Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Infinite Guilds web site

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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    Lately, on SW:TOR, mainly by the major contribution of Londi, we had a massive recruitment of new players (over 50 on ISE) and a new needs arrised.
    It would be helpful for us to have a “public” website, were we would list some basic and general info about the guilds, so that the new/potential recruits to learn about us, prior of subscribing to the forum.
    The info would include, but won’t be limited to, basic guilds info, ranking structure and basic rules for the members.
    A good name for the website would be somethings like: infiniteguilds.something.otherthing.
    Plas, can you still host something like that on your server? If not I can use the subscription I already have on the guildlaunch.com site (where i tested the KDF site once), just I need to know where to put it.
    What do you think about this?

    Post count: 2368

    Oh, now i see that there are ise.guildalliance.org and iso.guildalliance.org.
    If would be possible for now to only have a single site lets say named infiniteguilds.guildalliance.org would be perfect.
    Also, i would need a password for this new site so that I can start feeding it with info.

    Post count: 2368

    I will get on this right away for you and I was going to propose we have one site like the STO one 🙂

    What I will do is set up the template over the next few days and send you the admin password by the weekend.

    is infinite.guildalliance.org ok or do you prefer the infiniteguilds ?

    Thanks for all your hard work Kara, glad to hear from you too. Also did you see your STO ship in the callendar?

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for your quick reply. Infinite.guildalliance.org sounds better, i guess.
    And yes, I saw the calendar, it looks awesome, I guess I also made a comment on that at the time it appeared 🙂
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, no I didn’t see a comment so I thought you may have missed it. There was the original post and then this one with the finished callendar http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=128&t=450

    Just a quick update on th esite.

    I’ve created the http://infinite.guildalliance.org address and have uploaded the rudimentary template Im using for our guilds.

    I’ll create one master account that we can all access to update. I think it would be helpful to book a day and time where we can sit down and I can go through just the basics of the system and even a bit of the forums so that others other than myself can admin them if needed.

    I’m working on a cool web design for this one, the template I’m using allows for full screen video. I’m planning to make a guild promo-type thing that loops around if I can pull it off.

    In recent years a real problem for forums have been people using bots to go around and auto sign up on forums and post advertisments etc. That’s why our forum sign up is closed and needs someone to approve each new sign-up. We get about 50 bot sign-ups a day 🙁 – I left it open once and straight away there were peopel selling Viagra and crap lol, so I closed it. A real nuisence.

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