i.e be readable and match the music.


    The Old Republic


    Decades of war have divided the galaxy between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and now a fragile peace is falling apart . . .

    After the defeat of the false Emperor Malgus on Ilum, Darth Revan, a descendant of the Revanchist has set himself upon the throne as Infinite Emperor.

    In his eagerness to crush the Republic resistance he has sent his apprentice Darth Iskara and her minions on the offensive across the galaxy, pouring their malice and hatred into all their dark deeds.

    In response, the Jedi Order, guardians of The Old Republic wage a ceaseless battle against the Imperial aggression.

    The Jedi Council has sent Master O’Drade, with a picked team of patriots on a secret mission to safeguard the very heart of the Republic from the Dark Lord’s tyranny.

    Together with the free peoples of the Republic the Infinite Jedi order fights to restore peace and unity throughout the galaxy . . .

    Post count: 2368

    Hey all

    Sorry for being away for so long again but, some you all know i have this fab life of working my ass off. Th holidays were awesome and i hope everyone else’s were too. Plasma i just saw this and its EXCELLENT (air guitar riffs)LOL. So anyways nice work on this three thumbs up six stars you get the meaning.

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