Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET I.J.O – Structure & Basic Rules

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    I’ve been trying to get some time to put together some basic rules for the Infinite Jedi Order Guild and a starting ranking structure.

    As i don’t know how to make a table here, I’ll just upload an image file with the rank structure and the coresponding rights:

    IJO - rank rights

    And here is the explanation of each rank:
    0. Guildmaster: is a requiered rank by the way game works, I tried to remove it or rename it, but it cannot be done. So for this rank that have the only purpose to define the structure I’ll allocate a toon that i don’t use and we’ll only use this toon powers if necessary. It does not have roles in the guild, nor in the RP we try to develop. So, just ignore it.
    1. Grand Master = Member of the Jedi Council. Those holding this rank form the Jedi Council with the role of totaly managing the guild. Only one toon per person can hold this rank, is a both RP and management rank. Those with that rank hold all powers within the guild. The Jedi Council works similar with the King’s Arthur’s round table Knights Council. They vote for any important decission involving the order, but in case of emergencies, they can decide and act by their own, following their heart. To be a member of teh Jedi Council, a toon must be force sensitive and must be leveled to teh max (Chapter 3 completed). As an exception to the leveling rule the founding members are part of teh first Jedi Council, with their force sensitive toons, whenever they create those toons and no matter their level is.
    2. Council Deputy – Assigned by the members of the Jedi Council. Each Grand Master have the right to appoint one deputy for itself. Toons for this ranks cannot belong to persons which have toons with the Grand Master Rank. It is also a both RP and management rank, with the main purpose to test a person before being admitted in the Jedi Council with full rights. Deputies have the voting rights in the Council, in the absence of the Grand Master that appointed them.
    3. Marshal – a unique rank, granted for a single toon, which cannot belong to a person having a toon in the Council (but can be a deputy). Its role is to oversee the Guild (is similar with a CEO position). The person holding this rank have also similar rights with teh members of teh Jedi Council, but can be revoked by them. The idea is to have a person to run the Guild day-by-day activities. This person is emerged from the Generals Council upon vote, after being sanctioned by the Jedi Council. the Jedi Council, however, can nominate someone on this role as it pleases.
    4. Generals – high ranked officers of the Guild. They have the responsability of running daily operations of the guild. They can elect and propose to teh Jedi Council one of them to act as Marshal. Generals gets this rank by appointment of a Grand Master. The Grand Master that granted this rank can also revoke it, or it can be revoked by the vote of the Jedi Council. They can also be revoked from that position by the Marshal. They can apeal to a revoking decission in front of teh Jedi council. Generals can be either force or non-force sensitive toons.
    5. Jedi Master – rank for officers of the guild for force users. They hold powers to run daily operations. They get this rank by appointment of a force user General or by appointment of a Grand Master.
    6. Captain – rank for officers of the guild for non-force users. They hold powers to run daily operations. They get this rank by appointment of a General or by appointment of a Grand Master.
    7. Lieutenant – rank for non-force users general members, with invite rights.
    8. Padawan – rank for force users general members, with invite rights.
    9. Recruit – newly entered member.

    Well … this is for now .. .I’ll keep coming with more about basic rules and regulations soon.
    Please excuse my english, is not my native language, so. please, if something does not sound right, just let me know.
    Also if you have questions, please comment.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo, I’m glad this has gotten started. I was thinking that we could have a basic set of rules that are to be used across all our games and then the specific game-related rules, ranks etc could be added on for each guild. What do you think of that?

    So basically I’m proposing that the discussions we are having on the IDIC forums could be used to form the basic rule-set for the whole alliance. So rules regarding being in other guilds, time of absences/consequences, communications etc could all be BASE rules. Do you think this is a good idea?

    Post count: 2368

    Yes, it does makes much sense 🙂 Is actually how we discussed at some point.
    Yet, different stages of a guild development might require more flexibility in setting certain rules.
    For instance, regarding the rule about other guild membership and SW:TOR. For being able to level up in SW:TOR you might need to do several group based missions (either heroics, flashpoints or operations). While until level 50, a properly leveled lvl 50 player can replace a full team to help another guild member to do those missions, after level 50 you would actually need a full 4 members team to do them. And while we don’t have yet 4 different players at level 50 this could be difficult. Personally I’ve leveled my lvl50 toons by joining them to other guilds and then, when they were properly leveled, I moved them to our guild. Now I can help with leveling others with my 2 lvl 50 toons (unfortunately both are more tanks but can do some damage too). But now I can assist others on their group missions with them.
    Also, about absence/consequences: As I designed the rank structure above, the idea was to limit the number of roles that are actually requiered to have a regular presence within the guild. For this particular case, the only one that would need to have a regular presence would be the Marshall. Then, he can appoint as many generals, captains and jedi masters to help him running the guild day to day activity as he needs. Also the Grand Masters can always get involved, if they pleases, and also can nominate more active members as their deputies. The idea was to create an environment where the number of those requiered to have regular presence to be minimum.
    Of course, for this to work, we will need to do massive recruitment to have a pool of candidates for those roles to choose from. From what I’ve seen so far, for a guild to actually work with a relaxed presence rules the number of members should be somewhere between 200-300, to work on long term. For IJO, this means a long way ahead 🙂
    But to get back to what I started from: different guild development stages requires different approaches in terms of rules. However, I keep my opinion that there should be an overseers board at the Guild Alliance level to act as warrants of Guild Alliance ideas and goals in all associated guilds. And that this board should be properly represented as specific overseers roles in any guild/clan/fleet we have in the Alliance. Even if, in certain cases, some peoples from certain games might not participate in all guilds involved. But if they choose to participate, even casually, they should be properly recognized. I liked the ambassador idea that Cat had, but i guess it would work only on those guilds where those members were not there from the begining, to let them accomodate with the ropes in that game. I also think that a good model for a guild structure is on 2 layers, one as a “legislative” council that is not required to be very present and one with an “executive” council for daily operations. The legislative council can be the GA board.
    Another observation: In the structure described above, as you may see, the Marshall will actually act as a guild leader for daily operations with a council to back him up, while the Grand Masters could only get involved to assure the fact that the GA ideals and goals are maintained. This kind of structure, if used properly, can also give reasons for a nice RP scenario, imho.

    Another thing: there also might be 2 different approaches on how a guild is managed: one would be a “democratic” one, where all members are somehow involved in legislating the guild rules and one more patriarhal, where there are some founders that ultimately are warrants of what that guild stands for and thus acts as an ultimate decission body. Personally I’m more inclined for the last model, especially after I’ve seen the quality of most players after a F2P model starts in a game.

    Bottom line is: in my opinion, even if we would have a basic set of rules, that cannot involve especially issues like presence and participations in other non-affiliated guilds, for the reasons stated above. However, there should be a consensus about what a guild should accept as a basic rule, to be part of the Guild Alliance. One of those basic rule can be the one about communications. Another one could be the one about recognizing Guild Alliance leadership in a certain way. The level of that recognition can vary from ambassadorial status up to general management status.

    All that was written above only concerns the IJO. Also I must state(again) that my english might not be the best one, so, if anything is unclear, please let me know and I’ll clarify it.
    I am also not sure that this post’s place is good here. Maybe it should go under IDIC Forum, but I preferred to directly reply on the risen issue. Please feel free to move this post to any other place if you see fit.
    In the next posts I’ll continue to develop the idea that I had for IJO functioning.

    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    The first Jedi Council:
    For the first Jedi Council I selected those from IDIC that were part of IJO from the begining, those being: Plasma, Londi, Ingrid, Flash and myself. For those I selected as council members those force sensitive toons that are most leveled for each of them. All other toons that they have received the rank of General. There are also reserved seats in the Council for Catstar, Law and Nei, if they would ever choose to join this game/guild.
    It would be nice if we would have a sub-forum in here dedicated for the council, so that we could have a place to discuss council related issues. It would be also nice if we would be able to organize the first Council meeting in-world, somewhere in the next weeks.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    Regarding the guild alliance, is this based on a council of 5 members? Or is it for all the leaders in each game?

    Thanks for the clarification 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    The way I see it there should be formed by those that showed interest and placed resources in the games we play and are recognized as leaders in their respective games. I won’t limit their numbers on 5, the more being the better, if we consider the actual presence each of us can have in the games we’re playing, more means we can back up for each other easier.
    Also, the way I see it, we can always bring into that council those persons that we’ve learned to trust during the time and who proven loyalty for the ideals of IDIC. As Law said in another post, after all, IDIC stands for “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”. The council should represent exactly that.
    As you probably saw, I’m the kind of person that tend to follow her heart instead of trying to forge rules and then abide to them.

    Post count: 2368


    Post count: 2368

    Bottom line is: in my opinion, even if we would have a basic set of rules, that cannot involve especially issues like presence and participations in other non-affiliated guilds, for the reasons stated above. However, there should be a consensus about what a guild should accept as a basic rule, to be part of the Guild Alliance. One of those basic rule can be the one about communications. Another one could be the one about recognizing Guild Alliance leadership in a certain way.

    I agree with what your saying, I think we should create a list of ‘common’ rules that can be set across the guilds, i recognize that we should seek a concensus fro the GA committee on these rules.

    Ingrid – The current GA committee has the 4 founding Guild members in it. I don’t see this being limited to that number in the future, however as Kara has indicated i think the committee should represent the games we are/have been playing.

    The way I see it there should be formed by those that showed interest and placed resources in the games we play and are recognized as leaders in their respective games. I won’t limit their numbers on 5, the more being the better, if we consider the actual presence each of us can have in the games we’re playing, more means we can back up for each other easier.
    Also, the way I see it, we can always bring into that council those persons that we’ve learned to trust during the time and who proven loyalty for the ideals of IDIC. As Law said in another post, after all, IDIC stands for “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”. The council should represent exactly that.

    In addition I have begun formalising the GA a bit, please see this forum I started a few weeks ago http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=67

    Post count: 2368

    Just becareful as to not make things too complicated for all concerned. I, myself am going back to the basics, I dont need a rank to team up with and enjoy spending time with my friends, that will be my goal when I log into the game from now on. That being said, I think ill take a back seat to this ordeal until everyone important has grabbed up thier portion, then ill see where i fit in. Once bitten, twice shy. =U.U=

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