Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 IDIC Fleet members

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    Post count: 2368

    Dear Fleet Members,

    A few ideas have come forward regarding recruiting and the future plan of our fleet. As ambassador, I would like to have a chat to as many members as possible to see if you have any thoughts, feed back, new ideas that may assist us in the future of our fleet. I would like to know your views of how we can make our fleet stronger as a whole. I understand not every one has been able to use the forum as much as they would like, I hope this will be helpful to all.

    In the next few weeks I will be discussing this with as many members as possible on the chat channels in STO. Please be ready with any thoughts you have. We take any suggestions and thoughts serious and you are all valued members of the IDIC community. Please note at the same time when a new idea arises we will consider this as officers and work with you to over come any challenges or thoughts you may have.

    I look forward to speaking to you on an individual basis shortly.

    Post count: 2368

    I agree, taking a survey of what those who are online think should happen is the way to go before we make any changes.

    Post count: 2368

    No, I dont think they will respond to anything now, nor will they listen to me any longer. Even Plasma is not talking to me….

    If none of them come on again tonight, I will get the hint and I think it best I just leave. There is always champs :/

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t know what your talking about whatsoever. I posted this from my work computer, there is once computer in my area that I share, I can access web pages from here etc. I think I must have missed something.

    Post count: 2368

    I’m tired of having to explain and prove that I have good intentions to people and towards the fleet. I have just posted regarding a major fleet meeting. If the membership decides on a new leader and thinks that is the way to go, then I will go.


    I think that guilds/fleets seem to have a short life span especially on STO. This fleet has had more life than most and I’m proud of that as a gamer and community leader of sorts.

    Post count: 2368

    Oh heck no! You get your furry little @$$ back here cat! Your not going to run off too, just when we need you the most!! An important lession you taught me about hard times, “Never let them harden you, stay as loose as a cushion, because you never know when you have to catch someone falling.” If others have run off let them go, they cant offer what you can, I havent ever seen you yet turn your back on anyone when help was needed.

    Post count: 2368

    Catstar you are a very good friend and I like teaming with you I know I miss you whenever you try to contact me on Skype
    But with the weather on the east coast lately I ended up spending a few nights at work
    You are a very skilled member of our Alliance and it would be a very big shame if we lose you

    Post count: 2368

    Look guys, its not my intention to insult or put people down, especially my friends. But this fleet for me and others represents a significant investment of time, resourses and effort. I didnt buy my dilithium i earned it, i grinded every last piece, including millions in EC. I did this for the sake of the fleet, not myself, for US! As we grew in tiers and levels, people got excited, this inspired me to try harder. Now with all of this happening, i feel there is more going on then what is said aloud, so ive tried to fight and resist this change as much as i could, to make sure this fleet stays here. But i predicted this would happen last year, and with the star wars thing being plugged so hard lately, I know its a matter of days now before IDIC will be abandoned so that our guild can be ruled in SW TOR…and what better place to announce this then the emergency meeting.

    This is why have been so angry lately, yes i hear we must grind grind grind…why, if ur tired of it then stop, take a break, join some of the events i and others have made. If u remember, i was starting to bring em back, puzzles and RP quests, i stopped because people didnt come anymore. I think the only SB priority should be the Decoration Specials, we have the weapons are armor and this and that, stop, or at least slow down….and try to get back into the game. there is more content comeing up to explore as well. I made a contest a while back, that no one entered, it was to create foundry missions, members would play and rate them, the best voted would win a great prize, the one who reviewed the most would also win a prize…so u see, if you would just stop and listen, there has always been more going on then grinding, i have always tried to ensure that! Its just very frusterating on my part to work to create something special like that, and grind prizes for weeks for an event only to have no one show and then they have the nerve to say theres nothing to do, no one wants to feel that small infront of his friends!!!

    …and yes, I do have a disagreement of having promotions for, and retained high ranking people who arent ever here. People are high ranked because they are there to lead, not leave. I do feel better getting that off my chest, been holding it in for a long time! 👿

    Post count: 2368

    Smiles … the funny thing is that I’ve heard of SW:TOR within IDIC fleet, as a fleet side project 🙂
    And now became a “danger” … really funny …

    On the contrary, I find it very fortunate for us, as a group, to have a fail-over project where we can move to …. if STO is falling down ….. and I emphases on “if” ….

    As a side note, Champions Online did the same for IDIC for some time, but we managed to overcome it 🙂

    As for SW:TOR, your place in the Jedi Council is already reserved 🙂

    What I mean is that we shall see a bit more then the particular game we’re playing … what we really have is our friendship that passes way over a particular game. And don’t get angry, you’ll get wrinkles 😉 . We all have placed alot of time, effort and money(which are also time and effort, btw) into Guild Alliance activities, this was actually the base on which the core group was constituted.

    I know what you mean regarding those events where you place a lot of time and effort to make it work and then no one shows up … I have had my fair share of those myself …. but I never blamed anyone for that when it happened, except myself, because that means I wasn’t able to find the right subject or right time for the others to attend.

    Post count: 2368

    Better becareful Meowstar, shes a slick one.

    Post count: 2368

    *smiles and quickly flips her eyelashes* 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m going to say a few things plainly without worrying about hurting feelings. I genuinely like all of the core group members of our Guilds. I say the core group members because the flighty part-time people I just have not got to know them really well.

    Before I get to the issues of today, these are some facts as I remember them.

    1. The IDIC UFP fleet was started because a failed fleet (not run by us) broke down and the two leaders decided to kick everyone from the fleet without notice. I just happened to be the last person left in the fleet and one of the former leaders doing the kicking asked me if I’d like to retain the fleet as I had expressed interest in starting my own fleet. He then proceeded to leave and I went on to start IDIC.

    2. Londi asked to join me in the fleet. Londi had joined the aforementioned failed fleet around the same time I did, so we had bumped into each other a bit in the months leading up to the fleet disbandment.

    3. The next most significant addition would be Kara. we recruited quite a few people in the first couple months and Kara proved to be loyal, reliable and an intelligent person. We also recruited several others some of who became officers but have since stepped down.

    4. A few of our old fleet members brought toons over to IDIC as well during the first few months, such as James and Tibs who over time became officers.

    5. Ingrid also came over in the first few months with CatStar maybe a month after her. These two I had teamed with and knew since the beginning of IDIC, especially Ingrid as I had had several discussions about running fleets with her, she having been a fleet leader as well.

    6. Earlier this year I took the step of proposing a new fleet first officer to take over from Londi and elevate Londi to Fleet Admiral equal to me. The thinking behind this was that we needed a command officer that was online regularly at times when the fleet was most active. LawMarshall proved to be the ultimate First Officer, running stable weekly events and when the Starbase came along taking charge in a big way.

    Now I come to present day. Im not out to offend anyone. This is how I see things.

    I’ll say this first. It is entirely my faultthat these discussions are being made in the open. I chose instead of private messaging people that we should have an open discussion leading up to the summit, including Members, Officers and Leaders.

    I’ll say this second. I have personally chosen to and because I have the required skills being a Designer in RL, set up Forums, Websites buy Teamspeak servers etc. Now I don’t think it’s reasonable for me to place real costs on people when I’m the one that has chosen to do these things. I thought these things would enhance our fleet and even the idea of the guildalliance taking these resources to all our games.

    We have effectively 3 leaders in STO: Londi, Kara and Myself. As leaders we should have a presence in our fleets. Having said this I have been a strong component of starting Guilds in other games of which Kara and Londi are leaders in, more prominently SW:TOR. Because of this I can see that time may be stretched and maybe it was not such a good idea in being a leader cross-games as this will diminish time in one place or the other.

    Regarding STO

    At the moment, effectively I am the one who is running competitions, coming up with ideas, making decisions, posting information on events etc. I cannot do this alone anymore. People are asking where are the leaders and rightfully so.

    All I can say to them is, ‘they are on different time-zones’ or ‘they have personal things to deal with’, because I just don’t want to say the real answer which is, ‘I don’t really know where they are or when they will be back with the fleet’.

    I think some comments that people have made specifically naming Kara and Londi have come about from frustration in the lack of communication, not any personal issue. I think that I’ve had enough conversations with Kara and know a few things about her RL, she knows what I’m like and knows that I have respect for her. Also I wouldn’t have made Londi co-leader if there was no respect there. The issue isn’t lack of respect.

    We started the rule earlier in the year that the forums are our main communications. People can come in their own time and comment. It’s so easy to let people know what’s going on. Whether it’s in the public or private officers area if the matter is sensitive. Please start communicating, it doesn’t take long to update your status and let us know what’s going on. moreover we care about what’s happening with you on a personal level, we want to know that you are ok in RL.

    I don’t have the time to be sending personal email to everyone. Most of what I have to say or communicate is in here.

    In the fleet we also have several Officers that have taken up roles to perform. Many of these positions have been taken for granted. Other than LawMarshall and CatStar, I don’t think there has been a single event put up by anyone else in the last 6 months. Correct me if I’m wrong. This is frustrating as the fleet is almost 1.3 years old and some officers haven’t even held an event. Some officers have been made advisors and were not required to hold events anymore. this unique position was made in respect for your time in the fleet and the skills you possess, that does not mean you cannot fill the void in events from time to time. Then there are those with specific roles like Nei, who has excelled as Starbase Engineer despite being alone most of the time and I cannot fault him in any way.

    Members and officers that have been in the fleet for a long while still are unaware of our rules for example. Does this mean we should scrap the rules?? Something to think about for the summit.

    Also several members and perhaps officers have toons in other fleets, this has been commented on as well, people (and myself) wondering why fleet members are not showing up as IDIC. We never had issue with this, however we did make the rule that Officers in IDIC CANNOT be officers in any other fleet. The only exception to this is a personal bank fleet of 1 (one). If you have toons in other fleets please disclose what fleets so that we adhere to our rules.

    To conclude (for now), this is a game, you want to have fun playing it, its not a workplace. Having said that the reality is that if your a leader/officer you have a responsibility to move the guild forward. I personally would never kick anyone out of the fleet because they weren’t up to all the command stuff, your welcome to be a member at the highest non-officer rank and join in with all the fleet can offer. Think about this from now until the Summit and decide what’s best for the fleet.

    Having said all of this now I want people to be honest about how they perceive me (-Plasma) and my role. Be honest and blunt if you need to be. I don’t want to hear that your behind me, I know this already. You can be behind me and still have complaints, please lay them all out. Moreover if I’ve said something here (or anywhere in these forums) that you think is wrong or out of line, let me know straight away, don’t wait – Now is the best time to resolve all this.

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