Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Infinite Sith Empire (ISE) Guild Information

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    Post count: 2368

    Join the Infinite Sith Empire. A Star Wars: The Old Republic Empire Guild

    Official TOR Guild Listing http://www.swtor.com/guilds/42333/infinite-sith-empire

    Official Guild Website http://www.infinitesithempire.org

    Guild Information

    Server: Hyperspace Cannon PvE US West Coast

    Looking to continue the Dark Legacy of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan. I am direct descendant of the great Dark Lord. There will be a ruling Dark Council that will rule the Infinite Sith Empire with me. Each Council leader will be in charge of a section of the Infinite Sith Empire.

    Looking for PvP, PvE and RP players. First recruits will become leaders.


    Allegiance: Empire
    Server: PvE
    Language: English
    Time zone: US West (PST)
    Dedication Level: No Preference
    Activity Focus: No Preference
    Role-Playing Level: No Preference
    Allegiance to: The Sith Empire

    Scheduled play sessions, chatty/talkative
    Founded on March 14, 2011, led by revantheguy

    Post count: 2368

    Where did you found that information about Revan? In SW TimeLine? Or its official position of Empire? Because in SW KotOR Revan try to stop Sith Empire invasion, also in SW TOR order of Revan says the same… In SW timeline posted official position of Empire about Revan, not he’s true history.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Sithishe,

    The Guild Leader would have to respond about this, but as I understand it the guild role-play is that he is a ‘descendant’ of Revan. This storyline I don’t believe is in the official cannon of books etc, it is purely made up for our guild.

    Thanks for posting on the forum 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    I absolutly agree) About Revan it’s the official position of the Empire) True history of Revan under darkness of mystery. Also if this role play guild, do need to know and understand the Sith Code to join it?

    Post count: 2368

    We are not going to be a strict role-play guild, however for the purpose of setting up the command structure of the Guild we have a back-story (I shouldn’t have said role-play as such). More information on this will be posted to the forums and to our guild site over the next few weeks.

    Post count: 2368

    Infinite Sith Empire Ruling Council

    Londi Rivan: Grand Lord of the Infinite Sith Empire
    Plasma: Grand Dark Councilor
    Iskara: Senior Dark Councilor
    Allana_Boraz: Grand General
    Caradepapa: Grand General
    Ziyal: Dark Councilor

    Infinite Sith Empire Philosophy

    The Dark Legacy of Darth Revan continued on through his teachings left behind for others to follow. The followers of Darth Revan can be masters of the dark side and the light side of the force. Darth Revan’s ideals to be carried on by his followers light side or dark side. The ideals of the Infinite Sith Empire are carried on by anyone willing to believe that there ideals are similar to Darth Revan which was able to master the ways of the Jedi and the Sith. Londi discovered his heritage through visions of the Force and felt that he needed to carry on his legacy and let the rest of the galaxy know that the story of Revan will not be forgotten.

    Post count: 2368

    I would propose that the symbol for the “ravenites” to be the purple light saber as the purple colour mixes both red and blue colours, the symbols of sith and jedi respectively.

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