Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET I.J.O – Guild Bank Update

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    Greetings everyone 🙂
    The guild bank is now operational on the light side too and I started to stock it up with goodies (is already about 50% full). Please feel free to use anything from there that you need 🙂
    Also in the next few days I’ll start to add credits to both guild banks so that they would be used for repairs. A 50K/week for repairs will be available starting at the recruit level as a recruiting incentive. This allowance being increased with the ranks for up to 10.000.000 for the council (practic unlimited, but the way bank works a limit must be set). Also I’ll continue to add blue and purple quality items for all levels in there.
    As soon as I’ll start to make more credits from crafting, i’ll try to get more bank vaults for us to diversify the range of items we stock in there.
    Best regards,

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