Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Infinite TOR Guilds: A Star Wars Gathering

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    Post count: 2368

    A Star Wars Gathering for one year of ISE/IJO may be in order 🙂 – lets maybe have it in one of the bars on the capital planets, whay do you all think? Maybe not a party like we do on sto with prizes etc, just a gathering to commemorate.

    Post count: 2368

    I can come with gifts 🙂
    Thanks Plas, that’s a great idea 🙂 And a good opportunity to make acquaintance with the new members from SW:TOR.
    When do you think it would be a good time to organize it?

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, I’m not sure about the date. I think you and Londi are better informed to set the time date etc. Prob on a weekend sometime would be best.

    I don’t actually remember the dates of when the guilds were started 🙁 – If anyone has the dates that would be cool to have on record.

    Post count: 2368

    From what I can figure out from the previous discussions on the forum, the founding dates are:
    Infinite Sith Empire: March 14, 2011 (originally founded on web, in pre-launch period)
    Infinite Jedi Order: March 06, 2012
    As for the date, we could organize a meeting, in one of the next saturdays (maybe after Ingrid returns too), lets say February 2nd, 2013? Please everyone interested to attend to post here the time availability for attending, so we could set up the meeting details.
    I’ll bring cookies 😉

    Post count: 2368

    This sounds cool, Ill come too!! I love cookies, hehe! 😆

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All

    I have returned 🙂

    Yes I am happy to attend a gathering for SW.

    At this stage my availabilities for the week are:

    Feb 1st: Evening
    Feb 3rd: Morning, Afternoon (maybe)
    Feb 4th: late morning, arvo, evening

    up to you guys, let’s know 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I was checking for a time to accomodate most and my proposal would be for Saturday night, at midnight GMT (that means Sunday morning, around 9:30 am, Adelaide time).
    Please confirm if that’s fine with you or if we should move it a bit later.
    As meeting place I would propose to be the Dark Temple on Dormunt Kaas, second floor.
    As most of us have played mainly on teh dark side, I would propose to start the meeting on the dark side and then to move it on the light side too if necessary.
    As event, we could to some flashpoints together, even if that would be the Black Talon (lvl 10), according to the lowest level present of the meeting, so that everyone would attend.
    It would be nice to have a competition too, if you have ideas in that area, please post them here. I can come with prizes for that 🙂
    Looking forward to see you,

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Kara,

    Thanks for this info. Which Sunday were you thinking?

    My laptop has had a very big virus on it and I have recently collected it upon repair. I am in the process of installing everything back onto it again and currently do not have SWTOR. I hope to have it installed by this weekend; however when I installed STO it continued to crash, it is working ok now. I am hoping this will not happen when I install SWTOR. I am happy to join the gathering, at this stage I can’t commit for this weekend – apologies.

    If we were to make it another time, I will try and commit to attending.

    Best Regards

    Post count: 2368

    In this case, how does it sounds for February 10th?
    Same hours as written above …

    Post count: 2368

    I’m sorry I have just checked and have my family staying then. I can do the week after if that is suitable to everyone. If not, I guess I’ll have to miss out for this time.

    Post count: 2368

    *smiles* Since no one else confirmed yet, I guess we can move it a week ahead. That being February 17th, Adelaide time.
    The right times are posted above. However, given the long time frame until then, I’ll reconfirm the times and dates in the week prior to the event.
    Please let us know how this proposed date and time suits you all.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, sorry Kara, that date is ok with me, let me know what I can do for the gathering and I will do it, also does Londi know about the gathering etc?

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for your continuous support.
    Well, you could help with promoting the event in a way i never was able to.
    I’ll speak with Londi too, if i see him, for the event format, but basically, i was thinking of something like this:
    1. first part: “The gathering” – getting together and giving away some prizes for those that supported most the SW:TOR guilds and the Guild Alliance as a whole. (should not take more then 30-45 mins, person in charge: myself)
    2. second part: Black Talon social run (or other flashpoint, depending on the minimum level of the ones present and of their number)
    3. 3rd part: datacron hunt on Korriban and Dormunt Kaas.
    4. Final prizes for those that attended teh event and their overall contribution and party aboard of my ship 🙂 I’ll bring the music :))
    I can take care of all of them, if anyone would like to take over for a part, feel free to do so. For teh first part, I already gathered some really great prizes (crystals with lvl 56 stats, usable since level 10, as an example)
    Any other ideas are most welcomed 🙂
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    I will come too. Looking forward to meeting you guys.
    Best regards, Elizze

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Elizze, welcome to our forums, please feel free to comment in any of them and post new content as well, the more information and conversation on here the better 🙂

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