Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET I need help please

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    Post count: 2368

    My character Mindori on SWTOR needs help, trying to complete the Waterfall cave mission, need somebody to group up with me if possible 🙂 my level is only 6 and I’m facing level 9 opponents

    Post count: 2368

    I saw your message a bit too late, and when I was looking for you, you were already offline.
    I sent you a message with my toons names on the rep side; tomorrow, around the hour you posted this message here, I’ll be on the republic side … look for me if you get online and I’ll help you out and I’ll also tell you some basics of this game.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    I am working on Teshira my Sith inquisitor, and Mindori my Jedi Consular, I am having a hard time getting past the last portion or my trials on both Toons, as in I’ve not yet gotten past Tython and Korriban. I feel so bad cause I was making good progress then I hit a major Snag and got stuck.

    Post count: 2368

    I am sorry to hear that Hiroshi.. I went on yesterday to look for you, it’s the time zone challenge too.. Hard when the time zones are so different.. If you haven’t been able to get help and I apologize that many of us may not be on… However, I suggest asking people in general chat that you really need help, I have found people on TOR very helpful really… If not, I am usually on weekends and weekdays during the evening time GMT+10 -Syd Aus…

    I hope that helps in some way…

    Post count: 2368

    I will be online again, on Republic side, today, around the hour of your first post; hopefully i’ll find you online today and i’ll help you out with that 🙂
    However, I added to my friends lists on both sides, with all of your toons and if I’ll see you around, I’ll contact you ….
    But please, add my toons on your friends list too, you may find my toons for both sides in my signature. (please ignore the Atreides name, that’s my legacy name, the rest are my toons names)
    Looking forward to see you,

    Post count: 2368

    Sorry I haven’t been able to help Husk. Im on every day for a couple of hours, but not at your times. Hopefully Kara can help you. Also there is an IDIC command meeting in a week or two, please check the events schedule and let me know if you will be able to come along 🙂 – Thanks..


    Sunday 17th of November – 7pm (GMT+10:00 Sydney) – Special Event
    Star Trek Online: -IDIC- Joint Command Meeting

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll be online in SWTOR again today, starting in about 7 hours from this post time (time now here is 11:45 am GMT) and i’ll be on one of the sides for about 5-6 hours (with possible small breaks). If you plan to come around, please let me know about the time when that will happen and the side, so i can help you out. When you specify the time, please, either use your post time as reference, either post your time and the time zone, so i can do the conversion or post it in GMT zone time (easier for me).
    Looking forward to see you,

    Post count: 2368

    I finally got past my Jedi Consular Trials, the now I need to get past my Inquisitor’s trials. I pushed through last night when I got home and got through I’m now on Coruscant as Mindori(my Consular). Teshiri my Inquisitor is next on my list I’m at the point where I need to put the rods on the Altars so I can fight the Assassin and get him as my companion.

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